COLDSPRING 9/19/2024
An endrun motion for summary judgement filed by candidate Sam Houston against SJC Sheriff Greg Capers election contest action was smacked down today by the judge giving SJC Sheriff Capers a second victory in his effort to bring transparancy and accountability to the race being contested.
POINTBLANK 9/14/2024
Where are we at when a drug addled, infamous for drug dealing EX Cop is openly campaigning for reportedly the most corrupt and criminal sheriff in East Texas, Woodrow Wallace?
The recent address to commissioners with proof documents pertaining to the criminal acts of Woodrow Wallace can be seen HERE. In the comments is where you will find Chris Lima stumping for the corrupt sheriff he adores.
Because come election time, Woodrow, Lee Hon, Sam Houston and the Lima/Black/ Tyler combo will team up and not only use inmate labor and county property, they will use it for political fund raising just like they did before . . . remember? It was a crime then. It is a crime now but the Texas Rangers 'Public Integrity" unit seems to be blind to crimes at times.
To support Sentinel efforts, , FOLLOW THIS LINK for give, send go.
this is the Cash app link$SteveCwatson56
Any contribution will help keep this watchman on the wall.
CLEVELAND 7/24/2024
A local natural wetlands that has long been called, "Boggy Creek" by locals that lies between hiway 59 and Plum Grove Rd in behind the Texas Timberjack location is under threat of damage.
An oil skimmer 'cement pond' between the industrial washrack and the wetlands would seem to be the least effort that could be made to protect the natural wetland but a Sentinel investigation has revealed no such drainage infrastructure in place. Instead, the washrack grease aand grime are allowed to run into the natural drainage into Boggy Creek. The last time we had opportunity to ride through boggy creek, it was void of the teeming life that was once present. As a youngster, we often drove thru the shortcut before Timberjack gated it off.
“Let’s get to it” was The Honorable Judge McCaig’s opening instruction to both attorneys after clarifying that he had read the pleadings before The Court up to and including Houston’s Motion For Summary Judgement and answers. Encouraging the attorneys to use that information as a ‘base’ to start from, Judge McCaig then set the process in motion with his directive. His honor made it plain that he was in no way precluding the counselors from laying whatever foundation they felt they needed to lay but was letting them know that he was up to speed on the case and ready for them to move forward.
Houston’s attorney started his show by stating his name and going right into his claim that Sheriff Capers suit was not filed in a timely manner and therefore , “must be dismissed.”
Railey went on to speak about records being ‘available’ and even stated, “All of the exact same information was available on the Secretary of State (S.O.S.) website”. That ended up being a lie that would soon return to bite him and his client in the butt.With the time frames in the law being tied to the goal posts of, “results” of the election and, “records” of the election, Houston’s attorney tried to conflate the two as interchangeable when they are not. Each stands alone and has a definition, a purpose and a place.
Sheriff Capers Attorney illustrated that official results and election records, “are the goal posts” by raising his two hands in the air. He put it on cookie shelf level about how the time constraints written in the Election Code are based on these events that are different yet related. One is the event, the other is the records of that event.
Caper’s team then took it to the cookie jar analogy. With the S.O.S. website containing “results” only told us the totals of how many votes were in the jar. “It didn’t say how many votes in the jar were from convicted felons or people that didn’t register in time but were allowed to vote. It didn’t tell how many votes were provisional ballots or an illegal vote for violating election law in some way
The source of the confusion by the Houston camp may have been an evidence exhibit in the pleadings that was a declaration by SJC Republican chair, Dwayne Wright. In this declaration, Wright stated that the records were “ available” because he had followed the law and posted the results on the S.O.S. website. It was a self aggrandizing, sickly suck up narrative in his sworn statement proving our suspicion that Dwayne Wright is squarely in the Houston camp. This is the same Dwayne Wright that took a ten thousand dollar bribe from the Janice Holt campaign to back stab the incumbent State Rep. The same Dwayne Wright that didn’t seem to care that Houston’s ‘Captain’Sparta did not live in SJC and let him get on the ballot. When asked if Sparta’s DL address matched the address on his application, Wright replied, “It’s not my job to check that. I just file the documents.” Sources say Wright is still flying the 'SPARTA' banner outside his version of a republican party office. Maybe he is already planning to heop with an underdog comeback for Sparta's political career.
In addition, Sparta was allowed to run for office and to register to vote and vote despite not meeting the residency requirements.Judge McCaig asked a specific question regarding the term, “Available” in the Election Code. Remember, Dwayne Wright is declaring that the election records were “available” in time to fit Sam’s narrative but low and behold, it isn’t as simple as Sam’s attorney thinks it is or Liar Wright says it is.
Liar may be a little harsh there. He may just really be an idgit.
The Honorable McCaig asked what appeared to be a simple question with his, "what does 'available' mean?"
Sam's lawyer pulled out his print out of the Websters dictionary defintion, "able to be obtained". He followed up with, "It doesn't say has been obtained but just able to be obtained". He should have shut up there but he added, "Even your honor can look that up"
Before I cover the part of the story leading to the Judge's decision, I need to look up some code references Sheriff Caper's attorney made and look over my notes again because the statement The Honorable McCaig made prior to rendering his decision was not only weighty, it expressed a vital truth for our nation, not just East Texas.
Sam's attorney made another bush league mistake He filed a traditional "Motion for Summary Judgement" and then tried to present it as a "No Evidence Motion for Summary Judgement."
Understanding the difference is an entire semester of law school so lets just say they are different and cannot be conflated. Was he being deceptive or just inept? Only his barber knows for sure. Sheriff Caper's attorney nipped those nefarious efforts in the bud then he answered the judge's question about what, 'available' meant in the law.
Sheriff Capers' attorney first defined right out of the Election Code what qualified as an 'election record'. It is a massive amount of documents. These documents include SS numbers, DL numbers, phone numbers, addresses, gender, race and such so there is no way, DESPITE what Dwayne Wright swore to in his sworn Sam Houston butt kissing statement, that he made the records 'AVAILABLE' to anyone. That goal post was never planted so that time frame isn't even running YET. To illustrate that point, Sheriff's attorney produced page after page requesting records on the SJC Election Administrators web site requesting records for this and even other elections were met with, "OOPS That record is not available".
Houston's attorney tried to bypass that glaring fact with, "I have a sworn statement from SJC Duly elected republican party chairman right here that says they are available.
'They cannot identify one single document that was withheld that was not publicly available when requested. "
So unless there is anything else Judge” Houston's attorney quipped.
“I want to ponder just a moment” Judge McCaig stated.
After a brief period, he began to relay his decision with,
“Well done both counsel”
The Honorable McCaig shared some of his thought process and experience with these observations.
“The term ‘election integrity’ has been a watch word for the last four years. “
The judge stated then followed with,
One of the things I’ve learned sitting on a couple of election cases is how important people look at these matters and while we have some changes in the law Sept 1, 2023, it appears that the Court Of Appeals (/C.O.A.) is reluctant to draw a bright line that says this is absolute. Most C.O.A. that I am familiar with continues opting instead to say, “The will of the voters controls what we are going to do unless the statute is So crystal clear. That there is no longer anything to it. “When I look what we have in the statute and I look the key question about it, “Is there a material fact issue involved?” what area are we talking about?
*”What are the election records”
*”Where are they held”
When were they available
What was available.
And how do you go about finding them to be available?
When ever you have a, ‘who, what, when and where, you have a fact issue. With that unfortunately counsel, I am going to deny your motion.”
The judge asked if the parties were willing to go off the record and discuss dates available. Houston’s lawyer objected on the record and reserved the right to appeal and argue the same arguments at trial to which Judge McCaig replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way”
Sheriff Capers attorney was pressing for the soonest possible date so when the court coordinator and Clerk named soonest dates, at the Sept 25 option, all parties were open except Sheriff Caper’s attorney had an important case on his calendar but assured The Court that he would work that out to accommodate the soonest possible opportunity.
With that, the dates were set and the crowd began leaving the full courtroom. It wasn’t bustin at the seams but definitely a full house prompting one attorney to comment on the high attendance. I believe Judge McCaig's, "How important" the issue was to people was his notice of the crowd size.
Sorry so brief yesterday. cable internet was down all day and the headline story was done just with a smart phone. this is a file photo of Sheriff Capers being sworn in.
SAM Houston's Motion for Summary Judgement was soundly defeated today in the 411th District Court with The Honorable District Judge McCaig presiding by appointment. SJC's own Honorable Robert Hill Trapp. He is our region's Administrative Judge amd he made the appointment citing Judge McCaig's prior experience with election law cases. We will publish more on the story later today Lord willing and the cable stays on.
ONSLASKA 8/7/2024
How does a simple investigation into the mayor using treatedcity water to keep his pond full during the last bad drought 'morph' to
a deep dive into multiple non profits, utilities and now nepotism? When we compared the coordinates given for the IP address being used to attack 'The Sentinel' website to google maps 'Street View' photo of the truck below, danged if it isn't the "Stash Estate' property in Onalaska. Some friends and family may recognise the Stash Estate pond in the Google Map photo. According to open records, the Onalaska Water and Gas truck is assigned to employee, Chris Topkin and he is married to one of the Stash siblings. Since Steve Stash run his head on FB bashing our PB and SC water supply falsely accusing them of nefarious practices, I sliced and diced him and his accusations publically. Is it retribution that they attack my website or is it orders from Laverty's "higher tier" ? He blamed all of the missing water from permission to action on his, "lower tier" employee was the exact phrase.
We entered the geolocation address on one of the IP addresses that hacked my website into, 'Google Street View' and Looky here Looky here what is sittin in the driveway. It is a truck owned and operated by the Onalaska Water and Gas 'non profit'.
Any Questions?
Yes sir, yes sir three bags full.
Walker County and Montgomery County courthouse complexes both showed up on the list of IP addresses provide by my web host out of Germany. The IP address number in Walker Co indicates it is an F.B.I. router according to investigators.
you know who you are. Call me. Once I am convinced you have a real investigation going, I will leave it alone. Just like I did on the Linda Vincent Embezzlement, the phony airplane tail numbers operation and the D.E.T.C.O.G. case on Walter Diggles. The corporate connections to the who's who of Polk Co makes it interesting.
A comprehensive list of the IP addresses of the devices that have tried to log into this wesite control panel that includes the date range of the 11 hack attacks was received at the sThe sentinel offices this morning,. Thankyou IONOS Legal Team.
IONOS Legal team has agreed to a records search for the information we are requesting regarding the Internet Protocol address of the device used to attack this website. They have already confirmed that the information we already have showing Onalaska as the geo location is accurate. The actual IP address of the particular device will take a deeper dive into archive records that the legal team has agreed to undertake.
After receiving the notice of attacks on my website,, a cyber sleuth volunteer extrapolated the below data off of my web site analytics page as the last ten log ins. Accordingly, he adentified, 'Windows NT as a version employed by many municipalities that have multiple devices networked together. Further research show Edge 126 and 127 are also written for networking systems. That indicates that at least two computers on the, "Onalaska" geolocated server attempted to hack into our website.
Following good advice, we are seeking IP addresses for the router(s) these attacks generated from. If they are indeed, City of Onalaska, we will open records request the data from their files to determine the likely perpetrator. "All it tells me is they have something to hide and are scared" was the both of our observations on the matter. Stay tuned for more on this story.
In nearly ten years of online publishing, The Sentinel has gotten an occassional notice in red of a payment due but never have we received a notice like this. IONOS is a great host and even provided me with all the documetationproving Lee Hon and Tommy Coleman tried their best to shut our publication down. Wonder who I pissed off now that fancies themselves a hacker?
ONALASKA 7/26/2024
More allegations of wrong doing by an elected official in Onalaska have surfaced and evidence is being collected per an official source. These allegations are seperate from the water issue but are crimnal in nature.
A life long resident, reflecting on the lack of an official complaint from the Onalaska P.D about the treated city water being used to fill the mayor's pond said, "they (PD) only does what the mayor tells them to do."
As it stands, there is no complaint filed so no official action on the water. Allegations that more than one elected official was fully aware of the goings on but, "don't want to get involved"contributing to that lack of a formal complaint having been made.
Paul Laverty who is over the water and gas did reply to a Sentinel Open Records request for the pertinenet 'Flushing Report' required by law. We are in the process of having that report reviewed by an water system expert familiar with the program used but initial observations indicate a number of 'revisions' have been made.
According to the University of New Mexico hydrology studies, a three inch pipe such as the 'cobra' in the picture, under only gravity feed pressure from a water tower will flow 405 gallons per minute (GPM) According to operators guidelines,, the act of 'flushing' lines is to be performed under pump pressure to ensure sediment and such is flushed.
In the flushing report, the flow rate is listed as 125 GPM along with the number of minues the line is flushed.
At just gravity feed pressure, that would allow hiding 2/3 rds of the water actually used. If pump pressure is used, even more. Multiple sources calculating flow range from the low of 405 GPM to almost 2000 GPM for a 3 inch pipe.
A seperate complaint on a county official has also been lodged with the P.C.S.O. "Since they are an elected official, it will result in a Ranger investigation so think on it" Lyons admonished the complaintant. The Sentinel has been provided with documentation that the complaint was submitted to P.C.S.O.
Jimmy Steelhammer's mother and the Arnetts mother are sisters. That means big bad FB meanie name calling tough guy Jimmie is cousin to the mayor. It is a small world and gets really small in Onalaska. It is a family affair there. The Arnett family dynasty spokesperson, Jimmy Steelhammer posted my picture and really old news all the currupt without fail use just before they fall by the wayside politically speaking. The Sentinel is batting 1000 on that fact so knoek your lights out lil buddy. I keep telling you idiots, you can't ruin my credibility, only I can do that.
Yet another credible eye witness to the water theft during drought by the mayor to fill his pond has surfaced. We did receive a statement from Paul Laverty yesterday claiming it was just routine 'flushing' of the line with what he called, "waste water". There is no way to justify using the amount of water it took to fill the pond as, "flushing". We are seeking opportunity to review the state mandated, "flushing reports".
The totality of witnesses so far proves more than one city and county govt official was aware of the practice.
That's all you got? Call me bitch and hoe in your private FB group? What a punkster. I looked at your FB to see who you were after the screen snip of your meanie post was submitted to The Sentinel by a long time reader. Seeing the picture of you sucking face with a little boy reminded me who you are. You are the mouthy punk that was defending ex Onalaska corrupt police officer,Chris Lima when I was exposing his criminal wrong doing. You know him. He is still your FB friend. He is the "cop" who was busted by Texas Rangers for dealing drugs in uniform and on patrol in a marked patrol vehicle for woody wallace after I outed him for his crimes. Now you are calling me names to defend the mayor? lol. You are a sick puppy kissing a kid like that even if he is yours. I raised three boys into men and would never kiss them with a full mouth kiss like that. I would not have even kissed my daughters like that. You call me names. The difference in you and me is when I say somehting,I back it up with proof. Let me give your company Precision Tractor work a shout out about now.
You remember when I outed Linda Vincent for her embezzlement and folks like you, Lee Hon, Tommy coleman and of course the Vincent girls were calling me Liar, Fake news etc until the federal hammer fell. You may remmeber the fake airplane tail numbers story I broke and again was called all manner of names, especially by your buddy Chris Lima until the federal hammer fell. I will add your poquito ponocho post in your private FB group to my, "Customer Testimonal" page file.
Steve Watson
UPDATE 7/22/2024
Paul Laverty who is over the Onalaska water system seems to think using city water to fill up the mayor's pond on private property during a drought is just AOK. But that isn't the 'laughable' part. He also seems to think he can tell independent journalists what they are and are not allowed to write about or quote in their stories. What a numb nuts.
Laverty aknowledges doing the pond fill up although he attributes the act to, "lower tier" employees giving mayor permission to fill his pond during the drought with city water.
According to credible sources, the evidence of this theft of city water has been turned over to the Polk County District Attorney. We have not verified that yet.
The stand pipe pictured is called a, "cobra' by licensed water operators because of its resemblence to a 'snake in the grass'.
When questioned about the pond filling incident, Laverty promised to send a 'press release' today but nothing so far despite my written request to be included in the mailing list.
Even if we can not get answers from him, there are some pesky little public records that are required by law called the, "pump report", 'flushing report' and the directors report that will show how much water was pumped out of the city wells into the storage, how much was metered out and the difference in those figures will give some accurate answers as to how much city water was used to fill the mayor's pond. Did we mention it was during a drought?
Another thing that Laverty and the mayor may not realize that we know is that it is a crime to operate a flushing valve on a water system unles you are a licensed water operator. As of this publication, the fire hose is still laid out toward the pond where it can be pulled over and hooked up to the city water flushing valve in minutes.
7/19/2024 ONALASKA
Looking for others
Even though the warning was sounded, it was not heeded. SNAKE IN THE GRASS!!!!!
Is it going to bite the Chief of Police and the DA too? Stay tuned for more information on this story but till then, just PONDer
7/19/2024 ONALASKA
Byron Dunaway, a former PCSO deputy has been hired as the police chief for the City of Onalaska and has now been on the job for two days. Former Chief, Jessica Stanton has taken a job with the Polk County Sheriff's Office. In an interview, she touted, "Politics" as the reason for her departure when asked by an investigative journalist but friends claim on FB that it was just for, "a better opportunity".
Our last investigation by open records request into Byron Dunaway showed no complaints or reprimands in his file before the one The Sentinel submitted in writing to sheriff Ken Hammack. I just have to wonder if that one made it into his file. Dunaway and I had a run in over here in SJC while he was in uniform and a marked patrol vehicle for Polk Co. S.O. when he tried to be a bully me and push his weight around in my county. Dunaway found out quick that The Sentinel pushes back. We have not had anymore complaints since then.
Greetings to the Judges of Angelina County,
On October 19, 2018, I sent an email to multiple Judges of Angelina County notifying them I was going to sue them. A copy of that email is contained in the attachments. The name of the file is “2019-10-28 Filed No. 2019-0291 Defendant's Amended Motion for Recusal of Trial Judges .pdf.” See pages 4-5. I was arrested for false charges for a Facebook live video that I produced and broadcasted on December 6, 2018. I believe the arrest was the corroborative effort and conspiracy involving Doug Conn, Judge Ball, Judge Inselmann, Joe Martin, and Judge White. While I don’t directly accuse Judge Cassels or Janet Cassels in the conspiracy, their actions over the years contributed to the arrest. Both of them sought to demonize me for requesting public information. They couldn’t go within 1000 feet of the aforementioned Judges without telling them how bad I was and that I would harm them as well. They set the stage for the events that happen regarding the false arrest at a minimum.
In today’s previous email, I sent a notice of intent to sue. I am anticipating false charges as before. Be well advised anyone that involves themselves in a conspiracy to falsely arrest me will see a different result than the last time. I am well prepared and will make sure the property authorities are notified or others will on my behalf.
7/17/2024 COLDSPRING
Commissioners Court did NOT act on the resignation letter of Vicki Shelly today and will consider the issue at the next meeting instead.
The integrity of our Election Administrator is top notch. No one, including SheriffCapers has questioned her integrity as she has earned and retains the trust and respect of every elected official I know. Something is out of whack because no candidate has come from behind in early voting to win on election day in the last 40 years that I know of. The massive influx of new voter registrations is also an oddity. Ms Shelly is in the same position as the county clerk. If someone brings in a deed that is signed and notarized, by law, she has to file it. Same with voters registrations. If they "moved" to SJC, they have a right to register. It is the ones that didn't move but just said they did that interferred with our election. People like Peter Sparta who lied on his voter registration and his application to be on the ballot in the constable race.
To give you an inkling of the stickler for election laws that Ms. Shelly is, during the first election Donald Trump was in, one of her long time trusted election workers named Ed Trump was not allowed to wear his name tag with Trump on it in the polling place. He was just 'Ed' that day. This last election, Sam Houston Electric workers were not allowed to wear company shirts into the polls because they had the same name as a candidate printed on their work shirts. I know Ms. Shelly is frustrated and tired of the constant barrage of questions and accusations from those who want to place blame but it is my hope that the commissioners will not accept her resignation too quickly. If Ms. Shelly can just hold on until after the hearing in August and if the judge lets the evidence speak, the truth will come out. There is no doubt that the influx of "new voters" that registered here and voted and then moved their registration back to their home county speaks volumes about the cheating going on. No one I know wants to just re run the election. They all want to know what actually happened to make this race so beyond the normal SJC election.
Please Ms. Shelly, temper your frustration with some more patience. We don't want to lose a great Election Administrator.
7/15/2024 COLDSPRING
Long time SJC Election Administrator, Vicki Shelly submitted her letter of resignation this afternoon just weeks before the hearing scheduled for Aug 5th, to determine if the sheriff's race will be overturned. Commissioners Court is having an emergency meeting this Wednesday. The conditions at the jail are, I am sure, the main agenda item. Sentinel readers and long time residents will remember that SJC Sheriff, Greg Capers has been warning the commissioners of the need for a new jail for years. Under Capers leadership, the jail has produced income for several years. That will cease and be replaced by added expenditures to Polk and Walker County for housing our inmates now. The projected time fame is three to six months tentatively.
7/18/2024 WASHINGTON D.C.
Murphy is a retired Green Beret sniper that was interviewed for the article we took a snippet from at left. Not only is he speaking for himself, Murphy said in the article that he spoke with several other Green Beret snipers in his circle and they also agreed that the assassination attempt had the earmarks of an inside job.
When you consider that demon minion we have for president now stated publically days before the shot that Trump needed to be put in the bullseye, are there any questions?
Cheadle, Biden, Obama and that b i itch that put forth the bill to drop Trump's SS protection all need to be rounded up, taken to Guantanamo Bay and quesitioned about their obvious demoncrat conspiracy.
"Investigators cremate body and wash down all biological evidence right away. Now reports are that his phone data was deleted. Any Questions?
There is no way a sniper nest could be established that close to a planned event unless the sniper was ALLOWED to get there. Protocol is the protection agency clears and maintains control of any potential sniper position in the area of a planned event. ESPECIALLY such a perfect spot so close. This is an inside deep state job. PERIOD.
When that demoncrat rep proposed a bill to remove President Trump's SS detail, I told my family that they were going to try to kill him. I said, "Try" because just like a million more americans, we have been praying for Truth and Jutice to prevail and an inpenatrable hedge of protection around him.
I wrote this story immediatly after hearing the news of the shooting. Afterwards, it came to light that a witness saw the sniper, told police, pointed him out and yet the SS snipers did not take himout until after he got several shots off. The Secret Service NOT having that roof top secured was planned. THAT is the darkness we are up against. If they are willing to kill babies in the womb, an old man is no stretch. It is a spiritual battle so we must use spiritual weapons starting with the Sword of Truth.
The feds have already made it legal for illegal aliens to register to vote in america, "for federal elections only". Biden vetoing this bill to protect the integrity of our elections speaks volumes about their dishonest intentions for this coming presidential election. HERE is more info
7/15/2024 COLDSPRING
A problem that has plagued the SJC Jail since it was constructed has reared it's costly ugly head forcing commissioners court to seek repair bids again.
High winds from the recent storm lifted the roof up causing major damage and the building has been condemned for human habitation by the jail commission according to county sources, forcing the movement of all inmates to other jails. According to one source, it was, "raining inside" the building.
In order to keep the inmates safe, the moves were necessary. We did interview two commissioners that did not know the extent of damages
Inmates have been moved to Polk County and Walker County. Our jailers are working the Polk County facility because Polk Co did not have enough jailers to meet the jail standards with the sudden influx of SJC inmates.
Unconfirmed but reliable source indicates that the first hearing in the sheriff's race contested election has been set for Monday, August 5th at 1:30 PM. We have not received an official notice from the 411th court coordinator yet but an always accurate source has shared this info as a tenative court date.
Unless some change is made, the hearing will be held in the SJC Courthouse District Court room on the 411th docket.
There has been a lot of interest and speculation with one persistant rumor being that the election would just be re run on Super Tuesday as long as no write in candidates signed up. This tentative court date occurs before the final date for write in candidates. Most who have commented want answers, not just a re run.
William Lee Hon's former ADA, Tommy Coleman was sactioned and fined 25,000 dollars plus ordered to pay lawyer fees in a civil case Coleman filed and lost. In Hon's desperate attempt to silence Polk County Publishing during his failed efforts in a judge race, he had his lil buddy file a lawsuit against them.
Hon proved his involvement in provoking the lawsuit by publishing a scathing legal opinion that attacked the premise of my origianl story. He also made a personal endorsement of Tommy Coleman. Having authored the first story that led to the lawsuit, it was only after the Enterprise reporter, Valerie Reddel picked up the story and used the evidence The Sentinel published as proof in her publihed story that Coleman sued.
A more accurate estimate of total costs to Coleman for letting Hon manipulate him into a stupid lawsuit has been stated as nearer to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS.
Forgive me for chuckling when I remember Coleman's FB post early on after filing the suit that a reader submitted. Coleman commented about how someone was going to buy him a new Corvette. That reminds me of the FB meme Coleman posted two days after having me indicted on several felonies. It said, "It is all fun and games until someone gets indicted". The Sentinel published the meme a reader submitted with the reply, "Do you think I am playing Mr. Coleman?" We the people had the victory.
Coleman moved to Jefferson County DA's office after his sound defeat of any political ambitions here.
As an investigative journalist, I did feel compelled to warn that office that they had hired a lieing, cheating lil exculpatory evidence witholding punk as ADA that would compromise the integrity of their office.
Latest word out of Jefferson County is that Coleman has been disciplined there for just such actions. The Sentinel is seeking records to confirm or disprove those allegations.
An attorney friend asked me, "Steve, why do you think they sued The Enterprise for the story and not you?"
" That one is easy. My attorney and that I don't own anything. :
A Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) often makes it difficult to find employment unless the supervisor decides to overlook the BCD.
Also, there is a complete loss of military benefit because congress does not recognize those with a BCD as veterans.
as the less than honorable discharge is referred to by the real marines.
Another responsive and informative call from Matt Parish, LPD Chief of Police in Livingston got to the crux of the matter. "She (defendant) has the right to revoke consent for you to see the video anytime just like she has the right to revoke consent to search her vehicle anytime." Chief clarified that the LPD consent to view form's language not only documented her consent to let us view the body cam footage, it also informs her of her right to withdraw or revoke consent in the midst of the viewing. "She might remember there is something she doesn't really want you to see and stop it" Parish added, "and she has that right"
Our discussion continued a little more when Chief Parish offered to play the portion of the audio of her and Officer Stuart's initial interaction. Not only was Officer Stuart professional, courteous and accomodating just as chief stated I would see, the driver plainly gives consent to search the bag. Not just once but twice. Just as predicted in the first story written about this incident, a conclusive finding that LPD Officer Stuart did conduct himself within dept policy has to reaffirm the public trust and confidence that the P.D. holds.
UPDATE 6/14/2024
A written statement by the driver involved in the traffic stop over 'defective' license plate lights has signed a written statement authorizing us to view the body cam footage of the stop and arrest. The only remaining contention is whether the officer obtained consent from the driver to search her purse. She says he didn't. Lt. Parish says he did and the BWC footage will prove it. We are seeking opportunity to take advantage of Chief Parish's offer to let us view that BWC with written permission. Stay tuned for the results of this effort at determining the Truth.
UPDATE 6/16/2024
A previous offer to allow Sentinel to review the body cam of an arrest with a written release from the defendant was "modified" to the requirement that the defendant come into the station in person amd sign a form they prescribe. What started as a simple, "written permission" has evolved into an intimidating hoop jumping opportunity for the PD to present the fine print. The Lt.'s Contention that it is a reqirement is not expressed in the code pertaining to open records. It is the individual agencies right to release what they decide to release barring personal identifiers. Just calling me and playing the section of audio Lt Parish claims exonerates his officer would suffice. Instead, one more hurdle is put in placebetween us and getting to the truth with proof . . . . our favorite kind.
6/13/2024 LIVINGSTON
After aknowledging that although the license plate lights were lit up the night of the stop, Lt. Matt Parish of the LPD noted that they were, "grungy". He correctly stated that the law requires the plate to be able to be read from 50 feet away. (Transportation code 547.322)Parish contends that the lights were not illuminating the plate sufficiently to meet the legal requirements. As for the search of the driver's purse, Lt. Parish did offer to let The Sentinel review the BWC footage as long as the driver would consent to it in writing. Parish contends that his officer did plainly ask for and was granted permission to search the purse on video before he found the little bags of white powder. Parish shared that if we took opportunity to review the tape, we would not only hear the request to search and consent given but would also see a very professional and courteous officer that conducted a good stop on the vehicle.
"I am all for transparency" Parish said, "but I do have an obligation to preserve the evidence in the case as well."
Lt. Parish and I have had other interactions over the years and my experience is that he is a man of his word and that he will back his officers all the way when they are right.
We will advise the defendant of the fair offer that LPD has made and see where that leads. My money would be on the tape saying exactly what Lt. Parish says it says but our obligation at The Sentinel is to seek the truth. We did contact the LPD prior to the story being written and were met with the OAG opinion. We had evidence the lights were working and went with the proof we had. As publisher of The Sentinel, I do appreciate anytime someone will make contact so we might both be fully informed. My prayer has been that if this young mother is on drugs that she would get help. My constant prayer is that Truth and Justice prevail.
LIVINGSTON 5/30/2024
Another troubling case has emerged in Polk County, as yet another mother comes forward with allegations of Civil Rights violations perpetrated by the Livingston Police Department. The allegations center around a disputed search conducted by a police officer, raising questions about transparency, accountability, and the protection of individual rights.
The mother, whose identity remains undisclosed, has made startling claims regarding an encounter with a Livingston police officer. According to her account, she was subjected to a search without proper consent, leading to concerns about potential violations of her Civil Rights. Specifically, she asserts that while she granted permission for the officer to search her vehicle, she was never asked about her purse which she exited the car with, and was the first thing the officer searched.
The discrepancy between the officer's account, which claims consent to search both the vehicle and the purse. The mother's recollection of events has ignited controversy and demands for clarification. In an effort to resolve the matter and obtain a definitive record of the incident, a request to view the Body-Worn Camera (BWC) footage from the officer involved was promptly submitted.
However, instead of facilitating transparency and addressing the concerns raised by the mother's allegations, the Livingston Police Department opted to refer the request to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for an opinion. Citing concerns that the release of the footage could "interfere with the prosecution of the crime," the department has effectively delayed the resolution of the matter and left key questions unanswered.
If the BWC footage ultimately confirms the mother's version of events, it would underscore the importance of transparency and oversight in law enforcement practices. Conversely, if the officer's actions are found to be in accordance with protocol, it would serve to make a solid case and improve trust in the integrity of policing in Polk County.
As this story continues to unfold, The Sentinel Alert will closely monitor developments and provide updates to the community. Regardless of the outcome, one thing remains clear: the protection of Civil Rights and the accountability of law enforcement are fundamental pillars of a just and equitable society. With these questions being raised right on the heels of a particularly agregious case of illegal search and seizure by the P.C.S.O. and DPS several weeks ago. We want to know if the PD is learning anything or just set in their ways? As it stands, we have definitive photographic PROOF that the license plate lights are and were working despite the claims the officer made in the sworn affidavit. Proof this mother will be able to produce in court. That lends credence to the mother's claim that she did NOT give permission for the officer to search her purse either.
We have had multiple complaints about folks being stopped on the pretext of, "defective license plate lights" that the driver claims were working. The difference is this time, we have the proof.
Let's put all of the, "Protect and Serve" mantra aside and state plainly what we expect from our officers. detect, investigate and collect evidence for the DA to make case that will hold up under scrutiny. After all, "Truth demands scrutiny."
Instead, you want to send her a Sworn affidavit with your bald face LIE right in the middle of it and maybe, TWO Bald Face lies. You, in one fail swoop, clouded this case and every case you have worked on and every case you will work on. Way to go Einstein.
Our civil rights and probable cause protections are way more important and sacred
than your, "atta boy" pats on the back. You swore an oath to protect those rights. It seems that your word was no good then either. We are not the enemy. stop treating us like
we are. Listen to the "Made In China" video linked below. Who you want on your side?
The total number of proveable fraudulent votes cast in SJC has increased to a number north of 800 votes. Sam Houston has failed to answer the petition for a contested election by the time prescribed by law. Reliable sources state the more than one state agency is investigating. Manifold voters voted in two counties. At a minimum, the fraud effects Liberty and Montgomery County also. The legal action is technically not against Sam Houston but rather the administration of the election.
It is unlikely the entire SJC election would be overturned if no other candidates join the suit. It would only be the sheriff race. All indicators are that the process is on the fast track to get the initial ruling so the matter can move forward. We will keep an eye on the 411th docket for a posting.
The Honorable 506th District Judge, Albert McCaig Jr. who has been appointed to preside over the contested sheriff race case in San Jacinto county has a lifelong history of service. His dad served as county judge in Waller County before him. Judge Albert McCaig Jr was appointed to the District bench by Governor Rick Perry in 2007 and has run mostly unopposed since then. As an attorney, he served as the Waller County District Attorney and has served as special prosecutor. His private practice ran the gambit from Intellectual property rights to personel injury.
Judge McCaig was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and got his under grad from S.H.S.U. and his J.D from South Texas College of Law.
5/31/2024 NEW YORK CITY
The once proud Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America has been 'fundamentally transformed" by the enemies of this nation, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg Merick Garland and others. Their transformation includes our nations new flag which I fly here upside down in distress.
5/30/2024 SAN JACINTO CO
Attorney John Raney out of Houston filed the already late answer to Sheriff Capers petition to contest the election on behalf of the corrupt candidate, Sam Houston. In his late filing, Raney asks the judge to throw out the case because of an alleged late filing . . . . with a late filing of his own.
I am no attorney but this voter fraud investigation is more than a typical contested election. If the allegations Sheriff Capers makes are proven true, it is a criminal case and a whole different time frame exists for that.
Once again, I am not an attorney but I do fancy myself a bit of a word smith. The graphic posted with this article is a screen snip out of the answer Raney filed. In it, you can see for yourself that he does not comprehend the definition and use OR function of the conjunction, "or". Below is the definition right out of Websters.
—used as a function word to indicate an alternative
Yet Raney would have the court and the public believe that the word, "OR" means exactly the opposite of what it actually means.
Realizing that Noah and I are both Americans and we speak English, let us see what England's Cambridge dictionary has to say about the 'function of the conjuction'from it's very roots. That historic dictionary says:
Or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives.
Mr. Raney . . . Any Questions? Your, "in other words' is in error.
6/10/2024 POLK COUNTY
6/12/2024 POLK CO S.O.
It seems as if signing a sworn affidavit just brings out the creative writer side of some of the Polk County law enforcement community as yet another lying sworn affidavit surfaces. Wouldn't you know, the lie is sworn to by a long time LEO friend of William Lee Hon's and is ammo for another friend of William Lee Hon's. This one gets crazy quick because Hon's Horny Honey (pictured at left) even hit the guy up on FB trying to friend him to help Hon gather info. When I searched the AI files for, "Hon's Horny Honey", the picture popped up. Is that you Bethany? Is it true you hit Hon's client's ex up to friend him on FB? Do you ever feel used and manipulated or are you just keeping your own hand in?
Deputy Davalos, you ruin your credibility when you sign a sworn affidavit swearing to something you did not witness nor have any proof of just to damage someone's reputation and get them arrested.
5/30/2024 CAMILLA 7 AM
BODY FOUND FLOATING IN LAKE LIVINGSTON. A resident of Camilla Lake Sites is said to have gone to his dock to secure his boat during recent storm and was knocked or fell into the lake and drowned. The body was recovered this morning.
5/21/2024 UPDATE
The 24 page filing by Sheriff Capers contesting the recent republican primary election is well written and spells out specific issues including but not limited to illegal voters numbering well in excess of the 107 vote margin between the two candidates. The attorney cites multiple cases in support of his arguments.
5/20/2024 COLDSPRING
San Jacinto County Sheriff, Greg Capers has filed an original petition asserting an election contest against Sam Houston. This is breaking news just received. We will get the entire document tomorrow and bring more info about the allegations of ethical, civil and criminal violations by Sam Houston. To avoid any conflict and Due to the, "Time is of the essence" element, our Administrative Judge, The Honorable Robert Hill Trapp, has already assigned a visiting judge to hear the case in the 411th court. The Sentinel has documented some of Sam Houston's violations along the way including him failing to resign as constable when he launched his sheriff campaign as required by law. Houston is a cheater. Always has been. Nor woould the secretary of state enforce the automatic resignation simply because the signs did not say, "for sheriff" on them. The code does not requrie that the candidate run an ad or put specific language on a sign it only says when the campaign is made public. The corrupt Houston was telling all kind of folks of his intentions to run and putting up signs in all four precincts and an adjoining county. How do you think I was confident enough to publish the fact he was going to run even when Sparta would assure me Houston had no inteion to run. That whole ordeal just illustrates the spineless cheater sam houston is.
The page snip at left is from the FB of Dana Swanson. It was forwarded to me by another journalist with the question, "Wouldn't it be something if the voters of Polk Co just decided to take control from the 'powers that be' establishment all at once"?
5/19/2024 POLK COUNTY
With three months left for a write in candidate to enter the Polk County Sheriff's race, Republican candidate and incumbant sheriff, Byron Lyons seems intent to persue the illegal practices of the past. 'Hawg Law' if you will.
Public records prove the practice of illegal seizure and searches have been a hall mark of Polk County policing for GENERATIONS. Old habits die hard it seems. Just recently, the Honorable Judge Kitchens had to force the return of phones illegally seized from Brandon White under Hon's tenure in order to enforce the citizen's probable cause protections. Turns out the phone contained evidence that refuted the lying officer's sworn probable cause affidavit proving Hon had filed trumped up charges . . . again.
The case of Amberly Lambert where her guns were illegally seized and kept eventually exposing the years prior Polk Co S.O. scandal of 'evidence' guns being illegally pawned through Tammy Heeth's pawn shop. Current news proves, "missing law enforcement guns" are an epidemic in Texas.
"You are the ones who voted for him again" was the retort given a Lyons supporter who in the span since the primary, had their rights violated by the department's practices. "Don't complain to me now just because it happened to you too".
Having promoted the truth in SJC and Polk co that the write in window is still open and until november, our respective 'winners' are still just candidates, The Sentinel was contacted. The reader remembered the Polk Co resident, Dana Cowan-Swanson that we promoted as a qualified candidate. "Wouldn't you rather have someone with actual law enforcement background"?
"She can hire cops. Sheriff is an administrator position", was my instant reply. Then I noted that Dana Cowan-Swanson has degrees in the criminal justice field and real world experience of building and operating successful businesses. That requires budget work, hiring and sometimes firing and constant logistical supply. Check all he boxes there. Budget failures is one of the biggest issues facing Lyons according to auditor records.
One thing Polk County cannot deny is that the first female commissioner, Guylene Roberson has been a trememdous blessing to polk county. "She has been amazing" one life long resident noted. Having vetted Ms. Cowan-Swanson and her accomplishments to some degree, to discount her because she is a woman would be a mistake.
As a consistant advocate for addressing the apparent under current of ignoring assaults against women in Polk Co, Dana Cowan-Swanson is already paying attention to problems in the department.
Sentinel contributor notes that a good portion of the 'undecided' under vote may be folks only interested in voting in the national election.
With the republican primary run off elections bearing down on us in a couple of weeks, the question has been asked, "Was it your indecision that made the decision?"
In reflecting on the voting nubers in our recent sheriff's race , it was decided by less than 110 votes. the undervote was 189 votes. When you tally the total votes of each candidate and subtract that from the total number of voters who voted, 189 registered voters stood at the computer and could not make a decision between the two men.
Are the undeciders going to decide the run off's too? Every vote counts. Devote to vote
Corrigan "evidence" returned to Brandon White after years of being held. In it, you hear the chief tell Brandon, "you have trouble in Livingston but you "just don't know it."
There are several more really good chuckles before chief steps in it but the threatening folks with "The DA" and the, "you just don't know it" proves conspiracy. Gibson likes to threaten people. Here is an email from Gibson to The Sentinel;
4/9/2024 Livingston
Interference with public duty charges were dismissed against Brandon White, "In the interest of Justice" according to documents filed in Polk County. ADA Pierce made the motion and the court granted it helping rid the halls of justice of one more 'stinker' that Lee Hon 'let' on his way out the door.
Lee treated Polk Co Kind of like a soccer mom that has all the door and window locks at her mini van finger tips and some bad gas. Kids don't mind. . the process (ride) is the punishment.
Now the question is all about the crime of Stolen Valor. It is, after all, illegal.
For those who would fault me for putting this information forward, I will share my motive. A REAL MARINE asked me to go to bat for the young father and Father's rights as a friend of his about a year ago. An 80 year old Marine I mistakingly called, "an ex-marine" in conversation with his bride. "Oh no, he is still a Marine" she corrected me. "He is just not deployed anywhere at the moment." She also vouched for the integrity and credibility of the young father denied his child for 3 years. Only because Hon is friends with the step father (Woods) , who was' a Marine.
I will plainly mention, Sherry Sprayberry as the criminal facilitator of this crime against a child and his father. Sprayberry was a former employee of Hon, and now with Polk Co S.O. as the person charged with making sure the court orders were followed. She didn't. The S.O. was the meeting place for custody exchange. She was an EYE WITNESS to the criminal acts of Grady EX Marine, Woods and did NOTHING.
Another real Marine and supporter read the story and commented referring to Woods, "THAT is an EX Marine"
Further reading of Woods' court martial documents show it was posession and use of a controlled substance he was arrested and confined for,
To you, Grady Woods. For every time you denied a parent their child. For every time you demeaned that child's father calling him names and making false accusations about the man's character and integrity, For every time you leaned on your friendship with the prosecutor to get away with your CRIMES. here are your come uppins.
Steve Watson
50 W Oak Tree Dr.
POINTBLANK, (as it gets) Tx 77364
4/3/2024 CANYON PARK
Up to a dozen houses in just the Canyon Park subdivision in Onalaska. Tx have become squatter domains according to property owners there. A group from New York City have reportedly adverse possesed more than one structure by having gotten one house then called in 'family' to squat in another.
Florida has recently passed legislation to curb the practice. So far, Polk Co private property rights have not been fully enforced.
San Jacinto County dispatch went quiet again this morning when the their system shut down. An early morning call to The Sentinel questioning why no SJC radio traffic on the 'Lake Area Scanner' linked to our top banner for several hours very early. A just as early morning inquiry brought the answer that the system had crashed again. Sheriff Capers answered a 7:18 am question within minutes. "Just broadcasting over the VHF, not the 800 as they are working on that end of it."
Moments later, the webmaster of the scanner program called to say he was getting SJC calls over the radio again. "They must have rebooted" was his observation.
Different points of view see several solutions to the problem but none have been persued. All will take capital investment. In the meantime, it is the officers and the public left at risk when communications fail. Cell phones are great but when seconds count, a minute to place a call is too long.
The 800 mghz system and the current VHF system can be 'patched' or bridged together to give greater range. TxWarn system seeks to link up emergency responders all across the state and in one demonstration, allowed Sheriff Capers to speak with SJC dispatch in his vehicle from Galveston.
Another Federal program is also powerful and also allows communications with federal agencies. More information on that program is available HERE.
Several have made their thoughts known. Some want to convert to the 800 mghz system and others want to beef up what we have in VHF. Either way will take investment for infrastructure in towers and equipment.
POINTBLANK 3/29/2024
After a concerned caller questioning what the heck I was talking about Fred Grube and ten thousand dollars for, I did promise to clarify my comments.
After having exposed 'Nexus Strategies' for taking 10K from the Holt campaign and proving their address was the same address as Dwayne and Dawn Wright, The Hon Honey began chastizing me via messenger. She took issue because I didn't lamblast Fred Grube when he was Polk Co Chair and endorsed Judge Kitchens. My reply in the messenger was, "Because Grube didn't take 10K from Kitchens." Grube was just completly aware of Hon's corrupt methods and was not afraid to stand up against him openly and HONESTLY. Wright chose the, "between the fourth and fifth rib" method. Big difference in my mind.
The messenger text attached is my part of our discussion about Wrights chances next election.
The Hon Honey team gave me the following encouragement. I say 'team' because even though the messages are in Bethany's name, she seems to know more legaleze precepts and is especially cutting with every message. I even wonder if 's'he' is stalking me.
At left is the very last correspondence we have been able to have with Dwayne Wright, the (for now) Republican Party Chairman. This question by me posed to him was in response to to texts from him after I published the proof either he or his wife, SJC County Clerk Dawn Wright took a 10K bribe from the Janis Holt Campaign for "consulting". The proof I published was compelling enough Wright asked me to take the addressof, "an elected official" down from my website. I publish the following messages from Lee Hon's 'honey'( allegedly), after Bethany chastized me for one sided journalism for twisting up Wright but not Grube. You can see my response that Grube was not offered nor did he take a 10K bribe from Judge Kitchens. I finished the 'make me a badge' comment with, "that says bigot and or bias and I will wear it for you". Like the Coleman lawsuitagainst the Enterprise that was thrown out opinion stated, I use defintions from Websters when I write, not the Black Law Dictionary. Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions
You got me . . . . I am obstinately and intolerantly devoted to my opinion that corrupt public officials whom violate the public trust HAVE TO GO!!!!
Bias: a line diagonal to the grain
Got me again. The Sentinel will definately go against the grain.
It never occurred to me that Dawn Wright was the Nexus Strategist. Maybe Lee Hon and by dfault, his alleged honey know stuff I don't know. Are you Dawn? Are you Nexus? Is it you, Dwayne or a joint operation? Did you, Dawn, provide the Holt campaign any lists or information entrusted to you?
Nexus:Connection, link. One different dictionary defined Nexus as 'hub or middle man'
3/21/2024 T.E.A. REGION SIX
Open records obtained by the team of constitutional activists that Supt Hewitt had trespassed and initiated a lock down just because they stepped onto Shepherd ISD property requesting documents reveal a possible reason why Hewitt is so touchy and guarded with open records requests. Other research has revealed that Supt Hewitt gave himself a 40k raise the first year and hired his wife giving her a 25k raise.
In other Shepherd ISD news, a dangerous situation has developed on the bus route near Magnolia and Railroad Ave causing the busses to tip dangerously in the turn due to wash out in the corners. Shepherd's police chief, Clint Headly and ISD transportation officials are meeting to see about resolving the issue this coming week. The issue was raised by a Shepherd citizen who has observed the extreme tipping for some time now. "One of the rear wheels came off the ground enough that I could see daylight under it" the citizen stated.
A Livingston ISD employee was arrested today at the Transportation Facility for posession of a fire arm on school property. No name was released yet but the employee is on administrative leave and denied access to ISD property. Supt Hawkin's statement was that the firearm was not brandished in a threatening manner.
LUFKIN – Crews will switch traffic on US 190 beginning Monday, March 25, weather permitting, to allow motorists to use the newly constructed bridge sections at Choates Creek and Menard Creek in Polk County.
The bridge sections are part of a $29 million construction project on US 190 that is designed to widen the roadway, bridges and add safety improvements from the Livingston city limits to 4 miles west of FM 1276. Vulcan Construction, San Antonio TX, is serving as contractor.
Traffic will remain in this new pattern until completion of this project when it will be switched to final configuration, which is expected in coming months. Motorists are urged to stay alert for the traffic switch, reduce speed through the work zone and obey all traffic control.
SJC CAD Chief,Troy Carlson agrees to provide a copy of the Comptroller report along with a list of the properties used for the comparable sales. We appreciate the transparency and will review the report.
SAN JACINTO CO 3/16/2024
Both Shepherd and Coldspring Oakhurst I.S.D.'s have lost state funding due to property values set by the Central Appraisal District falling outside the parameters set by the Texas State Comptrollers office. The state comptroller allows a variance of five percent above or below the mean ratio of the value they set based on comparable sales data. According to our sources, this years audit showed CAD values were ten percent below the value set by the comptroller. Mean Ratio is the sum of all data points divided by the number of data points.
We have sought info from the CAD but no reply so far. Sources say Shepherd will lose 1.2 million and COCISD will lose 1.8 million. That money will be withheld from the current budget. Shepherd was discussing cutting summer school this year.
The law firm of Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins and Mott is said to be appealing the state comptrollers findings.
Cleveland I.S.D. is having its own budget woes. Under Supt McCanless's leadership, they are cutting staff, promising no raises for teachers and making transportation cuts BUT Supt Stephen McCanless was given a $70,000.00 dollar per year raise. More than a few in the district are a little miffed at those circumstances.
If Sentinel sources are correct, Cleveland ISD budget cuts to transportation will begin with students within 2 miles being denied bus transportation. Northside campus for one will have students across US 59 within the 2 mile radius. Are students going to have to cross the freeway on foot because of budget cuts? We will ask these questions and more.
LIBERTY 3/18/2024
Carl Wills murder is officially swept under the rug by the Liberty County DA. Despite evidence submitted months ago proving that the white woman who picked Carl up the day he was murdered is identified by a witbness as the daughter of former Polk Co ADA, Joe Martin and later Angelina County DA,nothing seems to have progressed. Only the mother has been contacted by an investigator. The second witness that identified Martin's daughter has as of yet, MONTHS LATER, not even been contacted. How about getting her DNA Ms Bergman and see if it matches the 'white girl' DNA that was found under Carl's finger nails? Seems logical to me. According to Bloo News, you are 'tough on crime' unless it is the family of a fellow DA.
Multiple communications questioning the timing of the recent arrest of an officer seem to be vindicated now that bloo bonnet published. Combining this ad with the story is like confessing to boot licker journalism. Now I am sure that they call each other, "media partners" but we see plenty of what that really means in the main stream media.
A non partnered journalist would be asking, "what do you have now that you haven't already had for a year? My sources indicate that it was a pretty cut and dried investigation and no action was taken then. Why now? Oh that's right, so your media partner could run your ad.Prosecuting cops instead of criminals seems to be all the rage these days.
In a focused effort, Tik Tok told it's subscriber audience to bombard the U.S. legislators with phone calls opposing pending legislation requiring tik tok to divest connections with the Chinese Communist Government.
What a sad day for East Texas that now has a state rep elect Holt that is ALREADY ON THE TIK TOK PAYROLL. Not only is she on the payroll, her and the KOCH Bros backing demonstrated plainly how the Goebels teaching on communist propaganda tak tiks work this election. Goebels said, " If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
too bad she drug a good governor and county chairman down with her.
Fortunately we have Dan Patrick in the wings because if Abbott doesn't pull out of his blind blunderingendorsements, we will need to elect a new one. That means a new Lt. Gov too. Hmmmmm.
Apparently channel 13's boot licking style is all the Montgomery County S.O. needed to prove their bias for that particular media outlet. The Sentinel was the first to break the story below and the first to seek more information. None was forthcoming and the Montgomery Co S.O. is still witholding info from The Sentinel but Channel 13 had all the info immediatly after reading my story and requesting it. They were able to run the story the next morning, opening with, "Only on 13" because Montomery County S.O. open records division is CORRUPT and violates the law. When I called simply asking for the deceased deputy name, I was met with, "Why do you want that information?" That is a violation of law. Then the unequal treatment between The Sentinel and channel 13 is another violation of law. Ligon operates his county with the knowledge that there are NO TEETH in the open records laws and he can violate them with impunity.
We were able to confirm the accuracy of our source in that the accident did occur but MCSO would not release the deceased deputy's name over the phone. This lack of transparency is frustrating especially with them quoting the open records "Ten Day" rule. That rule is for figuring a bill if it is a lot of records or redactions. The spirit of the law is give us the info. No reason not to. Next of Kin has been notified.
AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a major victory in defense of the United States Constitution, with a court ruling that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package was unlawfully passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 without a quorum physically present as constitutionally required. The Court enjoined the defendants—the United States Attorney General, the United States Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and their officials—from enforcing a provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 against the State of Texas that was proved to impose unjust cost burdens on the State.
POLK CO 2/16/2024
Tommy Coleman lost his bid to punish the Polk Co Enterprise for a story they published after The Sentinel had published the information. The suit was filed to silence the Polk County Enterprise. That effort was effective on them to the point they even cut the reporter loose for her accurate, honest and true reporting. Publisher Bowed down to pressure.
A win for journalism no doubt. Winner journalists don't bow.
LPD Officer, Chris Simmons and his ignorance of Texas Law has earned the City of Livingston a federal lawsuit.
Lee Hon's retaliatory case against Brandon White has already cost Polk County untold thousands of dollars in costs associated with multiple hearings. Hon's charging instruments and grand jury presentation was based on a falsified sworn affidavit. When attorney Seth Evans reclaimed the phones illegally seized and held by LPD, they contained exculpatory evidence proving the lying affidavit by a Livingston PD officer.
After the recent felony assault on peace officer charges brought by Hon against Amberly Lambert (did I mention she is Brandon White's 'baby momma' of his oldest two kids?) only proved OPD officer, Tammy Heeth lied on a sworn affidavit and under oath, She testified it was Hon who told her to "go for the highest charge".
I was looking for a common denominator. Who is training these public servants to lie on sworn statements? It didn't take long to figure that one out.
Having followed the case that resulted in the recent resignation of Angelina County DA, Janet Casels for years, I have proof she too relied on a falsified sworn affidavit to prosecute a man when she already had video proof that the crime did not happen.
Casel's "whaa whah whah letter credits the oppressed man who bit back as the reason she was throwing in the towel.
As a muckraker journalist with a degree in financials who had requested records that would prove Casels was bilking the hospital district, her knee jerk reaction was to not answer the request but rather put the man in jail. She relied on a lying sworn affidavit by none other than Doug Conn who runs the Angelina Community College law enforcement academy. It wasn't a little lie. Conn signed a sworn statement that the victim, David Stua took out his junk and wagged it at a minor. So saturated with the, "who they gonna believe, me or you" mantra, Casels went full speed ahead even though the reporter was live streaming to FB at the time.
Doug "Con man" Conn was sitting at his desk watching the event through a picture window and the live stream on FB but still chose to lie on the sworn affidavit.
At one point Casels had stacked nearly a dozen heinous sex crimes against kid charges on Stua trying to grind him down. A year in solitary in the Angelina County Jail followed.
The Sentinel began to follow the case when unconstitutional bond conditions were imposed. We initially called for Casels to recuse herself. She didn't. We finally out right called for her resignation. She ignored. Ignore is the root of ignorance.
The irony was Casels calling efforts to remove her for misconduct, "Political" illustrating the, "above the law" mentality of so many.
Too answer my own question, it is Doug Con man Conn who is teaching the young trainees wrong ways. We need, not only to remove him but also some legislation that perjury on sworn affidavits is ground to lose your TCOLE certification. If not, where does it end?
An 'Administrative Hearing' held in the SJC County Courtroom was referred to as a, "mini trial" by the Channel 13 reporter, "Mica" on yesterday's news cycle. Her and her camera man were busy interviewing several of the key players in the case brought by Robert Finley over seized property.
What stood out to me were several characteristics of the hearing.
Civil in nature, the hearing was well conducted by the Honorable JP 3, Randy Ellisor. Having been the judge that signed the original search warrant, Judge Ellisor kept the focus on the facts pertaining to the property seized. Understanding a citizen's desire to right every 'wrong', Judge Ellisor also stayed constant on the objective of the hearing. He stopped Finley in his tracks on several rabbit trails, though true, not germain to the purpose of the hearing. SJC District Attorney, Honorable Todd Dillon gave Finley some leeway in his pro se efforts but never the less, made several objections,all of which were sustained by Judge Ellisor. Ellisor was not playing favorites but sustained them because DA Dillon was exactly right on his objections. Dillon would almost apologetically but patiently and fully explain his objection to Mr. Finley. In his duty to protect SJC, he had to stand on the principle that you cannot just enter statements into the record without providing evidence. Either in testimony or exhibits.
Finley was fairly cool under pressure taking the objections in stride and respecting the input of DA Dillon on his efforts. Finley was able to get Sparta and Sam Houston on the stand and ask some pointed questions. Sam offered a lot of, "I don't recall" answers to Finleys query. Houston tried to pass off the black powder rifle as one of the guns with no serial number on the list. Finley asserted that the gifted gun has a serial number. Sam did confirm he had seen the gun and had it in his lock up.
When Sparta was put on the stand, Finley got right to what was on his mind. "Do you always pull and AR-15 and point it at a pregnant woman when you conduct a search warrant on such a minor offense?
Sparta aknowleged that he pointed the gun athis son's wife with, "It is normal proceedure when . . ." Finley probed deeper with, "You considered her that much of a threat?"
Having interviewed Finley to some tlength and followed this case as it developed, it is my impression that THIS incident was the root cause of Finley's drive to seek justice. The anger wasn't obvious but resided in the underlying circumstances.
Judge Ellisor made sure every single person had opportunity to speak their mind. He even followed up with the two S.O. deputies that secured the perimeter of the operation and testifed they saw the guns but that none of the evidnce or property was ever in thier posession. After all was done, Judge Ellisor said, "I have twenty four hours to render my decision on a case like this but I will do that in two minutes." Judge ruled that the property was to be returned to Finley within 7 days.
The largest PAC donation in Texas history went to abbott Six Million is how much it took for him to side with the Tik Tok owner over the public schools in rural east Texas.
So not only has Abbott sold out us common folks that depend on public schools and public school transportation, Abbott has been shipping terror cells from our known enemies all over the US, planting them in major US cities and calling it "border security"
Here is a Question rural east Texas voters. When was the last time you had a chance to vote someone on or off of a private school board of directors? Won't Abbott's 'voucher' plans decimate public school funding? It doesn't stop there. The Dark Money has infiltrated San Jacinto County politics by matter of public record. Even our own duly elected republican party chairman, Dwayne Wright has taken a payoff to support school vouchers and oppose our duly elected State Rep in favor of the Dark Money candidate Holt. We have the proof documents and will post them below. We can call this whole underhanded political funding the, Tik Tok Trickle Down Theory put into practice. I call for your resignation Dwayne. But then I called for Steve 'No Draw' McGraw's resignation BEFORE Robb Elementary attack and he didn't have enough integrity to resign for his"do nothing' attack on our public schools. Will you, Dwayne for your proactive attack on our public schools?
Since Wright had the will to admit he is Nexus Strategies (in a round about way) I will remove the address associated with a campaign finance payment per his text message. When his 'threat to sue' was ignored, he changed it to a respectful request.
My final note on the matter Dwayne is this. I only posted your address to prove Nexus was you. That way, the next person that wants to pay you off knows where to mail the check.
This is one of Holt's campaign finance reports proving SJC Republican Party Chair Wright took 10K from one candidate (Holt) and helped produce lying campaign ads against the incumbent HD 18 Representative, Ernest Bailes Jr. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth Dwayne. So much for the neutrality clause in the SJC Republican Party Policy and By Laws.
Oh that is right. No one I can find has a copy of that document. Still looking for one just to see what it says. Can I open record request one be emailed to me?
Long time child advocate, Rosemary Covalt who did for H.I.S.D. what the legendary, Marvin Zindler did for TDC many years ago was so disappointed that Gov Abbot endorsed the Dark Money candidate, Holt over the staunch defender of our public schools system, Ernest Bailes. "Why would you (/gov Abbott) want to tear down something we have all worked so hard to build?" Covalt asked.
Abbotts T.E.A. seems determined to wrest the local control of public schools away from local voters one way or another. Either decimate the funding source with vouchers or just flat change the values of X and Y in their arbitrary grading formulas till they "fail" and take it over. Then they can appoint their own board like they did in Houston and Shepherd. Bring in their own 'boss'.
The snippit at left, a portion of Michael L. Flynt's personnel file from Humble PD shows exactly why he, Sam Houston and Sparta all tout each other's "prowess" as a law man. All are accused of executing a search warrant and then not listing seized property on the warrant 'inventory' list. The difference is, Flynt proved he is adept at destroying the evidence by hook or by crook. Can we say, "Birds of a Feather". Speaking on that topic, a self professed outlaw biker endorses Sam Houston HERE
Not even to mention the amount of perverted sexual content on his FB page like Sparta had before he cleaned up his act. Sources say Hall claims to be a "one percenter" After diagnosing the actions at Waco Twin Peaks with that full evidence file on hand, I say, "Mr. Hall, you come across as more of a sam houston boot licker than a outlaw biker." Does Sam covet your endorsement? What I found in the waco twin peaks evidence is several 1 percenters admitted to running drugs and prostitution. Are you running drugs and prostitution? Just how close is your friendship with Sam? Were you at the "outlaw" biker bar fund raiser FOR Sam at Shifters? No, Will Hall, in case you are wondering or anyone else is confused, you wouldn't make a wart on a one percenter's a$$.
COLDSPRING 1//26/2024
A Grassroots level hearing has, "gotten some traction" according to one criminal justice worker in San Jacinto County. A hearing to resolve the dispute over personal property seized by the corrupt pct 3 constable has been moved from the JP office to the San Jacinto County courthouse dockett for February 6th. The Honorable JP RandyEllisor wil conduct the hearing. In an interview in one of three conversations with Peter Sparta yesterday, he shared that Sam Houston had called and told him he (Sparta) was the arresting officer and would have to testify.
Other documents received at the Sentinel Offices shows a request for subpoena for the SJC deputies who were at the scene. The complainant was able to produce photographic evidence of a beautiful hand crafted muzzle loading black powder flint lock rifle that any prudent owner would keep in a safe.
Below are the top ten cities in the USA that viewed The Sentinel yesterday.
Reports of a life long military man who traversed the globe in our nations defense settling in lil ole SJC have made their way to The Sentinel. General Gerald Schutte chose to reveal his honorable service to friends he has made at the local senior citizens events One pretty senior citizen 'filly' even commented what a commanding figure he is in his dress uniform adding, "and it still fits"
We hope to have opportunity to interview General Schuette in the near future and see if we can coax a few 'war stories' out of him to share with The Sentinel readers. What an honor to have him settle into our simple rural community.
1/24/2024 POLK CO
Allegations that current Polk Co Sheriff, Byron Lyons is, "unable" to operate within his budget were sustained by open records documents received at The Sentinel offices this morning. The Polk County documents not only confirmed the problem of Lyons exceeding his budget causing Polk County to dip into the General Fund to cover his overages, the report notes it to be a chronic problem. So chronic that at least one vendor threatened to stop doing business with Polk Co. S.O. unless they paid their bills on time from that point forward.
Records recently received at The Sentinel offices may be 25 years old but still reflect the character of the person they pertain to and the constable who keeps on covering for him. Granted a deferred adjudication is not a conviction and thus the arrest could not prevent Sparta from obtaining his TCOLE but they do serve as proof he was arrested and charged. Felony Robbery and Misdomeaner Theft are the two crimes recorded in the public record. In case Sparta starts claiming 'Photoshop' again, we included the case numbers and other pertinenent info. Not only does this document lend more credibility to the property owners claim that several guns seized by the Corrupt constable and his sidekick were not listed, It also makes me wonder if allegations by a woman some years ago that Sparta took 800 dollars out of her purse during a stop may be true. No proof was found and no charges were filed but the allegations were made in writing to the S.O. "Yeah they tried to pin that on me but never did", Sparta explained when we discussed those allegations.
This article is not really about Sparta. It is about Sam Houston's hiring practices. All of the info below was available to him as constable. How does the ole saying go? "Birds of a Feather"
In a major breaking story out of Pct 3 of San Jacinto County, proof documents show a property seizure following a minor arrest have all the earmarks of out right theft. Constable Sam Houston and his Captain Sparta served a search warrant on one of his constituents in Pct 3. During that search, it is alleged that Houston found four empty CBD cartridges for a vape pen in a garbage can and a few marijuana plants in an outbuilding. "I was growing them for my personal use" the property owner stated.
According to seizure documents obtained by The Sentinel, Houston seized a Jeep, several pieces of equipment, over a dozen rifles/shotguns and a quantity of ammo.
All of the charges were dismissed and the owner made several attempts to regain his property. According to the owner, even our district attorney sent out written instructions to Houston to return the seized property to the rightful owners.
As I was interviewing Sparta about his recent arrest in Montgomery County, I broached the topic of this seizure and the property in question. It is a case that The Sentinel has been investigating for over a year now. When I asked Sparta how come the DPS lab results on the marijuana came back inconclusive for THC leading to the dismissal of all charges, Sparta's reply was, "There was not enough weight there for them to get an accurate test". As far as all the guns and and ammo, Sparta stated, "They are locked in a room in Sam Houston's office."
The property owner had reached out to The Sentinel with a sense of frustration over a year ago so when I relayed Sparta's claims to him, he stated, "That is odd because just what was in a jar on my coffee table was enough to test."
When you consider that the seizure of plants was in late May, the owners description of the age and maturity level of the plants proves there is a quantity of 'evidence' missing that was never turned in. What became of it? was the natural question.
After The Sentinel obtained the seizure inventory list and spent time going over the documents with the property owner and his wife, they both agreed and claimed that there were at least 4 rifles that were not on the inventory list. Two SKS rifles belonging to the owner and his grown son, an AR 15 his wife purchased and owned and the most valuable being a hand made octagon barreled black powder rifle in .50 calibre that was gifted to him. They both expressed great concern that the ambigious numbers associated with seized ammo do not describe any where near what Houston and Sparta took.
After reflecting on the situation and evidence questions, the owner shared, "I wondered why Sam never splashed my arrest and pictures of the guns and plants on his FB page like he usually does." "Now I am convinced he just did not want any proof out there of what he took from me".
Open records receieved today from the DA in Waller Co confirm that Sparta was arrested on a felony warrant for "Impersonating a Public Servant". True to his word, Sparta did forward me a copy of the warrant when he got it but my copy arrived at the same time.
In a lengthy interview with The Sentinel, Sparta claims he has only been charged with a misdomeaner charge out of Waller County. Sparta claims that the 'Montgomery County Police Reporter' article is not only false but that the entire incident has been contrived.
On a FB comment, Sparta goes so far as to claim that he has not even been in Waller County.
The Sentinel did reach out to the Waller County DA and confirmed that as of yesterday, there is no indictment against Sparta in Waller County. When questioning those findings to a seasoned criminal justice person, They stated, "As recent of an incident as this is, it would be highly unlikely for an indictment to come down this soon." Sparta does admit the arrest did happen in Montgomery County at his ex wife's house. Sparta was booked in at Montgomery County and made bail but was never transferred to Waller County.
In reviewing the article, it does not state that Sparta was in Waller county but that the charges are out of Waller county. During the interview with Sparta, he revealed that he has been on other I.S.D. Property attending U.I.L. Competitions recently that a Waller I.S.D. bus may well have been at.
The Sentinel did determine that the Waller County Judge, The Honorable Judge Duhon signed the warrant for Sparta's arrest. His secretary, per the judge's instructions, would not confirm or deny the Felony vs Misdomeaner question but required an open records request in writing. Those have been submitted.
The beleagured constable candidate has been arrested yet again in Montgomery County. The Montgomery Co S.O. arrested and charged and booked Sparta on a felony charge of impersonating a public servant in Waller County. He missed the candidate 'meet and greet' held tonight in Coldspring. Not to fear, the void on Houston's coat tails was quickly filled when Michael Flynt showed up. Stands to reason that he was not there to meet candidates since he has either run 'with them' or against them all. Was Flynt in'candidate mode'?
POLK CO 1/11/2024
Mitchell Newman, Pct 1 Deputy Constable has decided to run for commissioner. Nothing wrong with that. When Newman has to devolve back to the Lee Hon tactic of using a lawsuit filing against someone and pass that out but fail to include the final disposition paperwork, that stinks. Even though those documents that prove their intended victim won and was exonerated are there too, you are stirring stink that smears on your self instead of your target by witholding that info from the voters.
Sentinel sources have pictures and even video of Newman passing out page one but shuffling the final dispostion documents to the back. All that tells me Mr. Newman is that you KNOW you can't beat Commissioner Guylene Robertson fair and square so you want to cheat. Not happening. Here is your come uppins. Two things tell me all I need to know. Using a Lee Hon tactic and you and Byron Lyons signs butting up together on the same T posts around Pct 1. You know well that the attorney apologized for MISTAKENLY filing that lawsuit when the record proves all was paid in full long ago. You ruined your credibility Newman and did it on video. Not smart. Earth to Newman, Those days are OVER.
1/8/2024 PCT 3 SJC
Multiple reports of campaign signs disappearing right after The Triplets signs show up have made it to The Sentinel office. Political observers in the PCT have seen Sheriff Greg Capers signs go missing. Then there are Mrs Dominy's 'for commissioner' signs too. Dale Lowery makes the same complaint. Might be interesting to have a female perspective oncommissionerscourt for a change. Signs or no signs, folks know Ms. Dominy is running and her competition needs to be worried. That pesky, 'word of mouth' far outpaces advertising.
1/9/2024TYLER UTMB Spokesperson confirmed Gibson is alert and conscious and is, "Doing fine." He could not take the call because he is in custody and the Sheriff's policy did not allow it.
The San Jacinto County inmate who brought the prosecutorial misconduct case against ADA Freyer has been injured again. Lana Shadwick's client,Kenneth Gibson was moved to Polk Co Jail 'for protection' and Lyons brought in a TDCJ inmate, failed to find a weapon on him and exposed Gibson to him. Gibson was stabbed and cut ending up in the hospital. Byron Lyons failed to notify SJC Jail their inmate was injured until after The Sentinel ran the story.
Subsequently, Gibson's attny Shadwick proved ADA Freyer had illegally searched his cell and taken lawyer client papers in Polk Coright under Byron Lyon's nose. Gibson was then moved to Nacogdoches County Jail for 'protection'.
Now Sentinel sources proved Gibson was in the hospital with spinal injuries and a brain bleed. The Major at the Nacogdoches jail claims there was no assault and that Gibson, "took a fall".
We are seeking more information.
1/11/2024 SAN JACINTO CO
A motion to go ahead amd release Kenneth Gibson on a plea deal reached with the new prosecutor, Pro Tem BEFORE the life threatening incident occurred has been submitted by Gibson's attorney, Lana Shadwick. To a court observer, like The Sentinel, it appears that intentional stalls in executing a 'time served' plus plea deal has allowed two seperate distant jails to exppse an Arian 'tatted' prisoner to a known environment dangerous to him.
When questioned as to why he craw fished on the plea deal he already offered, the prosecutor Pro Tem admitted he had been pressured to do so by his phone, "blowing up". Now we have three seperate counties involved with Liability for Gibson's safety.
Granted, ADA Rob Freyer took a butt chewing from The Honorable 12th District Judge, David Mooreman who stood up for the inmates, "lawyer/client privilege rights. Still this whole stalled out mess REEKS of retaliation. Stabbed and sliced with razor wire in Polk Co. No one reports it to SJC until I run the story. Now a spinal injury and a brain bleed that was not reported to SJC until The Sentinel called Gibson's attorney asking why he was moved from Nacogdoches jail. We were expecting to hear that the offered plea deal had been completed but, upon inquiry, we were notified that Gibson was in the Tyler UTMB hospital with a spinal injury and brain bleed.
A recent political propaganda piece sam I am is distributing mimicks the Biden campaign in that it rambles, repeats itself in the same paragraph and has no actual substance. Sam's final promise in bold print is to bring the streets of Houston, Tx to San Jacinto county Two different readers and voters in SJC submitted the graphic to me and asked if it originated from sam's campaign or someone who wanted to keep him from being elected.
One 'promise' he makes is to quit paying our deputies overtime and using reserve officers to keep their payroll down. The next question to me was, "What reserve officers? Peter Sparta and Michael Flynt?
A Sentinel investigator did comfirm that sam did remove the offending portion of his political ad.
"We are not endorsing Sam in any way", Larry Lowe, speaking as Director of the American Legion Post 629 motorcycle club stated.
From written confirmation from Post 629 Command, a call to Sam regarding the false endorsement ad sam ran, ran turned in to green eggs and ham. Sam agreed to remove the reference to the American Legion but the 'ride' has been advertised for a month by sam. Will they still have it and Thumb their noses at the vets who are supporting Greg Capers? "Do the Capers supporters need to show up with signs?" one disgruntled post member asked.
CORRUPT CANDIDATE PROVES IT AGAIN: The wanna be corrupt candidate for sheriff of SJC, sam i am proves his disdain for law and order one more time. Sure it is just the supreme law for the American Legion organization but laws never the less that sam i am is willing to violate for financial gain.
A recent ad on sam's fb campaign page (the musician?) uses the name and location of the Camilla American Legion Post 629 in his fake political ad. Sam's ploy is to make the uninformed believe that the American Legion is supporting and endorsing his candidacy which is absolutely FALSE. "I don't believe he is even a member here" one Legion official stated about the ad, "but I know Greg Capers is." He went on to confirm that no vote or even discussion of endorsing any candidate in the race had happened at Post 629 because it was against the organizations constitution. "All of our members know that." this official clarified.
When we look over Sam's campaign ad, we see the , 'Leadership, Integrity Action' header on it and remember when. Something is lacking.
Leadership hired and 'led' several deputies that were arrested and charged in domestic violence and assault cases.
Integrity broke every TxDot and Forest Service law against sign placement with both time and location violations. Did it every election
Action threatened young woman with jail and kids if she didn't meet him one on one. What is missing?
Rogue defined as, "corrupt, dishonest' by Webster, We will just call it the L.I.A.R. campaign
The suspect cornered and arrested by SJC Sheriff Dept with help from Mont Co and Polk County has been charged. The body was recovered out of The Trinity River.
The recently hired dog catcher for SJC under the leadership of sam houston is doing traffic stops in his dog catcher truck for speeding. The truck is not equipped with any radar and doubltful the speedometer is accurate with new tires installed so how?
According to the last attorney appointed to Chris Lima, all Walker Co matters are 'disposed' of. All of the restraining order violations and the drug dealing charges in Walker Co. are gone. Lima still cannot pick up his TCOLE commission but that will be the only punishment apparently for dealing drugs in Woody's uniform and marked patrol vehicle. .
The Polk Co charges are still pending.
WALKER CO 11/2/2023
Lima's case will be in court for sentencing soon. More details as they unfold.
SAN JACINTO CO PCT 3 12/21/2023
Some folks oughta just stay off of FB. Peter Sparta is one of those. There are a series of screen shots below off of Peter Sparta and Sam Houston's FB pages that have been submitted to The Sentinel by women in the community. They speak for themselves.
From sam Houston threatening an attractive young female with jail and losing her kids if she did not meet up with him one on one to later claiming he was "having Peter for Dinner", not the brightest bulbs in the box. Sparta goes on to splain it in pictures. These two are over compensating for something. Just how close are you two? Sam has defended and endorsed Sparta for years and never did pull his support. Even after Sparta had several arrests for domestic violence,Houston was batting for him. Just ask yourself, is sam i am who you want hiring deputies in the county?
FOUND HARD COPY OF AUTOPSY. Will distrubute to those who requested in the next couple of days.
Any readers who would like a copy of the autopsy report for the young man Lou Rogers killed at The Sundance, just email me for it. The autopsy report proves several things. Number one, DESPITE Lou's years of lies, the killing WAS NOT ruled a suicide. The autopsy report proves that DRay was not drunk or stoned and it proved DRay did NOT have any gun powder residue on his hands. Lou Rogers is a damned liar. The autopsy report proves that Lou held the gun so hard against DRAY's temple that it left a 'gun site' bruise 'at ten o'clock' by his ear. The autopsy report proves the trajectory of the bullet would have been nearly impossible to self inflict but matches perfectly the eyewitness accounts that Lou had DRay by the hair of his head from behind and his gun to DRay's temple.
Constable Ken Hammond took the gun out of Lou's hands seconds after the shots were fired.
In the report, the medical examinaer pleads for more investigation and information. Cause of death was a bullet to the brain. Manner of death was 'undetermined'.
The most frustrating part is that despite the fact that I have an eye witness that saw Lou Rogers pick up Carter White the evening he was murdered and the bullet dug out of his brain and his body discarded on Harrell Road, the Texas Rangers will NOT investigate it.
Those Koch brothers are trying to buy up Texas legislative seats again but don't want you to know. Hiding in the guise of, "Americans For Properity", a Dark Money front, those boys want to effect education in our neck of the woods.
There have been several candidates out of that neck of the woods that have accepted the Dark Money support and tried to 'urbanize' our children's education by unseating Bailes.
Keith Strahan, Emily Cook and Janis Holt all took money from the "Texas Right To Life" Dark Money front. How embarassing for Ms. Holt and the Dark Money Cartel when their political director, Luke Bowen, was arrested and prosecuted for soliciting a minor online in Conroe.
Since Bowen ruined any image of caring for kids, it seems Dark Money took a cue from the prosperity preachers.
I am no school finance expert but it seems to me, diverting money away from our public schools in SJC would have a negative impact. What is the alternative here? A mismanaged "Christian" school that had hired a thief and liar to run the show before? Or the doublewide she took the records and ran to?
Nah. You dark money candidates can can try it, "One more time Cincinnati" if you want but some day you will figure out that our home grown native son is our grass roots answer to your Koch Bros 'Rich man north of Richmond" efforts.
Records show Sparta's very recent SJC Voters registration. 11/ 7 /2023
The Sentinel does appreciate the multiple constituents in Pc3 that have submitted photograpic evidence and documenting community comments for us but the deceitfulness and all is old hat with Houston. NOTHING demonstrates that fact more the the 30 year old 'hat' picture he is using in his ads and his bill board. That is offered as a chuckle comment by several along with observing that Pct 3 has two really good candidates for Constable, Eldridge and Freed. Candidate Freed has an extensive law enforcement background while Eldridge has Emergency management and extensive Jailer experience.
One reader submitted photos of sam i am putting his campaign signs on the VFD property in Evergreen. The Pct 3 voters know but since Houston is running county wide this race, we just want the rest of the county voters to know his cheating tactics.
CONROE/SJC 12/13/2023
SJC PCT 3 Constable candidate, Peter J. Sparta has his 100 percent ownership homestead exemption in Montgomery county but is running in SJC. Granted the Tax Code does allow someone to move and keep their homestead exemption for up to two years but has the qualifier that the person must have the intention to return to it as their primary residence. That leaves Sparta in a quandry. Word is that Sparta used his momma's address to sign up and run. It is not beyond belief that Sparta moved home to momma considering the multiple family violence incidents that have plagued him in recent years.
Does his DL reflect that change after thirty days as the law requires? If he has lived the riequried 60 days in Pct 3 to qualify for the ballot position, he has had time to change his DL. Or does he hope to be elected in SJC then live in Montgomery County to keep his homestead? If your DL has a SJC address on it, I will run it with this story if you submit me a photo of it. I will redact street name and mumber.
The same group of auditors that were trespassed from Shepherd I.S.D. have now been trespassed from the Livingston I.S.D. property for an incident from the 28th of November. It followed much the same scenario of the group of three entering the property and going to the transportation / admin bldgs seeking open records.
Livingston I.S.D. has delivered written trespass notices to them and mailed certified mailed them.
SHEPHERD ISD 12/5/2023
Events unfolding on Shepherd I.S.D. property yesterday prompted a security lockdown being implemented and broadcast on the ISD FB page.
A group of constitutional activists parked and walked onto the Shepherd ISD property with no recognition of identity or purpose by school administrators and district personnel.
The first contact the group of two men and one woman made was with the Shepherd ISD warehouseman in the shop facilities on the property. Their stated purpose was to request some bus maintinence records under the public information laws.
The group was trespassed from the ISD property after entering the Administration building. "I think the shorter guy with the baggy jacket and pants believes that school property is public property the same as the courthouse or city hall and it just isn't" an ISD spokesperson stated during a Sentinel interview.
At nearly the same time as these events were occuring, there was a shooting incident that injured an Austin I.S.D. police officer. Story HERE.
The group approached the Coldspring I.S.D. with the same stated purpose and were given opporutnity to request the records and no further incident reported. Dr. Talton amd I.S.D. Chief Dean met with the group.
Sec. 38.022. SCHOOL VISITORS. (a) A school district may require a person who enters property under the district's control to display the person's driver's license, another form of identification containing the person's photograph issued by a governmental entity, or, if applicable, the person's district employee or student identification card. The person must provide the identification on request.
(a-1) A school district may eject a person from district property if:
(1) the person refuses or fails to provide on request identification described by Subsection (a); and
(2) it reasonably appears that the person has no legitimate reason to be on district property.
AUSTIN 11/30/2023
The lawsuit Hon's FORMER ADA Tommy Coleman filed in retaliation against Polk County Publishing's "Enterprise" news paper and Valerie Reddel over an expose' article she wrote has been argued before the Supreme Court of Appeals in Austin. :It has been about a month and we could hear any day but they have till June 4th to render a decision" a spokesperson shared with The Sentinel.
The big questions seems to be if Tommy Coleman working for the prosecutor 15 years into Morton's prison term and working diligently to keep him in prison by intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence qualifies as, "prosecution".
Hon argued in his rebuttal letter to the article that Coleman did not even work in the Williamson County DA's office when Morton went to prison. What has been documented is that Coleman did work for the DA and was 2nd chair at Morton's later hearings. When he was quoted by a journalist being a smart a$$ in court saying, "Ewwww, bloody bandana, bloody bandana" in the hearing Morton's attorneys were trying to get that exculpatory evidence to clear Morton's name, Coleman was prosecuting Morton. The bloody bandanna Coleman fought to withold did end up clearing Morton and leading to the murderer. To me, that would count as "prosecuting".
Here is Webster's for 'PROSECUTE'
to follow to the end : pursue until finished
The lawsuit has definately had a chilling effect on Polk Co Publishing and they and the journalist who wrote the Expose' article have parted ways.
Why didn't Coleman sue The Sentinel? I wrote the story first and rebutted Hon's letter with the same arguement back then. If Coleman wins this case, the Supreme Court will be rewarding Coleman for being a lying, sniveling little punk. But then he learned from the best.
POLK CO 11/21/2023
"THIS Doesn't involve you!" Polk Co Court at Law Judge, Honorable Tom Brown told a step father who has blatantly interferred with court ordered child custody for years now. "It is between him and her", Judge Brown made plain from his bench pointing first at the natural father and then the mother of the minor child with eyes fixed on the step father.
With years of history of denying the father access to his son in blatant violation of the court orders and Hon's ABSOLUTE FAILURE as FORMER da to enforce the law against his buddy, the interfering step father. Judge Brown told the tale of devastation with one comment. After counseling with the sons and ordering the weekly visitation with the natural father and his family, a, "Let's see if we can repair this" emanated from The Court. We could all see that the potential for parental alienation was afoot. A crime in the State of Texas. Fortunately for non custodial parents in Polk county, the Top law enforcement officer in the county, DA, Honorable Shelly Sitton was in the courtroom to hear the judge's order. A child and parental rights advocate who put light on the injustice weeks ago calling for a Sheriff's dept investigation did question Ms. Sitton about that. "Their report has been given to my office." Ms. Sitton allowed.
So much for hope springing eternal. Two more weeks have passed and none of the enforcement aparatus in POLK county has been willing to go against former corrrupt DA Lee Hon on this father's rights case. Apparetly if you are Hon's buddy, you can violate court orders with impunity.
WASHINGTON D.C. 11/13/2023
An 8 year active membership has evolved into more responsibility in leadership for our Sheriff Greg Capers. The national director, Josh Spaulding announced the addition of Sheriff Capers to the leadership council of the, "Fight Crime Invest In Kids" organization as a big step. With over 5,000 Police Chief/Sheriff and Prosecutormembers nationwide, Sheriff Capers contribution to and experience on the national leadership council will be more broadly effective as well as benefit SJC and East Texas overall.
Major explosions rocked the FM 1127 area north of Shepherd, Tx this morning. Goodrich schools were evaucated already. Calls for evacuations in Livingston have been made.
According to Sentinel sources, an employee running the fork lift ran into a barrel or drum of turpentine and started the fire that led to the first explosion. That operator was taken to the hospital with burns. Reports of other injuries have been made on FB and other places. Several vehicles in the employee parking lot have burned up also.
GOODRICH 11/8/2023
One local elderly farmer was building fence then working in his closed cabbed tractor in his field during the plant explosion and fire. Today hhe is hospitalized and on a respirator. "He sounds horrible" one close friend shared.
Another crow fly neighbor to the fire was already feeling the effects on his throat and voice when they got a wake up call from us.
When hamas propaganda is released, you hear it first on AP
COLDSPRING 11/4/2023
Yet another round of fake news quoting bogus sources from the AP reporter, Jake Blieberg about our SJC Sheriff evoked this complaint to the AP organization from a long time resident and supporter of truth and Justice in San Jacinto Co.
His name is spelled bleiberg but we think bLIEberg is way more fitting. When Jake the snake wrote his last paid for hit piece against Sheriff Capers, The Sentinel forwarded him the complete personnel file of the pervert and failed sheriff candidate, Michael Flynt so he might be fully informed as to who he was relying on.
This time Jake the snake Blieberg added Jennifer Jones to his stable of disgruntled axe grinding 'sources' to get his scandal fix with.
Jennifer is the sister of the man killed that went on another man's property threatening him. The death of John Wayne Dodge was tragic but justified. Dodge and another man, a grown relative went on to the property of a young man named Hopkins threatening him with an aggravated assault. Hopkins stated The disagreement stemmed from some wreckless driving and escalated. Dodge and his relative entered Hopkins' property and threatened him. Hopkins had a young wife and baby in the house to protect and was assaulted by the two men. According to sources, the trajectory of the bullet Hopkins fired matched his account of having been knocked to the ground because the bullet entered Dodge's body in his stomach and took and upward trajectory. The detectives on the scene did not arrest Hopkins and the DA did not prosecute Hopkins but considered the killing justified. Jennifer Jones has made her 'murder' claims but no investigative agency has ever found them to be credible. For Jones to be willing to play politics with the tragic death of her brother is dispicable. For Flynt and his money man, Laddie McAnally to still be trying to get milage out of Flynt's failure and firing from the sheriff's dept is desperate and cheap to say the least. We do have the Flynt personnel file available to any who want to be fully informed this election season. Just email me and request a copy. Although Flynt was able to force all of the public agencies to delete their copies after the law suit settled, he can't touch my copy by open records before the judges order. I share it to make sure it is backed up somewhere.
The irate citizen quoted above vowed to do what it took to find the source of funding the AP propaganda pieces but I say, "Nay Ma'am, just see who signs up to run against Sheriff Capers and who his biggest donor is.
Why do I say, "Paid for hit piece"? Because when Flynt went to run against Sheriff Capers the first time, his money man, backer and some say 'buttie' brought me money wanting me to write the bogus story. I took the money then twisted Flynt up with his personnel file. He was SOUNDLY defeated.
POLK CO 11/2/2O23
Constitutional activist Brandon White, known for his
high-profile arrest amidst a transition of power in the District Attorney's office, is set to appear in the 258th District Court on November 28th for a pivotal hearing on Motions to Quash and a
Motion to Inspect Evidence. The latter motion seeks access to a confiscated cell phone, which is rumored to contain evidence challenging a key element of the State's case, and a sworn statement by a
Livingston PD officer. This development is yet another twist in a growing controversy surrounding law enforcement in the area as the current top headline on our Polk Co page
Brandon White's legal battle has attracted significant
attention, with many viewing his arrest as a desperate effort by the outgoing District Attorney. The Motions to Quash and the Motion to Inspect Evidence could potentially reveal vital information
that could sway the course of his case.
The contentious cell phone, warrantlessly seized by the
State at the time of his arrest, has been a subject of speculation, as it is believed to contain evidence challenging a critical aspect of the State's case. If proven true, this revelation could have
far-reaching implications for the ongoing legal proceedings. Furthermore, the sworn statement by a Livingston PD officer would be proven lies. It raises questions about the credibility and integrity
of the law enforcement involved.
The situation is compounded by the recent lawsuit filed by
Michael Hodge against another officer in the department. This legal action points to a broader pattern of allegations against members of the Livingston Police Department. With seven officers now
accused of misconduct, this represents more than a quarter of the department, raising concerns about the overall state of law enforcement in the area.
As Brandon White's court hearing approaches, the community
and legal observers await the proceedings with keen interest, hoping for a transparent and just resolution in a case that has garnered significant public scrutiny.
ONALASKA 10/30/2023
Honoable David G. Johnson, the municipal judge for Onalaska has announced his upcoming retirement effective November 9, 2023. Judge Johnson has served the city of Onalaska for 34 years. He is appreciated and "will be missed" according to Onalaska city officials and constituents we interviewed this morning. In that interview, we were able to confirm that the Onalaska City Council has appointed, Polk Co JP 1, Terri Mayer as the new city court judge. Terri Mayer was elected JP 1 in the last county wide elections.
Retired SJC JP 4, Honorable Greg Magee, who serves as the associate city judge for Onalaska and long time contemporary of Judge Johnson also commented that Judge Johnson has served honorably and, "is a really good man".
In a brief exchange with Judge Johnson's bride of many years, she called his retirement, "A bittersweet" event noting his hearts desire to serve his community contrasted with the opportunity for the two of them to continue this grand adventure and see some new sights. All agreed that Judge Johnson deserves a heartfelt, "THANKYOU" for his dedication and love of our community.
EAST TEXAS 10/20/2023
A longstanding track record of advocacy for children, women, minorities and any oppressed, Rosemary Covalt has now taken on the man (father) eating monster known as unenforced family court 'orders'. Long a domain many women used to deny father's visitation rights. When fathers rights are ignored and unenforced, he has no rights.
In Texas, the laws are fairly written on child support and visitation but the inequality is all in the non enforcement.
As Ms. Covalt is fond of saying, "Their power is in ignoring us". Her interest in a case in East Texas has already proven hard for them to ignore. A case where It is (sadly common) in which a step father is interfering in child visitation and engaging in intentional parental alienation efforts. Those proveable crimes coupled with serious allegations of physical abuse of the child were delivered with a bow on it to investigators who did take notice.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for father's rights in East Texas?
"It is public information and public knowledge", Ms. Covalt is also fond of saying Armed withphotos of at least a half a dozen sritten reports of child interference to the S.O by the father, when the secretary checked their 'official' files, she reported not a single call slip in their file. "Isn't that interesting" one member in the conference was heard commenting as Ms. Covalt hammered her with the copies. "Let me look again" the secretary said exiting then returned saying, "I found three of them". Another, "isn't that interesting" rose from the meeting as the investigators began looking over all of the evidence.
Can a mother steal her children from their father right under his nose? Only with the full cooperation of corrupt law enforcement or should I say, corrupt non enforcement?
"That is a civil matter" is the pat response of the non interested party.
NEWS FLASH Interference with child custody is a State Jail Felony.
After the video was denied, I requested opportunity to just view the video. Here is Chief Lowerie's response:
No sir, it would still be the same as us releasing the video. If I was able to let you view the video, then I should just give you the video for viewing. We will have to wait for the AG's opinion on this request.
My Reply:
UPDATE 11/2/2023
Despite a diligent effort to verify the arrest of the motorcycle operator involved in the high speed chase, nothing has been found. We have submitted an open records request to find if the operator was arrested or charged with a crime.
POLK CO 10/10/2023
Recently promoted chief deputy, Andy Lowerie notified The Sentinel via email that they wll be seeking an attorney general opinion on my request for footage of the high speed motorcycle chase that ended on Kickapoo Creek bridge near Onalaska.
A fairly straight forward statement. Doesn't say when, how, exactly who or why, just that the county 'hires open records specialist.'
For those who reacted to the 'story', and even questioned it, thanks for letting me know you are reading The Sentienel and care abut accuracy.
Too answer your notice, here below is the documentation that I base my statement on. One is a letterhead and the other a salutation. Please let me know if there is any correction or clarification that The Sentinel needs to make. As always, we strive to be accurate and timely in our reporting. . . . and have the documents to back it up.
UPDATE 10/25/2023
Polk County has contracted with the private attorney firm of Mike MathewsII. "I wouldn't call myself an 'open records specialist' , Mathews responded to The Sentinel inquirey but did confirm that he is handling open records requests at the Polk Co S.O. and is now listing the Church St address of Polk County and the phone number of the DA's office as means to contact him. Mathews, records show, works full time for the Humble P.D. and offices there also.
On the surface, it appears that Byron Lyons has taken a page out of the Woodrow Wallace opaqueness 101 playbook. Place a private law firm between your agency and any hope of the public getting a straight answer on anything controversial. When we submitted open records requests to find out how much woodrow wallace was spending on his "Iglasius with an 'I" attorney firm, Wallace paid them to fight that request too. What a never ending, self consuming circle for the tax payers.
We could be wrong because we have been wrong before. Maybe this will be a more transparent time. We will see.
KICKAPOO 10/3/2023
The audio from the scanner proves that the persuing officer did warn his fellow LEO's NOT to deploy a spike strip to try to stop the runner because it was a motorcycle. According to life long officers, it is illegal to deploy a spike strip or conduct a pit maneuver on a motorcycle in a high speed chase because it is nearly certain to end in death or serious injury of the rider.
At least one witness is claiming that the officer intentionally rammed the motorcycle to stop it on the Kickapoo Creek bridge. SCANNER CHASE AUDIO
We have requested the body and dash cam footage from Onalaska and Polk county S.O. in order to get the truth out to our readers. Onalaska has responded saying my request has been submitted to the records clerk.
Records sought in the killing of Jose Hernandez by Livingston PD are ready but have a bill in excess of 100 dollars. We reach out to our readers to help us raise the money to get these question answering records.
Judge Kitchens: "If they arrest somebody they can't keep that phone without a search warrant"
ADA Ferguson: "They arrest people all the time without a warrant"
Judge Kitchens: "They get their phone back when they make bond. They don't get to keep the phone as evidence unless they seize it, they have to have a search warrant to seize it. The fourth amendment and Article 1 Section 9 of the Texas Constitution are clear on this"
LIVINGSTON 9/26/2023
POLK CO ADA, Ferguson showed up for court again with absolutely nothing. Not even an argument in the case against Brandon White. White is a local constitutional activist who has consistantly poked a finger in the eye of the corrupt among us. All ADA Ferguson wanted to do was kick the can down the road again with ANOTHER reset.
As predicted in a prior Sentinel Article, ADA Ferguson does NOT have a bullet proof vest in evidence, any video of a bullet proof vest and it doesn't appear that the officer who swore in the affidavit that he saw one of the accused put on a bullet proof vest is going to stick to his story. According to Sentinel sources, that officer is back tracking to, "I thought I saw him put on a bullet proof vest". No evidence has been offered in the case and what is especially troubling on this particular indictment is the language. The Polk Co Grand Jury indicted White for allegedly organizing the crime of obstruction by 'creating the appearance of an imminent attack on a police officer'.
In the hearing, an observer quoted the judge as inquiring, "How are you keeping this man's phones without a warrant? The ADA's stuttering reply was met with what that court room observer described as, "an impatient directive" from The 258th District Court Judge, The Honorable Travis Kitchens. He stated that Ferguson had until the 14th to submit his argument in writing. Judge Kitchens went on to only give Attorney Seth Evans a week beyond that to respond wih his written argument by the 21st. Hearing set for the 28th.
Much planning and groundwork has been completed by The City of Shepherd and Police Chief Clint Headly leading to the official launch of the Shepherd Police Dept. A community wide gathering proved that even tragedies like the one out of Woodville told below cannot deter the calling on someone's life to serve.
Having been following this developing story for some time, I've seen a lot of 'i" dotting and 'T' crossing going on.
We all know the mayor, city council and the chief of police did a lot to get this off the ground but just let it be said, we all know who keeps the ducks in a row at The City of Shepherd. Thanks to Ms. Hagler for her service to our community.
NOT GUILTY was the verdict handed to The Honorable Tom Brown, Polk County Court At Law Judge by the jury in the case of State Vs Amberly Lambert. The first day saw the completion of the voir dire process and a few of the witnesses testifying. The second day saw completion of the trial, jury charged and sent out to deliberate. That process took about 4 hours before the jury returned the 'Not Guilty' verdict based on the evidence presented.
The State did use the junior ADA, Jim Spencer on these misdemeanor charges but the most experienced ADA Ferguson was there giving advice and counsel to ADA Spencer as the trial progressed. Both of the prosecutors demonstrated a good knowledge of the law and Ferguson was seen to prompt the younger ADA to "object" a few times and lean over and give him counsel. Still, ADA Spencer handled the trial from beginning to end including his closing statement. ADA Spencer's experience has been mostly as a defense attorney but you could see he had worked on the case and was well prepared for the most part. What he wasn't prepared for was the lack of integrity of his star witness, OPD officer, Tammy Heeth.
Defense Attorney, Seth Evans of the father / son 'Evans Law Firm' was not only prepared for Tammy Heeth, his line of questioning forced her to expose that lack of integrity right in front of the Jury.
When The Sentinel was first made aware of this case, we wondered how a mother sitting in the car rider line at an elementary school to drop off her kids could end up facing first degree felony charges and twenty plus years in prison.
Tammy Heeth answered that question under oath when asked why she went for such an extreme charge when so many lesser ticketable offenses might have been persued instead.
"It was the policy of the former DA (ie: Lee Hon) that we pass on the lower charges and only go for the most serious charges we possibly can." Heeth testified throwing Hon under the bus. What The Sentinel investigation revealed but was not allowed to be fully disclosed in court was that Tammy Heeth had it in for Ms. Lambert. Her verbal complaint against Heeth was testified to by the Assistant Principal, Larissa Grubbs but the confrontation in Brookshire Bros was off limits per Judge Brown's instructions. The Jury did not hear the story of how Heeth had run her buggy into Ms. Lambert's buggy in the store days after Ms. Lambert made her complaint to the school administrator.
The day Heeth chose to escalate the situation was April Fools day. According to Lambert, days prior, Heeth, as traffic control let the car infront of Lambert take the short route, forced Lambert to turn and take the long route that caused her kids to be tardy, then let the car behind Lambert take the short route also.
On April 1st, Lambert came in on 356 and Heeth got in the middle of her lane and stopped her with palm raised but then made a circling motion intended to convey, "turn around" but Lambert took as come on through. There is no statute, ordinance or even an official ruling about coming in on 356 but only a school preference.
Both Heeth and Lambert testified that she was only moving 3 mph having taken her foot off the brake but not accelerated or swerved at all. Both testified that Heeth got infront of her car and struck the front quarter panel. Lambert saw it as an expression of anger and Heeth testified she struck the fender to "get leverage" enabling her to "roll step". Both testified that Heeth jumped up on the running board and was reaching into the vehicle ordering and then trying to force Lambert out of the truck. Heeth denies pulling Lambert's hair. Lambert was adamant that Heeth did pull her hair. Lambert was belted in according to both of the women.
It was at about this time that Onalaska JP, Honorable Sarah Rasberry arrived on the scene dropping off a friend's child. She called 911 but it was testified to that Ms. Lambert had also just called 911 requesting another officer on the scene.
Judge Rasberry testified that she did see Heeth on the running board but did not see Lambert's vehicle strike Heeth.
One thing that had to have influenced the jury's decision was that despite several officers on the scene, no exculpatory video evidence was available despite Lambert demanding all of the video on the scene, later and then through her attorney. The only video that made it into state's evidence was video showing Heeth wearing a high visibility vest with 'police' written on it, Lambert walking to the transport cruiser in cuffs and video in the police station of Lambert being processed. Ms. Lambert's 911 call made it to states evidence but despite the fact the two calls were within a minute of each other, Judge Rasberry's 911 call recording failed to be available.
The most damning evidence presented was when Seth Evans elicited testimony from Heeth that she had no serious bodily injury resulting from the incident. Her only concern was to make sure that her breast implant, "wasn't leaking". Then Attorney Evans submitted Heeth's sworn statement from nearly a month after the incident charging Lambert with the felony and swearing that she suffered, "serious bodily injury" in order to justify the Hon preferred felony charges. Not only did that prove Heeth willing to lie on a sworn statement, it has the effect of clouding any sworn statement or even arrest report Heeth has ever made or ever will make. She has lost all credibility as a proven liar.
The great thing for the community of Onalaska is that their elected JP Rasberry, despite being raised with Heeth's children and knowing Heeth most of her life, JP Rasberry did not falsify her testimony to benefit Heeth. She was matter of fact with no hesitation in her answers. JP Rasberry openly stated that she had used some 'colorful' language toward Ms. Lambert when she intially arrived on the scene but all that did was bolster her credibility. By aknowledging and admitting that her language was an error in judgement along with the transparency her office has always demonstrated goes a long way with this reporter.
I can't say enough about the quality of representation Seth Evans gave his client even as a court appointed attorney. He was very well prepared and had evidence he didn't even use. What I appreciate about Mr. Evans effort was that he used what he needed to destroy Heeth's credibility in this matter but did not over do it to the point that her stink would have smeared onto the rest of our law enforcement in Polk County.
This trial was my first opportunity to watch The Honorable Judge Tom Brown in action. I understand now why people speak so highly of him and his ability and why The Sentinel has never gotten the first complaint on him. His clerk has always been transparent and helpful when we had a question.
Judge Brown proved to be quite appreciative of and protective over the jury panel. They were shown every respect and courtesy and every effort made to not waste their time. Judge Brown would not allow any nefariousness of either counsel negate their time with errors that would trip up this trial.
Judge Brown was fair and even handed to both sides in his rulings and held both attorneys to the highest standard. Some of the most interesting parts were when Judge Brown would remove the jury from the courtroom and let the two attorneys hash out their differences of opinion. Both attorneys were knowledgeable, respectful to each other and did make their best arguments.
ADA Spencer made a good closing arguement because The jury asked for all the evidence shortly after entering deliberations. Some comments waiting in the break room were, "I know she is innocent but Polk County does back their law enforcement" Even with Tammy Heeth being dismantled on the stand, the jury still took 4 hours to reach a verdict. Usually a relatively quick decision does not go in favor of the accused but this one did. Seth Evans did one thing that defense attorneys are often reluctant to do and that is he put his client on the stand. That leaves her subject to an often brutal cross examination by the prosecutor. Spencer was aggressive in his questioning and garnered several objections by Evans. Ms. Lambert came across as what she is. A responsible parent, business owner and honest. She was offered several plea deals all the way down to a ticket for disorderly conduct but stedfastly refused, determined to prove her innocence. Her and her attorney did just that. With all that 'burden of proof thingy on the State, Poor ADA had to show up with a big bunch of nothing.
Justice was served all the way around in Polk County today.
LIVINGSTON 8/21/2023
What started as a mother filing a verbal complaint with the school against the Onalaska ISD resource officer for her conduct in the car rider line was greatly escalated by OPD officer, Tammy Heeth. She got the corrupt Hon to file, "Assault with a Deadly Weapon" charges on Heeth's claim the mother used her car as a deadly weapon. All of that felony BS was dropped when Hon was ousted and offers to drop it all for a guilty plea to disorderly conduct were made. The mother stedfastly refused the offer and has a jury of her peers today.
It is the defendants position that she was strapped in by seatbelt, and had steel plates andbolts in her ankle and leg from a recent surgery. She testified her two elementary age children were in the back seat and Heeth tried to drag her though her car window by the hair of the head.
Heeth has a list of complaints and even one written warning from the child advocate, rosemary Covalt that Heeth, "is a liability because of her anger issues" based on prior incidents Ms. Covalt witnessed. Funny how none of those complaints were in Heeth's file when we requested it even though we have copies of the originals from Ms. Covalt.
We will follow up on this story when the trial is over.
The Honorable 12th District Judge, David Moorman presided over the prosecutorial misconduct case filed against SJC ADA Rob Freyer this morning. Judge Moorman was very clear that public trust in the judicial system IS of primary importance. "We must maintain that trust and avoid any appearance of impropriety", Judge Moorman stated from the bench before ruling on three motions before the court.
Judge Moorman denied the motion to dismiss the charges and he denied the motion for a change of venue put forth by defense attorney, Lana Shadwick.
Judge Moorman did grant the motion to recuse the SJC DA's office because of Freyer's misconduct and appoint a prosecutor Pro Tem. The Judge went further and admonished the SJC DA to make sure that none of the questionable documents were given to the soon to be appointed prosecutor Pro Tem.
This case stems from the actions of Freyer ordering the defendants cell be searched and documents seized that ended up including attorney client privilege evidence.
During the last hearing, several questions were asked of the defendant, Kenneth Gibson, that he could not answer because the Nacadoches jail had refused to allow him to bring his legal papers to court. "All they let me bring was my body", Gibson had stated under oath.
The Sentinel put in a call to the Sheriff to ask if that was normal policy for his department. We did not get an answer but were promised a call back by the Major. We did not ever get that call back or an answer but did notice that when Gibson entered the courtroom for this morning's hearings, he was clutching a large expandable legal file of documents with his handwriting all on the outside of it.
7/25/2023 COLDSPRING
To: Jake Bleiberg 1
From: Tim Kean
Subject: Associated Press Article, Filed 7/8/2023, Sheriff Greg Capers
Mr. Bleiberg:
My name is Tim Kean, Chief Deputy, San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office. I am named in several articles you have written about the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Greg Capers. I want to make this very clear from the beginning, what I express here is my own opinion. We have the Constitutional right in this nation to express our opinions. I speak only for myself in this matter. Even you should be able to comprehend that statement.
I would like to start by paying you a complement, sir. I appreciate greatly, the fact, you did not choose the profession of law enforcement. The investigative abilities that have been displayed by the article you have written would never get inside a courtroom in this nation. What saddens me is you purport to be a journalist. Even that profession has standards, however, they apparently are ignored and have fallen into disuse.
Below I quote the beginning of your narrative:
“COLDSPRING, Texas — Sheriff Greg Capers was the classic picture of a Texas lawman as he announced the capture of a suspected mass killer: white cowboy hat on his head, gold star pinned to his chest, white cross on his belt and a large pistol emblazoned with his name on his hip.”
Even I know, and I’m not the “professional journalist” you are, that what you have done in paragraph one is define your enemy. In my opinion, you not only are going to take down a Texas Sheriff, but maybe even Texas itself. The target is to ruin the image of all Texas Lawmen, the image of the State of Texas, maybe even the Governor while you are at it. Absolutely despicable.
The interaction I had with you concerned a phone interview conducted on 6/27/2023 at 11:10hrs which lasted 1-hour 52minutes and 8 seconds. Do you recall that interview, sir? Myself and our Dispatch Supervisor spent 35 minutes explaining to you the timeline concerning response time for the Oropeza case. I recall being very patient and open with you sir, and you responded as if you understood the entire sequence. We covered every single line of the CAD (Computer Aid Dispatch) printout and all of the radio transcripts. Every detail. I will address your fraudulent response here.
Your contention is the time to respond to an active shooting was 46 minutes. You sir, are a liar. The response was explained to you in detail. The initial call is a noise disturbance at 11:34:50. The call must be routed through a translator service. The dispatcher does not understand what is happening until the translator tells her at 11:43:00. The translator informs the dispatcher it is a noise disturbance with someone shooting a gun in their yard. This is a rural area and it is legal to shoot guns. The call is about the noise disturbing the neighbors. I TOLD YOU THAT, SIR. At 11:45:00 the units are enroute to the noise disturbance. No lights or siren low priority call at this time. At 12:08:32 the complainant calls back, call routes through translator, and states the neighbor is back out in his yard shooting again. This is still a noise issue, however, there was more urgency to the tone of the complainant. Deputies start to increase their speed because this call is escalating. At 12:11:44 the call states the shooter is crossing onto complainants property. At 12:11:56, 12 seconds later, the shift sergeant confirms with dispatch the shooter is on the complainants property. At 12:12:08 the call is Priority One, lights and siren response. At 12:15:49, 3 MINUTES AND 41 SECONDS LATER UNITS ARE IN THE AREA. The entire time on the road for the first two arriving units is 30 minutes and 49 seconds. As I told you, sir, it takes that long to drive there from the Sheriff’s Office in Coldspring. The call initiated as loud noise, when it became urgent the deputies were justified in responding emergency conditions. The call could not have been answered any faster with the information had at the time, the road conditions and the distances involved.
However, Mr. Bleiberg, none of this mattered to you, did it? Your blind drive to destroy the reputation of this Agency, Sheriff and myself resulted in your falsehoods and accusations without any proof whatsoever. In fact, you disregarded the proof I provided and inserted your own narrative instead. That’s the kind of reporting Americans are growing absolutely SICK of, sir.
The next trick you had up your sleeve was the referencing of accusations against the integrity of this Agency, Sheriff and myself. I find it extremely difficult to accept, the slightest inkling, you understand the definition of integrity, sir.
Sir, you asked questions concerning the Lion Institute and a report they presented to Commissioner’s Court. This was a company hired by Commissioner’s Court to research the working conditions at the Sheriff’s Office. I told you Sheriff Capers and myself welcomed that research as we felt a third-party analysis of our needs and environment would create more pressure to foster changes in pay and equipment the Sheriff’s Office so desperately needs. Such was not the case, sir. I told you that very fact. There was NO survey of employees, no examination of the workspace in the office, no review of training records and school availability for our Deputies, no interest in working conditions or pay for personnel. NO VISIT whatsoever from Mr. Alexander (Lion Institute CEO) or any member of the Lion Institute. The entire report was a fraud. I expressly told you that, sir. The Commissioner’s Court paid almost $50,000.00 dollars for that report, unknown to the Sheriff’s Office. A waste of $50,000.00 taxpayers money. For what I ask? I consider it your job to “investigate” and find out. What did you find sir?
I quote further form your report, “The group’s report lays out evidence that the sheriff's staff falsified training records and failed to pursue 4,000 reported crimes over the years, including 106 alleged sexual assaults.”
That quote is another lie, sir. Where is the evidence this Agency falsified training records? Since I am the Training Officer, I take great offense at this accusation. During our phone interview, I also explained, in detail, the actual reality of the open criminal cases. Once again you pretended to understand but then pursued your own agenda. Those cases were listed as pending due to a computer entry error. The cases were actually closed. It was an error repaired by the reporting system. This occurred in 2015 with no issues since that time. That was explained to you, sir.
Michael Flynt is a former employee you reference as an authority on the subject of corruption and dysfunction at the Sheriff’s Office. Perhaps Mr. Flynt is a subject matter expert on corruption, but not for the reasons you think. I can only mention that Mr. Flynt is a former employee. There are legal reasons we cannot discuss that man. As an investigative reporter you would do well to exercise due diligence on your informants to determine their credibility before citing them as “evidence”, sir. That goes with all of your “former employee” informants. There are reasons they are referred to as “former employees”. Again, your extreme lack of due diligence is embarrassing to the world of investigative journalism.
Sir, you crow mightily about a $240,000.00 lawsuit, you titled ‘whistle blower lawsuit” That again is a lie, sir. It was a wrongful termination suit. You would do well to request depositions in that lawsuit. You would actually learn what happened. But no, your reckless, fraudulent ‘investigative report” has cast doubt on the integrity and honesty of EVERY SINGLE OFFICER in this agency. All without anything but your “quotes” from former employees and a fraudulent report from the Lion Institute which is filled with quotes from the very same former employees.
Your “report” also states deputies were called to the Oropeza home 3 times in the past 2 years. FALSE, another lie. You sir, were informed in our previously mentioned phone interview there was ONE call there and ONE follow up by a detective. The complainant dropped the charges against Oropeza.
I will sum up with what I will say is my personal opinion of you sir. We both live in entirely different worlds. I work in “Criminal Justice”, the world of facts. I am a retired Army Officer, retired police officer, a current Chief Deputy. I started my life working at age 15. I have worked and fought every inch of the way. I spent 8 years in combat. You know NOTHING of me. There was a day, in the past in this country, when a man with a reckless mouth insulted the honor of another he was challenged on the field. President Andrew Jackson defended his honor and his wife’s honor in that manner over 100 times. Sad, we live in times such as these. As for Greg Capers, corruption and Capers are two words that do not go together. Sheriff Capers works cutting hay on the weekends to make enough money to survive here. His pay is that low. So NO, he is not corrupt and I take offense to your insinuation, sir. I will tell you this. I live in a world where integrity and honor are required, not optional. When your life depends on another man’s judgement and honesty, he better be a good man, or people die.
Now for you, you work in “Social Justice”, a fantasy world of getting what you want without the hard work needed to get it. I see a spoiled “reporter” on a social justice crusade. I read many of your articles. Fairly good work, polished and refined in the Liberal Arts, for sure. But just a word of advice, sir, get your facts in order before you start running your mouth so recklessly. Integrity and Honor are still a concept I will defend, unlike you. By any means necessary.
Tim Kean
Ray McCoppin did a deep dive into the lyin report and exposes the fraud. Follow link in headline for video.
COLDSPRING 7/20/2023
Former SJC Commissioner and a former Orange County Deputy Sheriff has studied the so called, "Lion Report" and offers his analysis. Mr McCoppin's uniqe persepctive seems to be right in line with most who have read the report.
The Sentinel did share the Flynt File with Mr. McCoppin and quite a few others since Flynt was quoted so heavily in the report. Any 'reporter', no matter how far removed from East Texas, who took it on theirself to write a BS hit piece on SJC based on quotes from a dirty cop that has proven himself to be a predator, was contacted and given the Flynt File.
Multiple complaints of illegally placed campaign signs touting, "San Houston" 2024 have been reported to The Sentinel already, Sam hasn't come out of the closet yet admitting publically he is running for county sheriff. December 11th is the last day to officially sign up so The Sentinel is predicting that all of these signs will be slathered with an add on FOR SHERIFF label December 12th.
According to sources close to Houston's campaign strategy committee, the plan is to have Flynt play the bad cop (type casting 101) and continue in his attempt to disparage our sheriff's reputation with his lies and false accusations.
Flynt's reward will be permission and backing to run for the Pct 1 Commissioner's office. Several are lining up to run though.
When the campaign kicks off and Sam is forced out of the closet, we predict he will play the Rodney King role of, "Can't we all just get along" and make out like he wants to pull the county together when his subversive efforts are and have been bent on creating division . When that happens, remember, you heard it here first.
According to those campaign sources, Houston has already bestowed his blessing on Kenneth Dale Lowery to run for Houston's Pct 3 constable's office. Lowery retired from the Angelina Community College police dept. Here is Lowery's FB 'friends' list.
Question fellas, If Flynt did as ordered, how did those sensitive files end up in my posession Flynt? Because you gave them to me hoping I would write a story attacking the sheriff even if it meant compromising two undercover operatives and placing their lives in danger. One a fellow commissioned peace officer that was working one of the largest law enforcement efforts ever undertaken in SJC.
These are the documents I tried to get the DA to prosecute you over for undermining law enforcement in SJC. You are a wormy excuse for a used to be lawman Flynt. It is dirty cops like you that are the reason most of my best sources are vets and honest lawmen or both.
I never saw so much gossip in one document in my life as this lyin lion report. How ignorant to base so much on such a compromised individual as Flynt.
Before all of that, The Honorable Travis Kitchens noticed ADA Freyer milling about the court room and said, "Mr. Freyer, you can have a seat". Freyer did not aknowledge the comment but continued to mill about prompting a much sterner, "Mr. Freyer, SIT DOWN".
Sentinel readers will remember that in a recent murder case, two young hispanic males were manipulated into a confrontation by the woman they both had relations with and the old boyfriend allegedly killed the new boyfriend. He (Escobar) turned himself in the next morning at the SJC Sheriff's office. Someone set an unconstitutional one million dollar bond. Several weeks in, when Escobar's attorney applied for a bond reduction, Judge Kitchens did lower the bond to keep it inline with the constitutional requirements that unreasonable bond not be used to punish a person by setting the bond amount beyond the means of the defendant. Using unconstitutional bond amounts has been the corrupt practice of some in order to let the process be the punishment without due process. Judge Kitchens has had to correct several unconstitutional bond amounts since being on the bench especially in Polk County where the practice was used often by FORMER DA Hon.
Only an idiot would lamblast a Judge who follows the constitution but we have idiots who do just that. Some because they are from a bananna republic and don't know any better. Others because they are corrupt and/or have their own political or financial agenda.
When the Constitution loving judge lowered Escobar's bond, a man that turned himself in, to 75 thousand dollars, the family of the victim protested on the courthouse steps with signs demanding no bond. Not a problem and their right. The problem arose when ADA Freyer took it upon himself to go out as a representative of the SJC DA's office as a featured speaker at the protest. According to the Bloo Bonnet News,Freyer assured the crowd that he would make sure that they would get justice. As he said those words, Freyer knew the crowds idea of justice was no bond for the accused.
Now when Memorial day was celebrated on the courthouse steps recently to honor the men and women who fought and died defending that Constitution, NO ONE from the DA's office bothered to walk downstairs and attend the somber event much less speak to the crowd. When SJC recently celebrated Juneteenth for the 25th year in a row, also organized by our Veteran's Service Officer, no one from the DA's office bothered to walk downstairs for that constitutional honoring event either.
But let a crowd gather demanding unconstitutional actions from the court and Freyer fell all over himself to attend and even be the main event speaker at the protest. Todd Dillon didn't stop him so as the elected DA, that buck stops with him. I did warn DA Dillon that Freyer was a liability to him based on open records obtained and interviews with former co workers of Freyer's. Excellent sources in Montgomery Co state Freyer was terminated for showing up drunk on a crime scene. Freyer denies it when questioned but when I got his file from Harris Co., it turns out he did have a DWI as a young man. Freyer failed to disclose that on any paperwork submitted to Montgomery Co or San Jacinto Co. Nor did any background check take place according to those two files.
I do have emails from the DA assuring The Sentinel that the bloo bonnet news did not get any inside information on the case from his office but it appears fairly obvious from her articles attempting to smear Judge Kitchens that she did. In any event, regardless of the editor and lawman joining up to lamblast Judge Kitchens for protectiong the constitutional rights of the accused before, Judge Kitchens did it one more time by seeking a change of venue to protect the accused's constitutional rights to a fair trial. In that decision, Judge Kitchen's cited Oliver Wendell Holmes' assurance that our 6th ammendment rights to a fair trial outweigh the 1st amendment rights of a free press because without a fair trial, our justice system has no foundation to stand on. In that line of reasoning, The Honorable Judge Kitchens did seek a change of venue for the accused and entered this order against publicity to protect Escobar's constitutional rights to a fair trial. He did indicate that Angelina County had agreed that they would be willing to take on the case. According to the order against publicity restraining all the attorneys and court personnel from speaking to the press, it will follow the case wherever it ends up being transferred to.
In his closing remarks, Judge Kitchens commented that in his 50 years practicing law in many capacities including as a prosecutor, he had NEVER seen anything like this and never has seen the need for an order of this nature. Judge Kitchens further assured the Prosecutors that he has submitted an ethics complaint to the State Bar of Texas.
During the Judge reading of the order, DA Dillon did get up and head to the side door of the courtroom. When challenged by Judge Kitchens as to where he was going, Dillon replied, "I am removing myself". "I have not dismissed you", Judge Kitchens stated firmly and instructed him to remain in the courtroom. Dillon did comply and stood facing the judge for the duration. His stoic composure respected the dignity and decorum of the court.
COLDSPRING 5/23/2023
Allegations of illegal search and seizure of legal mail and attorney/client privilege information have been leveled against ADA Rob Freyer. Where could he, in all his training, have learned it was ok to violate civil rights for a victory in court?