Word has trickled out that man arrested at the scene of a second confrontation between them that resulted in one man being shot in late October last year has been indicted.
Last word from the John Arrendondo family is that John was still in Galveston Hospital about a month ago from the gun shot wound..
We will seek more info on the exact charge.
San Jacinto is not alone in suffering from the shadow box syndrome. the video linked to the headline is eerily similar to the animal control/rescue apparatus crafted in our own county.
What appeared to be falling into disarray just after the first of the year spuring an outcry from from the coordinators has not only gotten back on track but is streamlined some. Constant communication of who is in jail and administering due process by coordinating the court dockett with constantly changing information has been a problem in the past. The last few years have been much better allowing most of the backlog in the District Courts to be caught up. It has taken great effort between the DA's offices, The sheriff Departments andThe Courts. Sentinel readers will remember when people were being left in jail and not getting a lawyer. Breaking loose from the old hard copy and hand carry system into the computer age was a hic cup in hickville for some folks.
The problem had been addressed and corrected under Sheriff Capers leadership but seemed to fall back to nothing at the first of the year with the new sheriff in town.
"That problem has been solved" a criminal justice spokesperson shared. "Not only resolved but improved. "Whoever is doing the report for Sheriff Houston has eliminated a lot of redundant information if the inmate has multiple arrests."
After hearing the flow of vital information had stopped a few weeks ago, I inquired as to current status today expecting to report civil rights violations in the SJC Jail but . .. . .
2/11/2025 TRI COUNTY
It seems like we have come full circle in the open records racket or investigative journalism as some call it. I remember the days you had to look up an address, buy an envelope and pay postage certified or drive in and hand deliver the written request. You needed it date stamped and signed received to be binding and triggering deadlines under the law.
Then email came of age. When they first made it legal to submit open records by email, my first was on behalf of C.J. Grisham, a father on an eagle scout hike with his son. The clerk at the sheriff's office responded so quickley that I got the only copy with the callers remark, "he isn't waving it around or anything, just walking" before the prosecutor told them not to let that document out.
Back then, C.J. Grisham was a father, active duty military and a 2nd amendment advocate.
The video showed the Fat Bastard Steve Ermis grab C.J.'s rifle and put a pistol to C.J." head infront of his teen age son over a pistol C.J. Was licensed to carry. Grisham was arrested and charged with a crime when there was none.
Now C.J. Grisham is a licensed attorney that specializes in constitutional rights protections.
I said all of that to say this. Why can't I get a simple email address for the SJC Sheriff that I can submit an open records request to? The one secretary Lisa Jolly gave me did not bounce back but has not been answered. Is it a bad address or just a criminal ignoring open records laws? Neither answer is good.
2/10/2025 LIVINGSTON
When Livingston ISD Athletic Director, Vanover resigned, It was among many questions regarding allocation of funding for the ISD sports programs. Instead of scrutiny of the finances, Vanover left . . . . . amongst others. Hello Livingston ISD school board. Were the title 9 audits that were being called for ever done?
This stuff has been hanging a while. Are the issues being addressed? Are the female sports programs still being underfunded right here in East Texas? There are more questions but let me submit that one in writing before we move on.
Credible allegations of SJC Sheriff Sam Houston using the jail
s inmate laundry to wash the dog bedding and reusable dog pee pads from his private non profit dog kennel were filed with the Texas State Jail Commission.
The Comission at first committed in writing to investigate those allegations and then back tracked deciding it was not within the scope of their duty and returned the letter attached to this story.
The Tex Admin Code says different and you can read it for yourself.
The complaint filed was based on credible allegations from a former S.O. employee, a current employee and a Trustee's family.
We have not been able to obtain proof positive of the activity going on but the allegations have been made. It would seen a simple question to answer with minimul effort.
If anyone can provide proof that the dirty dog stuff is being washed in the jail's inmate laundry, I will publish that proof here and then do my best to effect a citizen's arrest on the perpetrator of the vile practice.
Just below is a state health dept inspector's report narrative that Sparta signed as then manager of the facility.
This screenshot is off of a video about what the D.O.G.E. (dept of gov efficiency) has uncovered in its brief history. To bring it on home, lets replace 'billions' with thousands to start with.
I can't help but be reminded of my efforts to expose Walter Diggles and our own Royce Wells as commissioner gouging tax payers only to have the Feds swoop in and broaden the investigation. I was just looking at one road that was built to Wells back gate and the middle of nowhere 'chuch' popping up suddenly pastored by his foreman. They found it all over East Texas. When then commissioner Wells requested money to repair a road that suffered no damage from the named storm funds, we requested records. DETCOG dispered millions in our twelve county Council of Governments region. Diggles was over 911 funding and offered funding for the Texas Posse program Nunn developed IF Nunn would kick him back 50 K. I heard him do it with my own ears. Nunn stood up immediatly telling Diggles to "Kiss my ass." and we left the restaurant Diggles had invited us to. It is public record which three commissioers defunded Nunn's contract with SJC just after that.
Local graft is just the trickle down symptoms of a larger syndrome.
With a team of investigators identifying 4 line items in different budgets within the SJC county budget structure that fund animal control in some aspect or another, that leads to more questions. Then when you cannot find any set contract with SJC spelling out terms and conditions, . . . . .?
Is Animal control a public entity or private entity? Are it's records public or non public. Are its fees profit or non profit? Can they impose fines or not impose fines. Can they and have they collected fines on SJC court case punishments? If so, whose fund does it go to? Voila, the shadow box.
Reminds me of a train layout I saw that was a shadow box on the wall. Lowest level was an O scale train that would cross into closed tunnel. second level an HO or Half O scale train with exact same engine and livery would cross back into a closed tunnel. At the top level was the same in N Scale. All had corresponding sound effects. Made you think you were in a bigger box.
I will close this article with this question SJC Sheriff, Sam Houston. Is it true that you are bringing dog pee pads and bedding to the jail laundry since you took office?
It is just one question. Yes or No. You have my number.
Jail commission has already stated it is not any of their business in writing.
LIVINGSTON 1/30/2025
A long standing criminal practice in some Polk Co agencies was recently thwarted by the efforts and persistance of our local, 'Active Activist', Brandon White. Efforts by the Polk Co S.O. to charge more than twenty times the amount allowable under the public records laws of the Great State of Texas were nipped in the bud by White.
White's request for a two page CFS or 'Call For Service' report was met with a $5.00 charge when the law plainly limits the cost to .10 Cents a page. Not only does the law limit the cost to ten cents a page, there is a triple damages clause that allows the requestor to recover three times the amount that is lillegally over charged.
Instead of filing a complaint with the OAG, White opted to provide the educational information directly to the S.O. on per page cost and the triple recovery clause.
The S.O. relented quickly and emailed White with the corrected charge of twenty cents for two pages.
There are exceptions in the public records laws that allow labor charge if the documents are older and have been archived in a different building but recent and most basic documents like a CFS are to be available at a minimum during business hours.
White reported he found twenty pennies in his drink holder to pay the lady.
The auditor movement has often expressed the desire to educate those willing to learn and weed out those who refuse.
The main focus of The Sentinel has been to exercise our public records rights and our probable cause protections. That effort often serves to inform the voters of who is corrupt and who is not.
East Texas just seems to be eat up with, "I am the law around here" mentality. The more podunk the community, the worse it is.
1/22/2025 "T O" ROLLING IN TEXAS
Tthe "Texas Oklahoma" An Army Group was rolling through Willis yesterday. "I would hate to know they were coming after me with that armament"a veteran and fellow fueler at the Travel Plaza on 45 South observed. Then he added, "I used to wear that patch".
" Trump don't need all that just to enforce the border. He going to invade Mexico", the man speculated but certain.
"Nah" an old coot responded. "He might foray into a Mexico to make a delivery to the Cartels but I wouldn't call it an invasion" he concluded.
`/28/2025 COLDSPRING
The recent capture of Ty Martin by Onalaska P.D. AND Polk Co S.O. reveals 'inner workings' of corruption by the time he is returned to Sam Houston's sheriff Dept.
Where the guns and cash go, no body knows?
The question became "was he or wasn't he armed when captured"? Ty left threatening to go get a gun. His family had taken his guns because of his unstable behaviour. Despite multiple calls and an easily accessible record of felony convictions and even a mental health warrant, Sam's possee missed their man. He made it to Onalaska and got the gun . . . . or did he?
Onalaska P.D. could not, would not, did not answer the question, "Did Ty Martin have a gun on him when he was arrested?" The arresting officer was quite available to Byron Dunaway but none could answer. Polk Co S.O. who assisted in the arrest could not, would not, did not answer the question, "Did Ty Martin have a gun on him when he was arrested?" The most I could get out of Chief Deputy Lowery was, "I don't see an entry in the dispatch log where they called in to run a weapon serial number."
Lets fast forward to after Sam Houston took custody of the man they missed once already. The deputy takes Ty to SJC Jail and Sam has him booked under a misdomeaner weapons charge and minor assault charges with no mention of a gun. Calls to Sam's jail produced no answers. Pretty simple, straight forward question. It is PI and PK that Ty Martin had felony convictions and could not legally posess a gun. Public Information and Public Knowledge is what it is but the fact that the cops, all of them" had access to the infomation at their finger tips but didn't act as if they knew speaks volumes. A throw down gun can be a valuable commodity in some circles. Tammy Heeth made a few bucks at it so it speaks valumes to me. For years before the Rangers finally put the cuffs on Lima for dealing drugs while working for Trinity Co. Sheriff, Woody Wallace. multiple people claimed they were stopped and had gun and or drugs which were taken but only got a speeding ticket, never drug or gun charges. Same thing up through Seven Oaks and Corrigan. Then the scandalous information that O.P.D> Officer Tammy Heeth was selling stolen guns through her pawn shop in Polk Co.
Guns taken from evidence.
Now, a notorious felon who has been reported for threatening several women and going after another gun is arrested and no one knows where the gun went. Not OPD, not PCSO, not SJCSO.
Not only that, when a majistrate arrives with no information and the Sheriff does not give them the information about the priors, he sets an attainable bond avg for the low level charge and informs the man that his mother passed, also official duty.
A bond low enough that someone with a job could pay and he would be out and knows where to go to buy a gun in Onalaska and carry out his threats.
When made aware that information was with held by Sam Houston, the magistrate made a hurried trip in to increase the bond double.
The Sentinel finally got a reply to open records that answered the question of was there a gun and where is it? Yes Ty had a gun and it is currently in evidence at SJC Sheriff Dept. The email address Sam Houston's secretary gave me hasn't bounced back but it has gone unanswered so far. An open records request submitted to DA Dillon with an "at his convenience" clause leaving response time and redaction to his discrection in respect of his tremendous case load were still met within the state's timeframe. DA Dillon confirmed that Ty Martin has a felony conviction and did have a gun when arrested. Now the question Sam I am is, "Why not charge a dangerous man witht he dangerous crimes he is committing? Inept or in cahoots? Neither answer is good. We know you really like to keep guns when you can so just let it fall off the radar right up front? Was that the game plan?
Back fire. Now other people want to know why no felon in posession charges. Your deputy made it plain that your department "Would not" pursue any higher charges.
Why? Inept? In Cahoots? Neither answer is good again. Both answers endanger the citizens and especially women in SJC.
Four days after the fervent oprayer for wisdom and guidance from God on "every Situation", Sam Houston's
sheriff dept decides violence committed on a woman by a man male is not important or worthy of the time to even do the paperwork. "If we arrest anyone, we will arrest you for being the aggressor", the female victim was warned by Sam's deputy Brooks after him speaking to
the abuser and his father.
In Texas, the officer does have the discretion whether to arrest or not, unlike many states that have a mandatory arrest policy when evidence of an assault is present.
That is bad enough and even to be expected when Sheriff's long time employee and prayer buddy,pictured above with hat in hand has been arrested multiple times himself for physically abusing women. Sparta was 'un arrested' once before the booking paperwork ink was dry and He has even been 'not arrested' at all after his most recent documented incident of abusing a woman in front of witnesses, both overlookingswere at the hand of DA Bret Ligon's office in Mont Co. Sam just likes to threaten to take away her kids if an attractive young mother won't meet up with him one on one.
As appalling as these misogynist ass holes are, the fact that a female top law enforcement person in position in SJC to file charges has confirmed she has all of the evidence, She never bothered to call back and say she got it as requested. Instead, she had to be tracked down to confirm it thus the 'back seat' headline. The same father and son who claimed the victim was the aggressor also said she was on meth. The victim submitted to a drug test for the lady lawman proving they lied about that. Still nothing. It has been over two weeks since the injuries. The victim went to the hospital the next day because of those cuts, scrapes and bruises. These two photos of her injuries are not but a small portion of the evidence.
FEDERAL COURT Eastern Texas District
What I argued at the time and has now been proven by the dogged determination of Brandon White, aka 'America First'is that Corriga P.D. Chief. Gibson is an idiot tyrant at heart.
Brandon White, an active activist who publishes mainly on You Tube did get Gibson to prove his true capacity and colors by merely laying the opportunity in the public right of way for Gibson to step right in it. Gibson did not disappoint.
Along in the same time frame, Gibson also arrested Phillip Turner of Turner Vs Driver Supreme Court case establishing public photography is not a crime, for public photography in Corrigan. "Supreme Court be damned, I am the law here" is what Gibson's actions screamed loud and clear. "No so fast" White proved.
1/11/2025 SAN JACINTO CO
In a repeat of Sheriff Sam Houston's campaign strategy, he is holding a fund raiser at The Shifters Roadhouse biker bar just north of Coldspring according to a FB post.
It was about a year ago that a local man was killed when exiting the Shifters Roadhouse parking lot on his motorcycle after drinking and pulling right out in front of an oncoming vehicle. The FB post extols the alleged virtues of Sam Houston winning a court battle that never was. The case was thrown out without the first bit of evidence ever being presented in open court by a corrupt, "the fix is in" judge. In so doing, rampant election violations of law were ignored in San Jacinto County. CHAMBERS COUNTY takes a dim view of election fraud and did something about it. SJC, not so much.
Once again Sentinel sources are accurate. TCOLE confirms active status of Sparta's commission but lists him, not eligible for appointment"
A small claims lawsuit has been filed against Sheriff Sam Houston over the dog spotted in his prayer video posted on The Sentinel. The red heeler was reported as stolen and the owners claim the dog is chipped but their claims have fallen on deaf ears.
FB has been the medium of getting their message out naming Sam Houston as having taken the dog. These complaints and others have come into The Sentinel for some time from different people. We did confirm that the lawsuit has been filed in the JP 2 court after Judge Ellisor of Pct 3 recused himself.
1/5/2025 POLK CO S.O.UNDERMINES, STAND YOUR GROUND, CASTLE DOCTRINE AND THE TEXAS AFTER DARK LAWS. Steadfast refusal to enforce trespass and stalking laws and make an arrest even with probable cause evidence shows the true colors of much of the 'upper' S.O. There are exceptions that want to do the right thing but it appears, "social justice" management is getting in the way. If anyone ever earned the right to protect himself and his little piece of his Polk Co pie, it is the Silver Star veteran at left. When the word of a two time loser felon excon admitted gang member's word means more than this marine's, something is out of whack. Arrendondo approached the Marine and two Arrendondo compadres got out and stood off a little ways. You take a man with war injuries including being blown up by an IED and shot or taken shrapnel twice, he is not going to take a blow to his head based on old injuries. It turned out to be a bad mix for Arrendondo and his mistaken notion he could threaten people with no consequences.
San Jacinto County faces some of the same when the Dodge family and friends keep trying to retaliate against one of our former residents who stood his ground, protected his home and killed a man who had no gun.
When John Wayne Dodge showed up in SJC with two grown men besides himself threatening and inflicting harm, he got him self killed by another man standing his ground who did have a gun. A short set of stupid actions put John Wayne Dodge in the grave and John Arrendondo in the hospital with serious injuries. Dodge went past no trespass signs on private property and as a group, the men began assaulting the property owner. Not only a felony crime, a three against one punk odds. The main aggressor was Michael Dodge and he was the shooter's target but a last violent blow knocking the man down deflected his aim, The shotmissedMichael and killed his dad instead.
According to the probable cause narrative based on store video and the marine, Arrendondo pulled into the parking lot where he was fueling his truck then Arrendondo got out to confront the Marine.
John Arrendondo is still alive but but I am sure he is wishing he hadn't threatened the wrong man. First comes the family and friends FB trashing the shooter with lies. Then the drivebys and attempts to intimidate. Both cases the same.
Tomorrow is the 17th anniversary of John Wayne Dodge's death and the Dodge family is still retaliating. Dodge's sister, Jennifer Jones has been the most prolific with the social media war of words. Slinging false accusations, total lies and never proof.
From accusing our sheriff of murder and using her brother's tragic death for politics wasn't disgusting enough, Jennifer has also accused the man who shot her brother of killing his own wife. Then she goes political and continued attacking our sheriff for not arresting him on her say so. Then his wife and her dogs were found. Feeling stupid yet Jennifer?
Fairly near the time of this incident in 2008, a law was passed that if you were involved in the commission of a felony crime and someone died, any participant could be charged with murder even if they did not pull the trigger.
Our grand jury nullified that law in San Jacinto county. If Michael Dodge had not been committing a felony assault crime, the shooting would not have taken place.
Sheriff Capers did arrest Michael Dodge and turn the case over to the DA. SJC DA's office did charge him and present the case to the Grand Jury.
Although I agree with the premise of the law that if three hoodlums rob a liquor store and one beats the owner to death or shoots him, all are quilty, I understand the Grand Jury decision and it makes me thankful we have the system we have. It involved family and neighbors and an argument out of hand. One man was dead. Why compound the suffering in our community.? After all, Michael did not pull the trigger on his own father. bBut he did cause it to be pulled. Had he suffered enough with the death of his father? Grand jury moved on past the bad time and upheld the rights of a free people to protect and defend themselves and theirs along with giving the criminal who was doing the assaulting, a second chance.
According to reliable sources, the New Orleans muslim bastard that killed so many has a brother and another cohart locked up in the federal facility in Beaumont, Tx. The two men, it was proven, have been in constant contact with the muslim punk that killed so many in New Orleans. It is reported that almost immediatly after the attack, both connected inmates in the Beaumont facility were moved into 'protective custody'
Birth place and lifelong home of mooslum communist Obama comrade, John Brennan. This city lies close to The Hudson and border of Manhatten.
Brennan is a major contributor to the, "Disposition Matrix" more commonly known as the 'Kill List' for drone warfare.
When John Nunn and I were developing the SJC 911 addressing system, the fed guidelines called for us to base the address on, "coordinates for the front door". We declined. "They could use that to drop a rocket on your porch" the retired Army Ranger trained specialist Nunn observed.
Instead, we addressed the spot where your driveway intersected the road based on distance down and which side of the road. 52.8 feet equaled a numerical value of ten. 528 feet equaled a numerical value of 100, 5280 feet equaled a numerical value of 1000 and so on. Odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right oriented from the point of beginning of the road. For instance, 1501 would be a mile and one half down on the left. That way, instead of every emergency response vehicle and personell having to have a GPS device showing coordinates, (an expensive and logistical nightmare) all they needed was an odometer. The plan was brilliant and not rocket science at the same time. Nunn joked he had to keep it simple for me to keep up. The simplicity of the system and my offer to help Shirley Brandon once Nunn's contract was defunded by commissioner Brandon, McAnally and others and she was hired fell on deaf ears. It didn't take long under Brandon's leadership for the 911 addressing system to be destoyed. We are all witness to the ambulances driving around looking for an address. The worst was when the new 911 addressing coordinator decided to follow the fed directive and redo every address in the county to base it on coordinates for the front door. It was my strenous objection that stopped that crazy idea. "Can you imagine 26 thousand people having to change their address on their Drivers License, bank account, utilities and all?"
It seems as if there is still no understanding of the very simple addressing formula to this day. Even the most basic part of odd number on the left and even numbers on the right has escaped them.
OR, 'mouth of the south' booked
If the name, Steve Stash doesn't ring a bell, he is the featured subject on a couple of Sentinel articles on our POINTBLANK Page
As an administrator or former admin on the, "What's Up Onalaska" FB Page, his reputation preceeds him. His home address came up related to one of the IP addresses out of Onalaska that tried to hack my website.
Sentinel readers will remember the stories on the water theft to keep the mayors pond full. His wife works for the water supply or did at the time.
We will see if he made bond or not and a vehicle description so all of Onalaska can be warned. Does anybody know if they posted this info on the What's Up Onalaska page?
VFD responds and puts out the fire. No report of structure loss. "We are not under a burn ban", one long time volunteer fireman aknowledged, "but it is too dry to burn." she lamented after the battle.
Remember these dedicated volunteers when the, 'Fill The Boot' donation drive gets underway.
WATERWOOD 1/3/2025 1:20 PM
ON Waterwood Parkway. Several SJC VFD units deployed. Structures threatened.
'Sketchy' translation - inappropriate relationship with inmate. We have not received the official documents yet. I want to see if Byron Lyons asked for her employment records before he hired her. That is one of those questions where neither answer is good.
12/30/2024 POLK COUNTY
According to FB posts, Polk Co Sheriff Dept catches and fires former jailer, Alyssa Young for bringing contraband into the Polk Co jail. A simple perusal of her TCOLE service report showed her working a very short stint in the SJC jail several years ago. We have not obtained official records regarding her tenure with SJC yet but one reliable source remembered her very short tenure at SJC as, "sketchy"
Today's swearing in ceremony will be held in the SJC County Courthouse for all of our local elections.Judge Faulkner will be conducting the ceremonies at 10 AM. Nothing new there. What is new are several offices in SJC being held by women. For the first time, we will have a female Constable. In Pct 1, Rae Phillips was elected. a female commissioner in Pct 3 with the election of Ms. Crystal Dominy. A female State Representative, Janice Holt will represent us in Austin . Congratulationss ladies.
Reaching all the way back to 2011 and calling a gift a commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission levels charges at the Texas Attorney General. As a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, Paxton put himself in the crosshairs of the corrupt Deep State. Story linked to headline.
AUSTIN 12/26/2024
Attorney General, Ken Paxton was successful in stoping the Traitor and Chief, Joeseph R. Biden from selling the already paid for wall panel sections for pennies on the dollar. Corrupt Biden's criminal effort was to thwart President Trump from securing the border. Well Done AG Paxton. Now how about a little attention to father's rights in the Great State of Texas.
Could it be because the patent on the process of stealing elections comes from the federal level and to expose the illegal activity of the recent SJC sheriff race would draw attention to D.C.?
Think about it. Step one. Allow a bunch of illegal voters to register to vote.
Step Two. Allow a bunch of illegal voters to vote.
Step Three. Illegally manipulate the results of the election
Step four. Appoint a 'compliant' 'the fix is in' visiting Judge.
Step Five. Fail to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate
Step Six. Ignore that the prosecutor with jurisdiction's investigator is one of the criminal voters and that he 'fails' to uncover the crimes.
A recent conversation with SJC Treasurer, Dee Dee Baily took the form of a lawn mowing if my butt was grass. Ms. Baily started with being miffed that my website had her name on it twice and I had not called her. She further stated that she had never referred the requestors to the DA and that, "I gave them everything I had" as far as records of payments to the county by Waggin Tails.
My first step was to go back to my original source, the requestor, and tell them what she chewed on me about. He chuckled and said, yes she did give us everything she had. . . . . . NOTHING. I did assure the treasurer that in the interest of truth, I would submit an open records request for their original open records request and all the documents she provided them and then make any correction that was warranted based on what I could document. That request has been submitted.
FRIDAY 12/13/ 2024
COLDSPRING It is public record who has sought public records recently. Interesting. Records indicate that Channel 13 HAS sought and obtained the records proving the crimes committed in the primary election.
Sam Houston, it appears, will be sworn in January 1st as SJC Sheriff. "If he does hire Stan Jolly as chief deputy, SJC will have a pretty good Department", one long time contemporary of Jolly's stated, "as long as Sam stays in his lanepoliticking kissing babies and lets Stan run the department"
COLDSPRING 12/9/2024
Two local citizens zealous of accountability and transparency in our local government did have opportunity to visit with SJC DA, Todd Dillon yesterday. One of the citizens had requested open records from both the SJC Treasurer and Auditor egarding the financial records proving Sam Houston's "Waggin Tails" dawg non profit is submitting the fees and monies due to the county from the county's animal control program to the county as required by law. Both women deferred to DA Todd Dillon as the one who would allow the records to be provided but neither woman has made any records available.
DA Dillion did assure the two citizens that he was not going to block them and even stated, "You will get the records", according to the men. "They are just having trouble finding them." Dillon added to explain the past legal limit delay in providing the requested records.
12/10/2024 COLDSPRING
Consistant but unofficial sources state that a significant number of the deputies and jailers that work for SJC Sheriff, Greg Capers are not going to stay on with Sam Houston at the helm.
It has been circulated that Sam Houston is going to hire aman named, Jolly to be his chief deputy. If he is the Jolly that worked in Humble for years, that Officer Jolly has a good reputation as an able and fair man.
By whatever standard used to measure, it was the delays in the contested sheriff race case tthat caused the finding of a lack of jurisdiction. According to the order granting the dismissal of the lawsuit, being postponed past the date of the general election is what "forced" Judge McCaig to throw the case out as "Moot".
The entire document is available at the District Clerks office. Some of the case law cited was 90 years old. Sam Houston sought and was granted 3 delays and Capers one but the Judges failure to schedule the trial before the November election day is what took jurisdiction out of his court. How conveinent. We still contend that the fix was in from the get go. There were way more illegal votes than the 107 vote margin Sam 'won' by. How embarassing for the State of Texas if all of that came to light in the public record. The Makin Bacon award stands.
AFTER SEEKING COUNSEL, The Sentinel will provide the original Power Point file to any who arrange to obtain it from us but will not publish the video until more redaction takes place to avoid a "DOXing" law suit.
The file 0proves that hundreds of people were allowed and even encouraged to vote illegally. The most agregious were the ones allowed to register AND VOTE the day of the election.
Sam Houston's election is the biggest scam imposed on the People of East Texas in years. The fix was in from the get go on the lawsuit from the judge that was appointed to the special prosecutor who wasn't. they know but NO ONE from FBI on down seems to give piece of pig poop about it.
Oh Well. it is what it is. The Sentinel hereby issues the 1st Annual, "MAKIN BACON' Award to this whole election mess. What an indictment of the criminal so called "justice" system. , More like "Just Us" as one ardent advocate often stated.
The Sentinel, yours truely takes full credit for the concept of the Makin Bacon Award photo but several contributed to the overall product. First I found the pig picture on a hag farmer website. Then another found the cowboy hatand human ears on a Woody Wallace ad or FB publication that fit the hawg perfetly. After sharing that photo with another photography expert, he found and imported the mirror shades to complete the conceptional idea. We haven't confirmed but suspect the mirror shades were snipped right out of the, "Cool Hand Luke" movie.
UPDATED 12/2/2024
The DAWG Money' non profit established under the name of Sam Houston's wife is being investigated for financial misconduct per documents obtained from the Texas Attorney General. A concerned citizen recently requested of SJC Auditor, Margie Ainsworth and Treasurer, Dee Dee Baily for an accounting of all of the contributions to SJC that the dawg money operation has made in the form of adoption fees, etc. Auditor Ainsworth, who was fired from Polk County for illegal and unethical auditing practices there, nor SJC Treasurer Dee Dee Baily agreed to answer the request stating that they would have to run it by the DA.
Normally, only the local DA's in Texas counties assign a Texas Ranger to a case but this assignment comes from the DPS Asst Director according to a string of emailsbetwen investigators and the Texas Attorney General's office.
In an interview with the lead C.I.D. investigator into the Dawg non profit, Agent DelGado was asked if his ongoing investigation was called off when the election contest case was thrown out. He stated, "I heard there was a trial of some sort but I did not keep up with it because it had no bearing on my investigation.".
When I asked him if there was a Texas Ranger on the case as indicated in the emails from him that I had obtained, Delgado stated that he would confirm that there was an investigation but would not give specifics about the investigation but did state again that, "Nothing changed" when the lawsuit was thrown out.
On another note, Steve 'no draw' McGraw is out and one of his deputy directors, Freeman Martin has been SWORN IN as Texas Dept of Public Safety Director.
Questions posed by several journalists and investigators concerning the exact status of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (T.C.O.L.E.) license held by former Pct 3 Constable, Sam Houston were addressed by T,C.O.L.E. officials today.
Effective immediatly, Phil Herrington has resigned as senior pastor of the Coldspring First Baptist Church. A fellowhip dinner and business meeting will be held Sunday evening, Dec 1st to make decisions on the path forward.
ERIC ZELAYA is the name of the murder victim found in Sam Houston's Pct. The autopsy report states 'male' according to our source. We were able to confirm gender and exact name. According to an official source in the SJC Sheriff Dept, the Houston Police Homocide division has taken full control of the investigation and evidence. HPD is keeping details close to the vest. There are leads being followed up on and they hope for a break in the case soon. The Sentinel did provide the little bit of evidence that had been submitted to us. We hope to be notified when an arrest is made.
11/19/2024 POLK CO
Several complaints of intentional confrontation and harassment by members of the John Arrendondo family against Phillip McCulloch Jr have been made to the Polk Co S.O. with not much response according to sources close to the event. Trespassing up to and including allegations of killing livestock on the McCulloch property along with intentional efforts to run McCulloch off the road have been reported to the S.O. and relayed to The Sentinel. Stalking of McCulloch by the Arrendondo family is being reported. The back story in on the POLK COUNTY page.
The Silver Star Marine has hired a local attorney, William Lee Hon to defend him on the Agg Assault charges.
11/18/2024 MONTGOMERY CO
Multiple cases of women being physically and mentally abused of late have seemingly gotten right past Mont Co DA, Bret Ligon, his staff. and the Mont Co Sheriff's dept. We have written about the assault Sam Houston's former captain Sparta committed a few weeks ago at the Splendora mudding event. Sources say Sam showed up on the scene. Sparta assaulted the woman in front of several reliable witnesses resulting in bruising and other injuries to her body. The Sentinel has interviewed one eye witness and the victim of that assault. Not only has no arrest been made, no charges have been filed and NO ONE from the Mont Co S.O. or the D.A's office has reached out to interviewthe victim since the assault took place.
Sparta assaulted the woman and then ran off fleeing the scene like the little chicken sh#t he is.
Our investigation has revealed that Sparta, since he has suffered no repercussions from the assault, has continued to harass and even stalk the most recent victim of his mental illness. And this is the guy Sam Houston wants to bring in to the SJC S.O.
The public record proves Sparta has assaulted at least five women. That is disturbing but the biggest red flag was when our investigation revealed that Sparta had removed the inside door knob on the camper trailer he had taken to the mudding event and kept it in his pocket. At one point, the victim found herself locked in the trailer with no way out until Sparta decided to let her out. Montgomery county D.A. would know this if they bothered to investigate the incident.
Wayne Dolcifino has joined in the effort to bring the chronic problems of the Mont Co DA to the forefront using his platform HERE.
The last time Sparta was arrested in Mont Co was for assaulting his then wife threatening her, her teenager with a gun then putting the gun to his own head according to the Probable Cause documents we obtained. The booking report from that incident show the S.O. did their investigation, arrested and booked Sparta into the Mont Co jail. Then the ADA from Bret Ligon's office fell all over himself to get to the jail and DISMISS Sparta's charges before the booking report ink was dry. That ADA attributed the dropped charges to, "Terms Met".
As bad as this systemic corruption is and the detrimental effect on the abused women, this next clip is one of the most troubling I have seen and heard. In it, Mont Co LEO stops a woman whose bike rack on the back of her car is making it difficult to read the license plate. There is a specific excepption in the obscured license plate statute for bike racks that are installed in a normal fashion yet this cop makes a no probable cause stop. That is troubling but the most troubling aspect is when the tyrant cop calls DA Bret Ligon's office and his ADA informs the cop that the bike rack is legal but offers to file the case anyway, "if you want to "bite off that fight". The entire video is HERE and is worth listening to but the DA comment is at the 13 minute mark. It is discouraging that the cop is no better trained than that but Bret Ligon's office being willing to file bogus charges that they know are bogus speaks volumes to the depth of Ligon's corruption. His corruption has been chronic as proven by prior cases The Sentinel has illustrated of no probable cause stops. We still have that evidence too if Ligon wants to dispute our contention.
We thank a reliable Sentinel content contributor for finding the video featured here.
Once the Election Contest suit was dismissed by Judge McCaig, the evidence collected in the investigation was obtained via open records request. The evidence proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that several hundreds of illegal voters were registered and illegal votes cast in the primary race for SJC Sheriff. Illegal votes that far exceed the 107 vote margin of difference between the two candidates.
It has become clear why the Election Administrator and her staff resigned suddenly and retained a criminal defense attorney immediatly.
A recent NEWS STORY many have seen of the election judge in Minnosota or some yankee state being arrested and charged with felony crimes for allowing unregistered voters to cast their ballots bring the local issue to the forefront.
A fairly broad spectrum of evidence is leading to a narrow conclusion or two.
Just like a prism divides white light into separate colors, scrutiny has spread the evidence into distinct categories.
One of the categories appears to be the, "right under your nose" category.
Judge McCaig said in his opening remarks at the initial hearing, "I have read the origitnal petitions. I've read the answers. I've read the motion for summary judgement and I've read the response to it. so whnever you begin your arguement, use that as kind of a basis. I know you are going to want to lay some foundation which is fine, I'll give you every opportunity that you need to do that with that said, let's get on with it."
The EXACT language of paragraph III of the original petition covered venue and JURISDICTION and said this:
Now when it is embarassing what happened and no one in power seems to want to let the evidence get to court. Now he lacks jurisdiction?
PCT 3 TRAILS END 10/25/2024
3 sharp eyed intuitive lawmen from SJC Sheriff Dept initiated a traffic stop in Pct 3 on a big rig coming out of the Trails End subd section of Sam Houston's constable jurisdiction. The lawman, once again was NOT Sam. It was three of Sheriff Capers hires. Over 200 lbs of weed were disguised and hidden in a load but to no avail. It was detected. John Rodriguez was arrested and booked in SJC for posession of greater than 50 lbs and less than 2000 lbs. He was transported to the Polk Co jail where he is awaiting arraignment.
Polk Co Sheriff, Byron Lyons' staff REFUSED TO release the public information of name and charge of someone in his jail. They required me to submit an open records request and wait ten days. Why am I not surprised? The best I could get was a dead end call to a voice mailbox for Sherry Sprayberry. Byron hasn't gotten the memo that who you have locked up, their name and the nature of the charges against them is always public record. The day the criminal justice system does not have to give that information on demand has NOT gotten here yet.
Using a technique my dad taught me, I knew the answer before I asked the question. The absolute apaque nature of the Polk Co Sheriff's office is dispicable and does nothing but widen the gap of distrust.
The fact that he was coming out of Sam Houston's jurisdiction proves once again that is a distribution point for the drugs. Sentinel readers will remember when Sheriff Capers and his dept busted a grow house that had been operating right under Sam Houston and Sparta's nose for quite a while. Now that we know Sparta was dating and then assaulting a known heavy drug trafficker, maybe other people are starting to see what I have known for years. SAM HOUSTON is CORRUPT. The repeated allegations are that Sammy boy is on the take from the Mexican CArtels and the total lack of arrests by him that would negate those allegations speaks volumes.
CORRECTION TO MY original story. It was three SJC deputies that spotted the load, not just one.
To: Press Release
Date: 10/25/2025
Subject: Drug Seizure/Arrest
On 10/25/2024 just after midnight San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office Patrol Deputies conducted a traffic stop of a commercial vehicle near Lee Turner and Trails End Roads.
An investigation resulted in the seizure of exactly 283.8lbs of packaged marijuana. According to a bill of lading found in the impounded vehicle, a commercial load was being delivered to a location in the Northeastern U.S. The cash street value of this drug shipment is $2.2 million in that area according to the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) drug task force. The 2003 Peterbilt truck and trailer were impounded for further investigation. John Rodriquez, a 54yoa male, was taken into custody for Felony Possession of Marijuana. Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace Randy Ellisor has set bond for Mr. Rodriquez at $600,000 with the following conditions:
1. He is not allowed to leave Texas or the United States. 2. He must surrender his passport. 3. Report in once a month until trial.
Due to the alert actions of Patrol Lieutenant R. Nash, Deputy Hughes and Sergeant Saintes yet another load of dangerous drugs was intercepted. This incident is another example of the large quantity of illegal drugs which flow through San Jacinto County.
I encourage anyone who has information concerning illegal drugs, human trafficking or criminal offenses to please contact the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office (936)653-4367 or call Multi-County Crime Stoppers at (800)392-7867.
Greg Capers
San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office
UPDATE 10/16/2024
Calls placed to Onalaska PD Chief, Byron Dunaway have gone unanswered or returned. Other sources indicate that the SRO has been placed on Administrative Leave as is normal under these type circumstances. We have been able to confirm that the Texas Rangers are conducting an investigation and that the area in which the weapon was discharged is normally under video and audio recording. We know already that the DA's office will be reluctant to discuss the case but we made a call to them anyway.
One LEO source indicates the case will be referred to the Grand Jury under Penal Code 22.041 (b) A person commits an offense if the person, having custody, care, or control of a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual, intentionally abandons the child or individual in any place under circumstances that expose the child or individual to an unreasonable risk of harm.
According to records, The City of Onalaska issued a Glock 40 to the SRO, a gun with NO positive lock SAFETY mechinism.
No one has even mentioned charging the student, Ms. (Olgletree) Tompkins under the Penal Code 38.14 Sec. 38.14. TAKING OR ATTEMPTING TO TAKE WEAPON FROM PEACE OFFICER
That crime is a 3rd degree felony.
We did reach out to the Onalaka school Supt and found out the area is under audio and video cameras. We have not been able to confirm if the Rangers obtained that evidence yet but presume they did.
An Onalaska school student grabbed at a School Resource Officer's (SRO) gun causing a 'negligent discharge' of his weapon during an after hours school function on school grounds. The narrative on facebook and other sources indicates she had challenged the officer about grabbing his gun to which he replied, "you can't, it is locked into the holster" referencing the, 'snap in' function of the hard plastic style holster. According to sources, she grabbed at the weapon and it was his struggle to prevent it that caused the discharge.
Critics claim he should not have been talking to the student at all. The student is from an influential family so lets see where this goes. The officer has never had a complaint made against him to The Sentinel.
According to a spokesperson for the Montgomery County DA's office, an investigation into the incident has been opened. The investigator would not comment further.
True to form, Sparta boys always assault females from age 7 to 37. Of the five arrests for violence just against Peter Sparta, all are females. Never was a Willy nor a Sam. He is following the lead of his mentor, Sam Houston to prey on women. Follow the link on Sam's name to read the series of threatening text messages he sent a young female if she didn't meet him one on one. SamHouston threatened her with losing her kids if she didn't meet him.
Several LEO's express concern that Sparta needs some anger management treatment before he really goes off the deep end. Sparta claims on FB he has never been convicted but a truer statement is that the convictions are over ten years old and fell off of his record. Sam Houston was fully aware of Sparta's arrest records but kept him on anyway.
According to Mont Co jail records, Sparta has not been in their jail since this incident happened. In prior arrests, Sparta went to distant counties to turn himself in and arrange bond so there are no local records. We don't know if he has been arrested or even if he will be arrested. We redacted the victim last name and witness first name to protect their identity. The We will follow up to see if there is a warrant issued. The report we obtained shows that five officers responded to the call for, "Assault in Progress". Lets see if Sam Houston can cover for Sparta again.
“Let’s get to it” was The Honorable Judge McCaig’s opening instruction to both attorneys after clarifying that he had read the pleadings before The Court up to and including Houston’s Motion For Summary Judgement and answers. Encouraging the attorneys to use that information as a ‘base’ to start from, Judge McCaig then set the process in motion with his directive. His honor made it plain that he was in no way precluding the counselors from laying whatever foundation they felt they needed to lay but was letting them know that he was up to speed on the case and ready for them to move forward.
Houston’s attorney started his show by stating his name and going right into his claim that Sheriff Capers suit was not filed in a timely manner and therefore , “must be dismissed.”
Railey went on to speak about records being ‘available’ and even stated, “All of the exact same information was available on the Secretary of State (S.O.S.) website”. That ended up being a lie that would soon return to bite him and his client in the butt.With the time frames in the law being tied to the goal posts of, “results” of the election and, “records” of the election, Houston’s attorney tried to conflate the two as interchangeable when they are not. Each stands alone and has a definition, a purpose and a place.
Sheriff Capers Attorney illustrated that official results and election records, “are the goal posts” by raising his two hands in the air. He put it on cookie shelf level about how the time constraints written in the Election Code are based on these events that are different yet related. One is the event, the other is the records of that event.
Caper’s team then took it to the cookie jar analogy. With the S.O.S. website containing “results” only told us the totals of how many votes were in the jar. “It didn’t say how many votes in the jar were from convicted felons or people that didn’t register in time but were allowed to vote. It didn’t tell how many votes were provisional ballots or an illegal vote for violating election law in some way
The source of the confusion by the Houston camp may have been an evidence exhibit in the pleadings that was a declaration by SJC Republican chair, Dwayne Wright. In this declaration, Wright stated that the records were “ available” because he had followed the law and posted the results on the S.O.S. website. It was a self aggrandizing, sickly suck up narrative in his sworn statement proving our suspicion that Dwayne Wright is squarely in the Houston camp. This is the same Dwayne Wright that took a ten thousand dollar bribe from the Janice Holt campaign to back stab the incumbent State Rep. The same Dwayne Wright that didn’t seem to care that Houston’s ‘Captain’Sparta did not live in SJC and let him get on the ballot. When asked if Sparta’s DL address matched the address on his application, Wright replied, “It’s not my job to check that. I just file the documents.” Sources say Wright is still flying the 'SPARTA' banner outside his version of a republican party office. Maybe he is already planning to heop with an underdog comeback for Sparta's political career.
In addition, Sparta was allowed to run for office and to register to vote and vote despite not meeting the residency requirements.Judge McCaig asked a specific question regarding the term, “Available” in the Election Code. Remember, Dwayne Wright is declaring that the election records were “available” in time to fit Sam’s narrative but low and behold, it isn’t as simple as Sam’s attorney thinks it is or Liar Wright says it is.
Liar may be a little harsh there. He may just really be an idgit.
The Honorable McCaig asked what appeared to be a simple question with his, "what does 'available' mean?"
Sam's lawyer pulled out his print out of the Websters dictionary defintion, "able to be obtained". He followed up with, "It doesn't say has been obtained but just able to be obtained". He should have shut up there but he added, "Even your honor can look that up"
Before I cover the part of the story leading to the Judge's decision, I need to look up some code references Sheriff Caper's attorney made and look over my notes again because the statement The Honorable McCaig made prior to rendering his decision was not only weighty, it expressed a vital truth for our nation, not just East Texas.
Sam's attorney made another bush league mistake He filed a traditional "Motion for Summary Judgement" and then tried to present it as a "No Evidence Motion for Summary Judgement."
Understanding the difference is an entire semester of law school so lets just say they are different and cannot be conflated. Was he being deceptive or just inept? Only his barber knows for sure. Sheriff Caper's attorney nipped those nefarious efforts in the bud then he answered the judge's question about what, 'available' meant in the law.
Sheriff Capers' attorney first defined right out of the Election Code what qualified as an 'election record'. It is a massive amount of documents. These documents include SS numbers, DL numbers, phone numbers, addresses, gender, race and such so there is no way, DESPITE what Dwayne Wright swore to in his sworn Sam Houston butt kissing statement, that he made the records 'AVAILABLE' to anyone. That goal post was never planted so that time frame isn't even running YET. To illustrate that point, Sheriff's attorney produced page after page requesting records on the SJC Election Administrators web site requesting records for this and even other elections were met with, "OOPS That record is not available".
Houston's attorney tried to bypass that glaring fact with, "I have a sworn statement from SJC Duly elected republican party chairman right here that says they are available.
'They cannot identify one single document that was withheld that was not publicly available when requested. "
So unless there is anything else Judge” Houston's attorney quipped.
“I want to ponder just a moment” Judge McCaig stated.
After a brief period, he began to relay his decision with,
“Well done both counsel”
The Honorable McCaig shared some of his thought process and experience with these observations.
“The term ‘election integrity’ has been a watch word for the last four years. “
The judge stated then followed with,
One of the things I’ve learned sitting on a couple of election cases is how important people look at these matters and while we have some changes in the law Sept 1, 2023, it appears that the Court Of Appeals (/C.O.A.) is reluctant to draw a bright line that says this is absolute. Most C.O.A. that I am familiar with continues opting instead to say, “The will of the voters controls what we are going to do unless the statute is So crystal clear. That there is no longer anything to it. “When I look what we have in the statute and I look the key question about it, “Is there a material fact issue involved?” what area are we talking about?
*”What are the election records”
*”Where are they held”
When were they available
What was available.
And how do you go about finding them to be available?
When ever you have a, ‘who, what, when and where, you have a fact issue. With that unfortunately counsel, I am going to deny your motion.”
The judge asked if the parties were willing to go off the record and discuss dates available. Houston’s lawyer objected on the record and reserved the right to appeal and argue the same arguments at trial to which Judge McCaig replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way”
Sheriff Capers attorney was pressing for the soonest possible date so when the court coordinator and Clerk named soonest dates, at the Sept 25 option, all parties were open except Sheriff Caper’s attorney had an important case on his calendar but assured The Court that he would work that out to accommodate the soonest possible opportunity.
With that, the dates were set and the crowd began leaving the full courtroom. It wasn’t bustin at the seams but definitely a full house prompting one attorney to comment on the high attendance. I believe Judge McCaig's, "How important" the issue was to people was his notice of the crowd size.
Sorry so brief yesterday. cable internet was down all day and the headline story was done just with a smart phone. this is a file photo of Sheriff Capers being sworn in.
SAM Houston's Motion for Summary Judgement was soundly defeated today in the 411th District Court with The Honorable District Judge McCaig presiding by appointment. SJC's own Honorable Robert Hill Trapp. He is our region's Administrative Judge amd he made the appointment citing Judge McCaig's prior experience with election law cases. We will publish more on the story later today Lord willing and the cable stays on.
ONSLASKA 8/7/2024
How does a simple investigation into the mayor using treatedcity water to keep his pond full during the last bad drought 'morph' to
a deep dive into multiple non profits, utilities and now nepotism? When we compared the coordinates given for the IP address being used to attack 'The Sentinel' website to google maps 'Street View' photo of the truck below, danged if it isn't the "Stash Estate' property in Onalaska. Some friends and family may recognise the Stash Estate pond in the Google Map photo. According to open records, the Onalaska Water and Gas truck is assigned to employee, Chris Topkin and he is married to one of the Stash siblings. Since Steve Stash run his head on FB bashing our PB and SC water supply falsely accusing them of nefarious practices, I sliced and diced him and his accusations publically. Is it retribution that they attack my website or is it orders from Laverty's "higher tier" ? He blamed all of the missing water from permission to action on his, "lower tier" employee was the exact phrase.
We entered the geolocation address on one of the IP addresses that hacked my website into, 'Google Street View' and Looky here Looky here what is sittin in the driveway. It is a truck owned and operated by the Onalaska Water and Gas 'non profit'.
Any Questions?
Yes sir, yes sir three bags full.
Walker County and Montgomery County courthouse complexes both showed up on the list of IP addresses provide by my web host out of Germany. The IP address number in Walker Co indicates it is an F.B.I. router according to investigators.
you know who you are. Call me. Once I am convinced you have a real investigation going, I will leave it alone. Just like I did on the Linda Vincent Embezzlement, the phony airplane tail numbers operation and the D.E.T.C.O.G. case on Walter Diggles. The corporate connections to the who's who of Polk Co makes it interesting.
A comprehensive list of the IP addresses of the devices that have tried to log into this wesite control panel that includes the date range of the 11 hack attacks was received at the sThe sentinel offices this morning,. Thankyou IONOS Legal Team.
IONOS Legal team has agreed to a records search for the information we are requesting regarding the Internet Protocol address of the device used to attack this website. They have already confirmed that the information we already have showing Onalaska as the geo location is accurate. The actual IP address of the particular device will take a deeper dive into archive records that the legal team has agreed to undertake.
After receiving the notice of attacks on my website,, a cyber sleuth volunteer extrapolated the below data off of my web site analytics page as the last ten log ins. Accordingly, he adentified, 'Windows NT as a version employed by many municipalities that have multiple devices networked together. Further research show Edge 126 and 127 are also written for networking systems. That indicates that at least two computers on the, "Onalaska" geolocated server attempted to hack into our website.
Following good advice, we are seeking IP addresses for the router(s) these attacks generated from. If they are indeed, City of Onalaska, we will open records request the data from their files to determine the likely perpetrator. "All it tells me is they have something to hide and are scared" was the both of our observations on the matter. Stay tuned for more on this story.
In nearly ten years of online publishing, The Sentinel has gotten an occassional notice in red of a payment due but never have we received a notice like this. IONOS is a great host and even provided me with all the documetationproving Lee Hon and Tommy Coleman tried their best to shut our publication down. Wonder who I pissed off now that fancies themselves a hacker?
ONALASKA 7/26/2024
More allegations of wrong doing by an elected official in Onalaska have surfaced and evidence is being collected per an official source. These allegations are seperate from the water issue but are crimnal in nature.
A life long resident, reflecting on the lack of an official complaint from the Onalaska P.D about the treated city water being used to fill the mayor's pond said, "they (PD) only does what the mayor tells them to do."
As it stands, there is no complaint filed so no official action on the water. Allegations that more than one elected official was fully aware of the goings on but, "don't want to get involved"contributing to that lack of a formal complaint having been made.
Paul Laverty who is over the water and gas did reply to a Sentinel Open Records request for the pertinenet 'Flushing Report' required by law. We are in the process of having that report reviewed by an water system expert familiar with the program used but initial observations indicate a number of 'revisions' have been made.
According to the University of New Mexico hydrology studies, a three inch pipe such as the 'cobra' in the picture, under only gravity feed pressure from a water tower will flow 405 gallons per minute (GPM) According to operators guidelines,, the act of 'flushing' lines is to be performed under pump pressure to ensure sediment and such is flushed.
In the flushing report, the flow rate is listed as 125 GPM along with the number of minues the line is flushed.
At just gravity feed pressure, that would allow hiding 2/3 rds of the water actually used. If pump pressure is used, even more. Multiple sources calculating flow range from the low of 405 GPM to almost 2000 GPM for a 3 inch pipe.
A seperate complaint on a county official has also been lodged with the P.C.S.O. "Since they are an elected official, it will result in a Ranger investigation so think on it" Lyons admonished the complaintant. The Sentinel has been provided with documentation that the complaint was submitted to P.C.S.O.
Jimmy Steelhammer's mother and the Arnetts mother are sisters. That means big bad FB meanie name calling tough guy Jimmie is cousin to the mayor. It is a small world and gets really small in Onalaska. It is a family affair there. The Arnett family dynasty spokesperson, Jimmy Steelhammer posted my picture and really old news all the currupt without fail use just before they fall by the wayside politically speaking. The Sentinel is batting 1000 on that fact so knock your lights out lil buddy. I keep telling you idiots, you can't ruin my credibility, only I can do that.
Yet another credible eye witness to the water theft during drought by the mayor to fill his pond has surfaced. We did receive a statement from Paul Laverty yesterday claiming it was just routine 'flushing' of the line with what he called, "waste water". There is no way to justify using the amount of water it took to fill the pond as, "flushing". We are seeking opportunity to review the state mandated, "flushing reports".
The totality of witnesses so far proves more than one city and county govt official was aware of the practice.
That's all you got? Call me bitch and hoe in your private FB group? What a punkster. I looked at your FB to see who you were after the screen snip of your meanie post was submitted to The Sentinel by a long time reader. Seeing the picture of you sucking face with a little boy reminded me who you are. You are the mouthy punk that was defending ex Onalaska corrupt police officer,Chris Lima when I was exposing his criminal wrong doing. You know him. He is still your FB friend. He is the "cop" who was busted by Texas Rangers for dealing drugs in uniform and on patrol in a marked patrol vehicle for woody wallace after I outed him for his crimes. Now you are calling me names to defend the mayor? lol. You are a sick puppy kissing a kid like that even if he is yours. I raised three boys into men and would never kiss them with a full mouth kiss like that. I would not have even kissed my daughters like that. You call me names. The difference in you and me is when I say somehting,I back it up with proof. Let me give your company Precision Tractor work a shout out about now.
You remember when I outed Linda Vincent for her embezzlement and folks like you, Lee Hon, Tommy coleman and of course the Vincent girls were calling me Liar, Fake news etc until the federal hammer fell. You may remmeber the fake airplane tail numbers story I broke and again was called all manner of names, especially by your buddy Chris Lima until the federal hammer fell. I will add your poquito ponocho post in your private FB group to my, "Customer Testimonal" page file.
Steve Watson
UPDATE 7/22/2024
Paul Laverty who is over the Onalaska water system seems to think using city water to fill up the mayor's pond on private property during a drought is just AOK. But that isn't the 'laughable' part. He also seems to think he can tell independent journalists what they are and are not allowed to write about or quote in their stories. What a numb nuts.
Laverty aknowledges doing the pond fill up although he attributes the act to, "lower tier" employees giving mayor permission to fill his pond during the drought with city water.
According to credible sources, the evidence of this theft of city water has been turned over to the Polk County District Attorney. We have not verified that yet.
The stand pipe pictured is called a, "cobra' by licensed water operators because of its resemblence to a 'snake in the grass'.
When questioned about the pond filling incident, Laverty promised to send a 'press release' today but nothing so far despite my written request to be included in the mailing list.
Even if we can not get answers from him, there are some pesky little public records that are required by law called the, "pump report", 'flushing report' and the directors report that will show how much water was pumped out of the city wells into the storage, how much was metered out and the difference in those figures will give some accurate answers as to how much city water was used to fill the mayor's pond. Did we mention it was during a drought?
Another thing that Laverty and the mayor may not realize that we know is that it is a crime to operate a flushing valve on a water system unles you are a licensed water operator. As of this publication, the fire hose is still laid out toward the pond where it can be pulled over and hooked up to the city water flushing valve in minutes.
7/19/2024 ONALASKA
Looking for others
Even though the warning was sounded, it was not heeded. SNAKE IN THE GRASS!!!!!
Is it going to bite the Chief of Police and the DA too? Stay tuned for more information on this story but till then, just PONDer
7/19/2024 ONALASKA
Byron Dunaway, a former PCSO deputy has been hired as the police chief for the City of Onalaska and has now been on the job for two days. Former Chief, Jessica Stanton has taken a job with the Polk County Sheriff's Office. In an interview, she touted, "Politics" as the reason for her departure when asked by an investigative journalist but friends claim on FB that it was just for, "a better opportunity".
Our last investigation by open records request into Byron Dunaway showed no complaints or reprimands in his file before the one The Sentinel submitted in writing to sheriff Ken Hammack. I just have to wonder if that one made it into his file. Dunaway and I had a run in over here in SJC while he was in uniform and a marked patrol vehicle for Polk Co. S.O. when he tried to be a bully me and push his weight around in my county. Dunaway found out quick that The Sentinel pushes back. We have not had anymore complaints since then.
Greetings to the Judges of Angelina County,
On October 19, 2018, I sent an email to multiple Judges of Angelina County notifying them I was going to sue them. A copy of that email is contained in the attachments. The name of the file is “2019-10-28 Filed No. 2019-0291 Defendant's Amended Motion for Recusal of Trial Judges .pdf.” See pages 4-5. I was arrested for false charges for a Facebook live video that I produced and broadcasted on December 6, 2018. I believe the arrest was the corroborative effort and conspiracy involving Doug Conn, Judge Ball, Judge Inselmann, Joe Martin, and Judge White. While I don’t directly accuse Judge Cassels or Janet Cassels in the conspiracy, their actions over the years contributed to the arrest. Both of them sought to demonize me for requesting public information. They couldn’t go within 1000 feet of the aforementioned Judges without telling them how bad I was and that I would harm them as well. They set the stage for the events that happen regarding the false arrest at a minimum.
In today’s previous email, I sent a notice of intent to sue. I am anticipating false charges as before. Be well advised anyone that involves themselves in a conspiracy to falsely arrest me will see a different result than the last time. I am well prepared and will make sure the property authorities are notified or others will on my behalf.
7/17/2024 COLDSPRING
Commissioners Court did NOT act on the resignation letter of Vicki Shelly today and will consider the issue at the next meeting instead.
The integrity of our Election Administrator is top notch. No one, including SheriffCapers has questioned her integrity as she has earned and retains the trust and respect of every elected official I know. Something is out of whack because no candidate has come from behind in early voting to win on election day in the last 40 years that I know of. The massive influx of new voter registrations is also an oddity. Ms Shelly is in the same position as the county clerk. If someone brings in a deed that is signed and notarized, by law, she has to file it. Same with voters registrations. If they "moved" to SJC, they have a right to register. It is the ones that didn't move but just said they did that interferred with our election. People like Peter Sparta who lied on his voter registration and his application to be on the ballot in the constable race.
To give you an inkling of the stickler for election laws that Ms. Shelly is, during the first election Donald Trump was in, one of her long time trusted election workers named Ed Trump was not allowed to wear his name tag with Trump on it in the polling place. He was just 'Ed' that day. This last election, Sam Houston Electric workers were not allowed to wear company shirts into the polls because they had the same name as a candidate printed on their work shirts. I know Ms. Shelly is frustrated and tired of the constant barrage of questions and accusations from those who want to place blame but it is my hope that the commissioners will not accept her resignation too quickly. If Ms. Shelly can just hold on until after the hearing in August and if the judge lets the evidence speak, the truth will come out. There is no doubt that the influx of "new voters" that registered here and voted and then moved their registration back to their home county speaks volumes about the cheating going on. No one I know wants to just re run the election. They all want to know what actually happened to make this race so beyond the normal SJC election.
Please Ms. Shelly, temper your frustration with some more patience. We don't want to lose a great Election Administrator.
7/15/2024 COLDSPRING
Long time SJC Election Administrator, Vicki Shelly submitted her letter of resignation this afternoon just weeks before the hearing scheduled for Aug 5th, to determine if the sheriff's race will be overturned. Commissioners Court is having an emergency meeting this Wednesday. The conditions at the jail are, I am sure, the main agenda item. Sentinel readers and long time residents will remember that SJC Sheriff, Greg Capers has been warning the commissioners of the need for a new jail for years. Under Capers leadership, the jail has produced income for several years. That will cease and be replaced by added expenditures to Polk and Walker County for housing our inmates now. The projected time fame is three to six months tentatively.
The feds have already made it legal for illegal aliens to register to vote in america, "for federal elections only". Biden vetoing this bill to protect the integrity of our elections speaks volumes about their dishonest intentions for this coming presidential election. HERE is more info
7/15/2024 COLDSPRING
A problem that has plagued the SJC Jail since it was constructed has reared it's costly ugly head forcing commissioners court to seek repair bids again.
High winds from the recent storm lifted the roof up causing major damage and the building has been condemned for human habitation by the jail commission according to county sources, forcing the movement of all inmates to other jails. According to one source, it was, "raining inside" the building.
In order to keep the inmates safe, the moves were necessary. We did interview two commissioners that did not know the extent of damages
Inmates have been moved to Polk County and Walker County. Our jailers are working the Polk County facility because Polk Co did not have enough jailers to meet the jail standards with the sudden influx of SJC inmates.
Unconfirmed but reliable source indicates that the first hearing in the sheriff's race contested election has been set for Monday, August 5th at 1:30 PM. We have not received an official notice from the 411th court coordinator yet but an always accurate source has shared this info as a tenative court date.
Unless some change is made, the hearing will be held in the SJC Courthouse District Court room on the 411th docket.
There has been a lot of interest and speculation with one persistant rumor being that the election would just be re run on Super Tuesday as long as no write in candidates signed up. This tentative court date occurs before the final date for write in candidates. Most who have commented want answers, not just a re run.
A Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) often makes it difficult to find employment unless the supervisor decides to overlook the BCD.
Also, there is a complete loss of military benefit because congress does not recognize those with a BCD as veterans.
as the less than honorable discharge is referred to by the real marines.
The total number of proveable fraudulent votes cast in SJC has increased to a number north of 400 votes. Sam Houston has failed to answer the petition for a contested election by the time prescribed by law. Reliable sources state the more than one state agency is investigating. Manifold voters voted in two counties. At a minimum, the fraud effects Liberty and Montgomery County also. The legal action is technically not against Sam Houston but rather the administration of the election.
It is unlikely the entire SJC election would be overturned if no other candidates join the suit. It would only be the sheriff race. All indicators are that the process is on the fast track to get the initial ruling so the matter can move forward. We will keep an eye on the 411th docket for a posting.
The Honorable 506th District Judge, Albert McCaig Jr. who has been appointed to preside over the contested sheriff race case in San Jacinto county has a lifelong history of service. His dad served as county judge in Waller County before him. Judge Albert McCaig Jr was appointed to the District bench by Governor Rick Perry in 2007 and has run mostly unopposed since then. As an attorney, he served as the Waller County District Attorney and has served as special prosecutor. His private practice ran the gambit from Intellectual property rights to personel injury.
Judge McCaig was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and got his under grad from S.H.S.U. and his J.D from South Texas College of Law.
5/31/2024 NEW YORK CITY
The once proud Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America has been 'fundamentally transformed" by the enemies of this nation, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg Merick Garland and others. Their transformation includes our nations new flag which I fly here upside down in distress.
5/30/2024 SAN JACINTO CO
Attorney John Raney out of Houston filed the already late answer to Sheriff Capers petition to contest the election on behalf of the corrupt candidate, Sam Houston. In his late filing, Raney asks the judge to throw out the case because of an alleged late filing . . . . with a late filing of his own.
I am no attorney but this voter fraud investigation is more than a typical contested election. If the allegations Sheriff Capers makes are proven true, it is a criminal case and a whole different time frame exists for that.
Once again, I am not an attorney but I do fancy myself a bit of a word smith. The graphic posted with this article is a screen snip out of the answer Raney filed. In it, you can see for yourself that he does not comprehend the definition and use OR function of the conjunction, "or". Below is the definition right out of Websters.
—used as a function word to indicate an alternative
Yet Raney would have the court and the public believe that the word, "OR" means exactly the opposite of what it actually means.
Realizing that Noah and I are both Americans and we speak English, let us see what England's Cambridge dictionary has to say about the 'function of the conjuction'from it's very roots. That historic dictionary says:
Or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives.
Mr. Raney . . . Any Questions? Your, "in other words' is in error.
5/21/2024 UPDATE
The 24 page filing by Sheriff Capers contesting the recent republican primary election is well written and spells out specific issues including but not limited to illegal voters numbering well in excess of the 107 vote margin between the two candidates. The attorney cites multiple cases in support of his arguments.
5/20/2024 COLDSPRING
San Jacinto County Sheriff, Greg Capers has filed an original petition asserting an election contest against Sam Houston. This is breaking news just received. We will get the entire document tomorrow and bring more info about the allegations of ethical, civil and criminal violations by Sam Houston. To avoid any conflict and Due to the, "Time is of the essence" element, our Administrative Judge, The Honorable Robert Hill Trapp, has already assigned a visiting judge to hear the case in the 411th court. The Sentinel has documented some of Sam Houston's violations along the way including him failing to resign as constable when he launched his sheriff campaign as required by law. Houston is a cheater. Always has been. Nor woould the secretary of state enforce the automatic resignation simply because the signs did not say, "for sheriff" on them. The code does not requrie that the candidate run an ad or put specific language on a sign it only says when the campaign is made public. The corrupt Houston was telling all kind of folks of his intentions to run and putting up signs in all four precincts and an adjoining county. How do you think I was confident enough to publish the fact he was going to run even when Sparta would assure me Houston had no inteion to run. That whole ordeal just illustrates the spineless cheater sam houston is.
Sentinel contributor notes that a good portion of the 'undecided' under vote may be folks only interested in voting in the national election.
With the republican primary run off elections bearing down on us in a couple of weeks, the question has been asked, "Was it your indecision that made the decision?"
In reflecting on the voting nubers in our recent sheriff's race , it was decided by less than 110 votes. the undervote was 189 votes. When you tally the total votes of each candidate and subtract that from the total number of voters who voted, 189 registered voters stood at the computer and could not make a decision between the two men.
Are the undeciders going to decide the run off's too? Every vote counts. Devote to vote
Corrigan "evidence" returned to Brandon White after years of being held. In it, you hear the chief tell Brandon, "you have trouble in Livingston but you "just don't know it."
There are several more really good chuckles before chief steps in it but the threatening folks with "The DA" and the, "you just don't know it" proves conspiracy. Gibson likes to threaten people. Here is an email from Gibson to The Sentinel;
4/9/2024 Livingston
Interference with public duty charges were dismissed against Brandon White, "In the interest of Justice" according to documents filed in Polk County. ADA Pierce made the motion and the court granted it helping rid the halls of justice of one more 'stinker' that Lee Hon 'let' on his way out the door.
Lee treated Polk Co Kind of like a soccer mom that has all the door and window locks at her mini van finger tips and some bad gas. Kids don't mind. . the process (ride) is the punishment.
POINTBLANK 3/29/2024
After a concerned caller questioning what the heck I was talking about Fred Grube and ten thousand dollars for, I did promise to clarify my comments.
After having exposed 'Nexus Strategies' for taking 10K from the Holt campaign and proving their address was the same address as Dwayne and Dawn Wright, The Hon Honey began chastizing me via messenger. She took issue because I didn't lamblast Fred Grube when he was Polk Co Chair and endorsed Judge Kitchens. My reply in the messenger was, "Because Grube didn't take 10K from Kitchens." Grube was just completly aware of Hon's corrupt methods and was not afraid to stand up against him openly and HONESTLY. Wright chose the, "between the fourth and fifth rib" method. Big difference in my mind.
The messenger text attached is my part of our discussion about Wrights chances next election.
The Hon Honey team gave me the following encouragement. I say 'team' because even though the messages are in Bethany's name, she seems to know more legaleze precepts and is especially cutting with every message. I even wonder if 's'he' is stalking me.
At left is the very last correspondence we have been able to have with Dwayne Wright, the (for now) Republican Party Chairman. This question by me posed to him was in response to to texts from him after I published the proof either he or his wife, SJC County Clerk Dawn Wright took a 10K bribe from the Janis Holt Campaign for "consulting". The proof I published was compelling enough Wright asked me to take the addressof, "an elected official" down from my website. I publish the following messages from Lee Hon's 'honey'( allegedly), after Bethany chastized me for one sided journalism for twisting up Wright but not Grube. You can see my response that Grube was not offered nor did he take a 10K bribe from Judge Kitchens. I finished the 'make me a badge' comment with, "that says bigot and or bias and I will wear it for you". Like the Coleman lawsuitagainst the Enterprise that was thrown out opinion stated, I use defintions from Websters when I write, not the Black Law Dictionary. Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions
You got me . . . . I am obstinately and intolerantly devoted to my opinion that corrupt public officials whom violate the public trust HAVE TO GO!!!!
Bias: a line diagonal to the grain
Got me again. The Sentinel will definately go against the grain.
It never occurred to me that Dawn Wright was the Nexus Strategist. Maybe Lee Hon and by dfault, his alleged honey know stuff I don't know. Are you Dawn? Are you Nexus? Is it you, Dwayne or a joint operation? Did you, Dawn, provide the Holt campaign any lists or information entrusted to you?
Nexus:Connection, link. One different dictionary defined Nexus as 'hub or middle man'
SJC CAD Chief,Troy Carlson agrees to provide a copy of the Comptroller report along with a list of the properties used for the comparable sales. We appreciate the transparency and will review the report.
SAN JACINTO CO 3/16/2024
Both Shepherd and Coldspring Oakhurst I.S.D.'s have lost state funding due to property values set by the Central Appraisal District falling outside the parameters set by the Texas State Comptrollers office. The state comptroller allows a variance of five percent above or below the mean ratio of the value they set based on comparable sales data. According to our sources, this years audit showed CAD values were ten percent below the value set by the comptroller. Mean Ratio is the sum of all data points divided by the number of data points.
We have sought info from the CAD but no reply so far. Sources say Shepherd will lose 1.2 million and COCISD will lose 1.8 million. That money will be withheld from the current budget. Shepherd was discussing cutting summer school this year.
The law firm of Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins and Mott is said to be appealing the state comptrollers findings.
Cleveland I.S.D. is having its own budget woes. Under Supt McCanless's leadership, they are cutting staff, promising no raises for teachers and making transportation cuts BUT Supt Stephen McCanless was given a $70,000.00 dollar per year raise. More than a few in the district are a little miffed at those circumstances.
If Sentinel sources are correct, Cleveland ISD budget cuts to transportation will begin with students within 2 miles being denied bus transportation. Northside campus for one will have students across US 59 within the 2 mile radius. Are students going to have to cross the freeway on foot because of budget cuts? We will ask these questions and more.
LIBERTY 3/18/2024
Carl Wills murder is officially swept under the rug by the Liberty County DA. Despite evidence submitted months ago proving that the white woman who picked Carl up the day he was murdered is identified by a witbness as the daughter of former Polk Co ADA, Joe Martin and later Angelina County DA,nothing seems to have progressed. Only the mother has been contacted by an investigator. The second witness that identified Martin's daughter has as of yet, MONTHS LATER, not even been contacted. How about getting her DNA Ms Bergman and see if it matches the 'white girl' DNA that was found under Carl's finger nails? Seems logical to me. According to Bloo News, you are 'tough on crime' unless it is the family of a fellow DA.
Multiple communications questioning the timing of the recent arrest of an officer seem to be vindicated now that bloo bonnet published. Combining this ad with the story is like confessing to boot licker journalism. Now I am sure that they call each other, "media partners" but we see plenty of what that really means in the main stream media.
A non partnered journalist would be asking, "what do you have now that you haven't already had for a year? My sources indicate that it was a pretty cut and dried investigation and no action was taken then. Why now? Oh that's right, so your media partner could run your ad.Prosecuting cops instead of criminals seems to be all the rage these days.
In a focused effort, Tik Tok told it's subscriber audience to bombard the U.S. legislators with phone calls opposing pending legislation requiring tik tok to divest connections with the Chinese Communist Government.
What a sad day for East Texas that now has a state rep elect Holt that is ALREADY ON THE TIK TOK PAYROLL. Not only is she on the payroll, her and the KOCH Bros backing demonstrated plainly how the Goebels teaching on communist propaganda tak tiks work this election. Goebels said, " If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
too bad she drug a good governor and county chairman down with her.
Fortunately we have Dan Patrick in the wings because if Abbott doesn't pull out of his blind blunderingendorsements, we will need to elect a new one. That means a new Lt. Gov too. Hmmmmm.
Apparently channel 13's boot licking style is all the Montgomery County S.O. needed to prove their bias for that particular media outlet. The Sentinel was the first to break the story below and the first to seek more information. None was forthcoming and the Montgomery Co S.O. is still witholding info from The Sentinel but Channel 13 had all the info immediatly after reading my story and requesting it. They were able to run the story the next morning, opening with, "Only on 13" because Montomery County S.O. open records division is CORRUPT and violates the law. When I called simply asking for the deceased deputy name, I was met with, "Why do you want that information?" That is a violation of law. Then the unequal treatment between The Sentinel and channel 13 is another violation of law. Ligon operates his county with the knowledge that there are NO TEETH in the open records laws and he can violate them with impunity.
We were able to confirm the accuracy of our source in that the accident did occur but MCSO would not release the deceased deputy's name over the phone. This lack of transparency is frustrating especially with them quoting the open records "Ten Day" rule. That rule is for figuring a bill if it is a lot of records or redactions. The spirit of the law is give us the info. No reason not to. Next of Kin has been notified.
AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a major victory in defense of the United States Constitution, with a court ruling that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package was unlawfully passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 without a quorum physically present as constitutionally required. The Court enjoined the defendants—the United States Attorney General, the United States Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and their officials—from enforcing a provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 against the State of Texas that was proved to impose unjust cost burdens on the State.
POLK CO 2/16/2024
Tommy Coleman lost his bid to punish the Polk Co Enterprise for a story they published after The Sentinel had published the information. The suit was filed to silence the Polk County Enterprise. That effort was effective on them to the point they even cut the reporter loose for her accurate, honest and true reporting. Publisher Bowed down to pressure.
A win for journalism no doubt. Winner journalists don't bow.
LPD Officer, Chris Simmons and his ignorance of Texas Law has earned the City of Livingston a federal lawsuit.
Lee Hon's retaliatory case against Brandon White has already cost Polk County untold thousands of dollars in costs associated with multiple hearings. Hon's charging instruments and grand jury presentation was based on a falsified sworn affidavit. When attorney Seth Evans reclaimed the phones illegally seized and held by LPD, they contained exculpatory evidence proving the lying affidavit by a Livingston PD officer.
After the recent felony assault on peace officer charges brought by Hon against Amberly Lambert (did I mention she is Brandon White's 'baby momma' of his oldest two kids?) only proved OPD officer, Tammy Heeth lied on a sworn affidavit and under oath, She testified it was Hon who told her to "go for the highest charge".
I was looking for a common denominator. Who is training these public servants to lie on sworn statements? It didn't take long to figure that one out.
Having followed the case that resulted in the recent resignation of Angelina County DA, Janet Casels for years, I have proof she too relied on a falsified sworn affidavit to prosecute a man when she already had video proof that the crime did not happen.
Casel's "whaa whah whah letter credits the oppressed man who bit back as the reason she was throwing in the towel.
As a muckraker journalist with a degree in financials who had requested records that would prove Casels was bilking the hospital district, her knee jerk reaction was to not answer the request but rather put the man in jail. She relied on a lying sworn affidavit by none other than Doug Conn who runs the Angelina Community College law enforcement academy. It wasn't a little lie. Conn signed a sworn statement that the victim, David Stua took out his junk and wagged it at a minor. So saturated with the, "who they gonna believe, me or you" mantra, Casels went full speed ahead even though the reporter was live streaming to FB at the time.
Doug "Con man" Conn was sitting at his desk watching the event through a picture window and the live stream on FB but still chose to lie on the sworn affidavit.
At one point Casels had stacked nearly a dozen heinous sex crimes against kid charges on Stua trying to grind him down. A year in solitary in the Angelina County Jail followed.
The Sentinel began to follow the case when unconstitutional bond conditions were imposed. We initially called for Casels to recuse herself. She didn't. We finally out right called for her resignation. She ignored. Ignore is the root of ignorance.
The irony was Casels calling efforts to remove her for misconduct, "Political" illustrating the, "above the law" mentality of so many.
Too answer my own question, it is Doug Con man Conn who is teaching the young trainees wrong ways. We need, not only to remove him but also some legislation that perjury on sworn affidavits is ground to lose your TCOLE certification. If not, where does it end?
An 'Administrative Hearing' held in the SJC County Courtroom was referred to as a, "mini trial" by the Channel 13 reporter, "Mica" on yesterday's news cycle. Her and her camera man were busy interviewing several of the key players in the case brought by Robert Finley over seized property.
What stood out to me were several characteristics of the hearing.
Civil in nature, the hearing was well conducted by the Honorable JP 3, Randy Ellisor. Having been the judge that signed the original search warrant, Judge Ellisor kept the focus on the facts pertaining to the property seized. Understanding a citizen's desire to right every 'wrong', Judge Ellisor also stayed constant on the objective of the hearing. He stopped Finley in his tracks on several rabbit trails, though true, not germain to the purpose of the hearing. SJC District Attorney, Honorable Todd Dillon gave Finley some leeway in his pro se efforts but never the less, made several objections,all of which were sustained by Judge Ellisor. Ellisor was not playing favorites but sustained them because DA Dillon was exactly right on his objections. Dillon would almost apologetically but patiently and fully explain his objection to Mr. Finley. In his duty to protect SJC, he had to stand on the principle that you cannot just enter statements into the record without providing evidence. Either in testimony or exhibits.
Finley was fairly cool under pressure taking the objections in stride and respecting the input of DA Dillon on his efforts. Finley was able to get Sparta and Sam Houston on the stand and ask some pointed questions. Sam offered a lot of, "I don't recall" answers to Finleys query. Houston tried to pass off the black powder rifle as one of the guns with no serial number on the list. Finley asserted that the gifted gun has a serial number. Sam did confirm he had seen the gun and had it in his lock up.
When Sparta was put on the stand, Finley got right to what was on his mind. "Do you always pull and AR-15 and point it at a pregnant woman when you conduct a search warrant on such a minor offense?
Sparta aknowleged that he pointed the gun athis son's wife with, "It is normal proceedure when . . ." Finley probed deeper with, "You considered her that much of a threat?"
Having interviewed Finley to some tlength and followed this case as it developed, it is my impression that THIS incident was the root cause of Finley's drive to seek justice. The anger wasn't obvious but resided in the underlying circumstances.
Judge Ellisor made sure every single person had opportunity to speak their mind. He even followed up with the two S.O. deputies that secured the perimeter of the operation and testifed they saw the guns but that none of the evidnce or property was ever in thier posession. After all was done, Judge Ellisor said, "I have twenty four hours to render my decision on a case like this but I will do that in two minutes." Judge ruled that the property was to be returned to Finley within 7 days.
The largest PAC donation in Texas history went to abbott Six Million is how much it took for him to side with the Tik Tok owner over the public schools in rural east Texas.
So not only has Abbott sold out us common folks that depend on public schools and public school transportation, Abbott has been shipping terror cells from our known enemies all over the US, planting them in major US cities and calling it "border security"
Here is a Question rural east Texas voters. When was the last time you had a chance to vote someone on or off of a private school board of directors? Won't Abbott's 'voucher' plans decimate public school funding? It doesn't stop there. The Dark Money has infiltrated San Jacinto County politics by matter of public record. Even our own duly elected republican party chairman, Dwayne Wright has taken a payoff to support school vouchers and oppose our duly elected State Rep in favor of the Dark Money candidate Holt. We have the proof documents and will post them below. We can call this whole underhanded political funding the, Tik Tok Trickle Down Theory put into practice. I call for your resignation Dwayne. But then I called for Steve 'No Draw' McGraw's resignation BEFORE Robb Elementary attack and he didn't have enough integrity to resign for his"do nothing' attack on our public schools. Will you, Dwayne for your proactive attack on our public schools?
Since Wright had the will to admit he is Nexus Strategies (in a round about way) I will remove the address associated with a campaign finance payment per his text message. When his 'threat to sue' was ignored, he changed it to a respectful request.
My final note on the matter Dwayne is this. I only posted your address to prove Nexus was you. That way, the next person that wants to pay you off knows where to mail the check.
This is one of Holt's campaign finance reports proving SJC Republican Party Chair Wright took 10K from one candidate (Holt) and helped produce lying campaign ads against the incumbent HD 18 Representative, Ernest Bailes Jr. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth Dwayne. So much for the neutrality clause in the SJC Republican Party Policy and By Laws.
Oh that is right. No one I can find has a copy of that document. Still looking for one just to see what it says. Can I open record request one be emailed to me?
Long time child advocate, Rosemary Covalt who did for H.I.S.D. what the legendary, Marvin Zindler did for TDC many years ago was so disappointed that Gov Abbot endorsed the Dark Money candidate, Holt over the staunch defender of our public schools system, Ernest Bailes. "Why would you (/gov Abbott) want to tear down something we have all worked so hard to build?" Covalt asked.
Abbotts T.E.A. seems determined to wrest the local control of public schools away from local voters one way or another. Either decimate the funding source with vouchers or just flat change the values of X and Y in their arbitrary grading formulas till they "fail" and take it over. Then they can appoint their own board like they did in Houston and Shepherd. Bring in their own 'boss'.
The snippit at left, a portion of Michael L. Flynt's personnel file from Humble PD shows exactly why he, Sam Houston and Sparta all tout each other's "prowess" as a law man. All are accused of executing a search warrant and then not listing seized property on the warrant 'inventory' list. The difference is, Flynt proved he is adept at destroying the evidence by hook or by crook. Can we say, "Birds of a Feather". Speaking on that topic, a self professed outlaw biker endorses Sam Houston HERE
Not even to mention the amount of perverted sexual content on his FB page like Sparta had before he cleaned up his act. Sources say Hall claims to be a "one percenter" After diagnosing the actions at Waco Twin Peaks with that full evidence file on hand, I say, "Mr. Hall, you come across as more of a sam houston boot licker than a outlaw biker." Does Sam covet your endorsement? What I found in the waco twin peaks evidence is several 1 percenters admitted to running drugs and prostitution. Are you running drugs and prostitution? Just how close is your friendship with Sam? Were you at the "outlaw" biker bar fund raiser FOR Sam at Shifters? No, Will Hall, in case you are wondering or anyone else is confused, you wouldn't make a wart on a one percenter's a$$.
COLDSPRING 1//26/2024
A Grassroots level hearing has, "gotten some traction" according to one criminal justice worker in San Jacinto County. A hearing to resolve the dispute over personal property seized by the corrupt pct 3 constable has been moved from the JP office to the San Jacinto County courthouse dockett for February 6th. The Honorable JP RandyEllisor wil conduct the hearing. In an interview in one of three conversations with Peter Sparta yesterday, he shared that Sam Houston had called and told him he (Sparta) was the arresting officer and would have to testify.
Other documents received at the Sentinel Offices shows a request for subpoena for the SJC deputies who were at the scene. The complainant was able to produce photographic evidence of a beautiful hand crafted muzzle loading black powder flint lock rifle that any prudent owner would keep in a safe.
Below are the top ten cities in the USA that viewed The Sentinel yesterday.
Reports of a life long military man who traversed the globe in our nations defense settling in lil ole SJC have made their way to The Sentinel. General Gerald Schutte chose to reveal his honorable service to friends he has made at the local senior citizens events One pretty senior citizen 'filly' even commented what a commanding figure he is in his dress uniform adding, "and it still fits"
We hope to have opportunity to interview General Schuette in the near future and see if we can coax a few 'war stories' out of him to share with The Sentinel readers. What an honor to have him settle into our simple rural community.
1/24/2024 POLK CO
Allegations that current Polk Co Sheriff, Byron Lyons is, "unable" to operate within his budget were sustained by open records documents received at The Sentinel offices this morning. The Polk County documents not only confirmed the problem of Lyons exceeding his budget causing Polk County to dip into the General Fund to cover his overages, the report notes it to be a chronic problem. So chronic that at least one vendor threatened to stop doing business with Polk Co. S.O. unless they paid their bills on time from that point forward.
Records recently received at The Sentinel offices may be 25 years old but still reflect the character of the person they pertain to and the constable who keeps on covering for him. Granted a deferred adjudication is not a conviction and thus the arrest could not prevent Sparta from obtaining his TCOLE but they do serve as proof he was arrested and charged. Felony Robbery and Misdomeaner Theft are the two crimes recorded in the public record. In case Sparta starts claiming 'Photoshop' again, we included the case numbers and other pertinenent info. Not only does this document lend more credibility to the property owners claim that several guns seized by the Corrupt constable and his sidekick were not listed, It also makes me wonder if allegations by a woman some years ago that Sparta took 800 dollars out of her purse during a stop may be true. No proof was found and no charges were filed but the allegations were made in writing to the S.O. "Yeah they tried to pin that on me but never did", Sparta explained when we discussed those allegations.
This article is not really about Sparta. It is about Sam Houston's hiring practices. All of the info below was available to him as constable. How does the ole saying go? "Birds of a Feather"
In a major breaking story out of Pct 3 of San Jacinto County, proof documents show a property seizure following a minor arrest have all the earmarks of out right theft. Constable Sam Houston and his Captain Sparta served a search warrant on one of his constituents in Pct 3. During that search, it is alleged that Houston found four empty CBD cartridges for a vape pen in a garbage can and a few marijuana plants in an outbuilding. "I was growing them for my personal use" the property owner stated.
According to seizure documents obtained by The Sentinel, Houston seized a Jeep, several pieces of equipment, over a dozen rifles/shotguns and a quantity of ammo.
All of the charges were dismissed and the owner made several attempts to regain his property. According to the owner, even our district attorney sent out written instructions to Houston to return the seized property to the rightful owners.
As I was interviewing Sparta about his recent arrest in Montgomery County, I broached the topic of this seizure and the property in question. It is a case that The Sentinel has been investigating for over a year now. When I asked Sparta how come the DPS lab results on the marijuana came back inconclusive for THC leading to the dismissal of all charges, Sparta's reply was, "There was not enough weight there for them to get an accurate test". As far as all the guns and and ammo, Sparta stated, "They are locked in a room in Sam Houston's office."
The property owner had reached out to The Sentinel with a sense of frustration over a year ago so when I relayed Sparta's claims to him, he stated, "That is odd because just what was in a jar on my coffee table was enough to test."
When you consider that the seizure of plants was in late May, the owners description of the age and maturity level of the plants proves there is a quantity of 'evidence' missing that was never turned in. What became of it? was the natural question.
After The Sentinel obtained the seizure inventory list and spent time going over the documents with the property owner and his wife, they both agreed and claimed that there were at least 4 rifles that were not on the inventory list. Two SKS rifles belonging to the owner and his grown son, an AR 15 his wife purchased and owned and the most valuable being a hand made octagon barreled black powder rifle in .50 calibre that was gifted to him. They both expressed great concern that the ambigious numbers associated with seized ammo do not describe any where near what Houston and Sparta took.
After reflecting on the situation and evidence questions, the owner shared, "I wondered why Sam never splashed my arrest and pictures of the guns and plants on his FB page like he usually does." "Now I am convinced he just did not want any proof out there of what he took from me".
1/8/2024 PCT 3 SJC
Multiple reports of campaign signs disappearing right after The Triplets signs show up have made it to The Sentinel office. Political observers in the PCT have seen Sheriff Greg Capers signs go missing. Then there are Mrs Dominy's 'for commissioner' signs too. Dale Lowery makes the same complaint. Might be interesting to have a female perspective oncommissionerscourt for a change. Signs or no signs, folks know Ms. Dominy is running and her competition needs to be worried. That pesky, 'word of mouth' far outpaces advertising.
1/9/2024TYLER UTMB Spokesperson confirmed Gibson is alert and conscious and is, "Doing fine." He could not take the call because he is in custody and the Sheriff's policy did not allow it.
The San Jacinto County inmate who brought the prosecutorial misconduct case against ADA Freyer has been injured again. Lana Shadwick's client,Kenneth Gibson was moved to Polk Co Jail 'for protection' and Lyons brought in a TDCJ inmate, failed to find a weapon on him and exposed Gibson to him. Gibson was stabbed and cut ending up in the hospital. Byron Lyons failed to notify SJC Jail their inmate was injured until after The Sentinel ran the story.
Subsequently, Gibson's attny Shadwick proved ADA Freyer had illegally searched his cell and taken lawyer client papers in Polk Coright under Byron Lyon's nose. Gibson was then moved to Nacogdoches County Jail for 'protection'.
Now Sentinel sources proved Gibson was in the hospital with spinal injuries and a brain bleed. The Major at the Nacogdoches jail claims there was no assault and that Gibson, "took a fall".
We are seeking more information.
1/11/2024 SAN JACINTO CO
A motion to go ahead amd release Kenneth Gibson on a plea deal reached with the new prosecutor, Pro Tem BEFORE the life threatening incident occurred has been submitted by Gibson's attorney, Lana Shadwick. To a court observer, like The Sentinel, it appears that intentional stalls in executing a 'time served' plus plea deal has allowed two seperate distant jails to exppse an Arian 'tatted' prisoner to a known environment dangerous to him.
When questioned as to why he craw fished on the plea deal he already offered, the prosecutor Pro Tem admitted he had been pressured to do so by his phone, "blowing up". Now we have three seperate counties involved with Liability for Gibson's safety.
Granted, ADA Rob Freyer took a butt chewing from The Honorable 12th District Judge, David Mooreman who stood up for the inmates, "lawyer/client privilege rights. Still this whole stalled out mess REEKS of retaliation. Stabbed and sliced with razor wire in Polk Co. No one reports it to SJC until I run the story. Now a spinal injury and a brain bleed that was not reported to SJC until The Sentinel called Gibson's attorney asking why he was moved from Nacogdoches jail. We were expecting to hear that the offered plea deal had been completed but, upon inquiry, we were notified that Gibson was in the Tyler UTMB hospital with a spinal injury and brain bleed.
A recent political propaganda piece sam I am is distributing mimicks the Biden campaign in that it rambles, repeats itself in the same paragraph and has no actual substance. Sam's final promise in bold print is to bring the streets of Houston, Tx to San Jacinto county Two different readers and voters in SJC submitted the graphic to me and asked if it originated from sam's campaign or someone who wanted to keep him from being elected.
One 'promise' he makes is to quit paying our deputies overtime and using reserve officers to keep their payroll down. The next question to me was, "What reserve officers? Peter Sparta and Michael Flynt?
A Sentinel investigator did comfirm that sam did remove the offending portion of his political ad.
"We are not endorsing Sam in any way", Larry Lowe, speaking as Director of the American Legion Post 629 motorcycle club stated.
From written confirmation from Post 629 Command, a call to Sam regarding the false endorsement ad sam ran, ran turned in to green eggs and ham. Sam agreed to remove the reference to the American Legion but the 'ride' has been advertised for a month by sam. Will they still have it and Thumb their noses at the vets who are supporting Greg Capers? "Do the Capers supporters need to show up with signs?" one disgruntled post member asked.
CORRUPT CANDIDATE PROVES IT AGAIN: The wanna be corrupt candidate for sheriff of SJC, sam i am proves his disdain for law and order one more time. Sure it is just the supreme law for the American Legion organization but laws never the less that sam i am is willing to violate for financial gain.
A recent ad on sam's fb campaign page (the musician?) uses the name and location of the Camilla American Legion Post 629 in his fake political ad. Sam's ploy is to make the uninformed believe that the American Legion is supporting and endorsing his candidacy which is absolutely FALSE. "I don't believe he is even a member here" one Legion official stated about the ad, "but I know Greg Capers is." He went on to confirm that no vote or even discussion of endorsing any candidate in the race had happened at Post 629 because it was against the organizations constitution. "All of our members know that." this official clarified.
When we look over Sam's campaign ad, we see the , 'Leadership, Integrity Action' header on it and remember when. Something is lacking.
Leadership hired and 'led' several deputies that were arrested and charged in domestic violence and assault cases.
Integrity broke every TxDot and Forest Service law against sign placement with both time and location violations. Did it every election
Action threatened young woman with jail and kids if she didn't meet him one on one. What is missing?
Rogue defined as, "corrupt, dishonest' by Webster, We will just call it the L.I.A.R. campaign
The suspect cornered and arrested by SJC Sheriff Dept with help from Mont Co and Polk County has been charged. The body was recovered out of The Trinity River.
The recently hired dog catcher for SJC under the leadership of sam houston is doing traffic stops in his dog catcher truck for speeding. The truck is not equipped with any radar and doubltful the speedometer is accurate with new tires installed so how?
According to the last attorney appointed to Chris Lima, all Walker Co matters are 'disposed' of. All of the restraining order violations and the drug dealing charges in Walker Co. are gone. Lima still cannot pick up his TCOLE commission but that will be the only punishment apparently for dealing drugs in Woody's uniform and marked patrol vehicle. .
The Polk Co charges are still pending.
WALKER CO 11/2/2023
Lima's case will be in court for sentencing soon. More details as they unfold.
FOUND HARD COPY OF AUTOPSY. Will distrubute to those who requested in the next couple of days.
Any readers who would like a copy of the autopsy report for the young man Lou Rogers killed at The Sundance, just email me for it. The autopsy report proves several things. Number one, DESPITE Lou's years of lies, the killing WAS NOT ruled a suicide. The autopsy report proves that DRay was not drunk or stoned and it proved DRay did NOT have any gun powder residue on his hands. Lou Rogers is a damned liar. The autopsy report proves that Lou held the gun so hard against DRAY's temple that it left a 'gun site' bruise 'at ten o'clock' by his ear. The autopsy report proves the trajectory of the bullet would have been nearly impossible to self inflict but matches perfectly the eyewitness accounts that Lou had DRay by the hair of his head from behind and his gun to DRay's temple.
Constable Ken Hammond took the gun out of Lou's hands seconds after the shots were fired.
In the report, the medical examinaer pleads for more investigation and information. Cause of death was a bullet to the brain. Manner of death was 'undetermined'.
The most frustrating part is that despite the fact that I have an eye witness that saw Lou Rogers pick up Carter White the evening he was murdered and the bullet dug out of his brain and his body discarded on Harrell Road, the Texas Rangers will NOT investigate it.
Records show Sparta's very recent SJC Voters registration. 11/ 7 /2023
The Sentinel does appreciate the multiple constituents in Pc3 that have submitted photograpic evidence and documenting community comments for us but the deceitfulness and all is old hat with Houston. NOTHING demonstrates that fact more the the 30 year old 'hat' picture he is using in his ads and his bill board. That is offered as a chuckle comment by several along with observing that Pct 3 has two really good candidates for Constable, Eldridge and Freed. Candidate Freed has an extensive law enforcement background while Eldridge has Emergency management and extensive Jailer experience.
One reader submitted photos of sam i am putting his campaign signs on the VFD property in Evergreen. The Pct 3 voters know but since Houston is running county wide this race, we just want the rest of the county voters to know his cheating tactics.
CONROE/SJC 12/13/2023
SJC PCT 3 Constable candidate, Peter J. Sparta has his 100 percent ownership homestead exemption in Montgomery county but is running in SJC. Granted the Tax Code does allow someone to move and keep their homestead exemption for up to two years but has the qualifier that the person must have the intention to return to it as their primary residence. That leaves Sparta in a quandry. Word is that Sparta used his momma's address to sign up and run. It is not beyond belief that Sparta moved home to momma considering the multiple family violence incidents that have plagued him in recent years.
Does his DL reflect that change after thirty days as the law requires? If he has lived the riequried 60 days in Pct 3 to qualify for the ballot position, he has had time to change his DL. Or does he hope to be elected in SJC then live in Montgomery County to keep his homestead? If your DL has a SJC address on it, I will run it with this story if you submit me a photo of it. I will redact street name and mumber.
AUSTIN 11/30/2023
The lawsuit Hon's FORMER ADA Tommy Coleman filed in retaliation against Polk County Publishing's "Enterprise" news paper and Valerie Reddel over an expose' article she wrote has been argued before the Supreme Court of Appeals in Austin. :It has been about a month and we could hear any day but they have till June 4th to render a decision" a spokesperson shared with The Sentinel.
The big questions seems to be if Tommy Coleman working for the prosecutor 15 years into Morton's prison term and working diligently to keep him in prison by intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence qualifies as, "prosecution".
Hon argued in his rebuttal letter to the article that Coleman did not even work in the Williamson County DA's office when Morton went to prison. What has been documented is that Coleman did work for the DA and was 2nd chair at Morton's later hearings. When he was quoted by a journalist being a smart a$$ in court saying, "Ewwww, bloody bandana, bloody bandana" in the hearing Morton's attorneys were trying to get that exculpatory evidence to clear Morton's name, Coleman was prosecuting Morton. The bloody bandanna Coleman fought to withold did end up clearing Morton and leading to the murderer. To me, that would count as "prosecuting".
Here is Webster's for 'PROSECUTE'
to follow to the end : pursue until finished
The lawsuit has definately had a chilling effect on Polk Co Publishing and they and the journalist who wrote the Expose' article have parted ways.
Why didn't Coleman sue The Sentinel? I wrote the story first and rebutted Hon's letter with the same arguement back then. If Coleman wins this case, the Supreme Court will be rewarding Coleman for being a lying, sniveling little punk. But then he learned from the best.
WASHINGTON D.C. 11/13/2023
An 8 year active membership has evolved into more responsibility in leadership for our Sheriff Greg Capers. The national director, Josh Spaulding announced the addition of Sheriff Capers to the leadership council of the, "Fight Crime Invest In Kids" organization as a big step. With over 5,000 Police Chief/Sheriff and Prosecutormembers nationwide, Sheriff Capers contribution to and experience on the national leadership council will be more broadly effective as well as benefit SJC and East Texas overall.
COLDSPRING 5/23/2023
Allegations of illegal search and seizure of legal mail and attorney/client privilege information have been leveled against ADA Rob Freyer. Where could he, in all his training, have learned it was ok to violate civil rights for a victory in court?