Polk County Headline News


Reports of extensive security and much activety at the Polk Co Courthouse this morning

Plea hearing results in LIFE with NO APPEAL and NO PAROLE

With Texas law prohibiting the death penalty prosecution for mentally deficient individuals, the death penalty was not on the table. "That is  the truth from a technical point of view, and the law is technical," one seasoned law man with local, state and federal D.O.J. years in his jacket observed," and you have to admit, it is a lot of circumstantial evidence."  "With no appeal and no parole possible, She (DA Sitton) did the right thing."   

     The relief of our community and her family not having to relive that night mare is another consideration.  "Besides", the old law dawg noted, "Texas prison may end up being a death penalty."

    A Sentinel source on the scene stated, "He got on the bus TODAY"

An incomplete narrative is making the rounds on FB that was probably written by a political opponent of the current DA because it fails to mention the law regarding death penalty prosecution or the "No Appeal" aspect of the decision.  He will leave TDC feet first.  







POLK CO 10/28/2024


"He is as nice a guy as you would ever want to meet," said one Veteran and and longtime local  lawman of Phillip McCulloch Jr., A silver star Marine hero, "but don't try to back him in a corner." he added right after first being informed of young McCulloch's arrest.


 The Sentinel pulled this story when it became obvious that misinformation from several sources was creating a false narrative on social media.  Even my first story had been based on targeted misinformation sent to me.  In that vein, I correct the statement that it took days for the arrest to be made.  Once I was able to speak with a friend of the Marine, I found out that McCulloch is the one that called 911 and waited at the scene for first responders to  arrive.   McCulloch was arrested at the scene then later, released on bail 

   We did request and receive the probable cause affidavit for the Marine's arrest and found that despite some slant in the officer's report writing,  the PC Affidavit does confirm what the trusted friend conveyed to me as to what happened.

    In back story, McCulloch and Arrendondo had already had words over some work That was incomplete and McCulloch wanted his money back or for Arrendondo to come and work it off.

    The two men had previously argued on a different day and at another location.    On the day of the incident. According to McCulloch's friend and the PC document, the Marine was fueling his vehicle at the gas pumps when Arrendondo pulled into the parking lot with a car full of people.  McCulloch's freind stated McCulloch had seen Arrendondo see him and make a turn into the lot.  Both McCulloch and the PC document state that Arrendondo pulled in and got out of his car and confronted McCulloch in the parking lot as he was walking toward the store.    

    Much of the investigator's narrative in the PC affidavit is based on watching the video from the store's camera on the parking lot.  No Audio.

  McCulloch and the PC narrative agree that a heated verbal exchange took place between the two men right where Arrendodndo confronted McCulloch and at one point, McCulloch pushed Arrendondo backward.  The PC narrative states that McCulloch is seen pulling his weapon and firing at Arrendondo striking him in the stomach.  McCulloch friend relayed that his friend shot Arrendondo in the front torso after Arrendondo regained his footing and was coming back toward the Marine.   

   The PC narrative states they did not see Arrendondo pull a gun or threaten the Marine with a gun.  It further stated that no gun was found on Arrendondo when investigators arrived. 

    Now to address several of the blatant lies put out on social media by friends and family of Arrendondo.  A step daughter stated that, "an evil man" shot her step father.  McCulloch is far from an evil man.  Facts are that he is the recipient of a Silver Star, served multiple tours in a war zone, is part of a non profit that provides returning vets some housing.  He also participates in a Chrisitan ministry that focuses on battle scarred veterans and their needs.

   The step daughter stated that Arrendondo was not a gang member and was "getting his life together".  FACT.  Arrendondo did ten years in TDCJ on a 36 year sentence for theft less than 20K and had not been long out of prison.  Infact, while Arrendodo was surviving in TDCJ best he could, McCulloch was serving his nation in the Marine Corps in a war zone.

    Someone on FB wrote that the Marine shot Arrendondo in the back as he was walking away.  That is a bald face lie and a blatant attempt to taint the jury pool in Polk Co.    The video proves Arrendondo was shot in front according to the investigator's narrative in the PC affidavit.  That narrative also matches exactly what the Marine's friend stated in our interview. 





   According to a spokesperson from BDF  Lawfirm that filed the forclosure action has stated that the property is PULLED from the sale and will not be auctioned at this time.


POLK CO 11/4/2024




Polk County Constable, Pct 1, Scott Hughes, et ux. has their own property on the auction block tomorrow afternoon at the steps of the Polk County Courthouse for non payment of their note on a substantial mortgage amount.  A beautiful piece of property  hows the ties to the current mayor of Livingston as mother in law to Constable Hughes.  "Why doesn't momma just write a check? has been the repeated question put forth by interested folks.  the mystrey deepens.  

   The property being forclosed is only an acre and a half out of the 162 acres  original Hughes estate that was mortgaged for a house construction loan in the amount of 44oK.  The CAD values the house and small parcel of land at over 800 K.




   Right along with the mortgage foreclosure is documented lawsuits that have been filed against the constable.  At least one of those is a minerals lawsuit.

    We did put in a call to the constable who was unaware of the forclosure


UPDATE  Constable Hughes Answers Raise Questions, the main one being what the heck is going on?  Is it identity theft with a quit claim?  A power people move right at election time?  A call from an out of state finance co last week was treated as a spam call by the constable.  Is that a clue?   Are they waiting to the last day to pay up as allowed by law?  Have they been taken to the cleaners one by the other?  "The filings are legit and the address is to the downtown office.  They know about it."  one expert stated.  







Byron Lyons did NOT answer the request for the info but folks on FB related to the deceased inmate did put his name out there.




An inmate did die in the Polk Co Jail after a recent call for CPR went out over the radio.  Sheriff Lyons did not respond to the request but rather issued a limited statement on his FB page that failed to identify the inmate.  We are still pressing for that information.


POLK COUNTY  10/20/2024


Both Polk Co Sheriff, Byron Lyons and Onalaska Pd Chief, Byron Dunaway stumble over a basic right of the public to get straight answers.  A recent unscheduled interview with Dunaway on the steps of city hall  revealed his penchant for error.  The constitutional activist's camera battery failed quickly so the body cam Chief Dunaway recorded should be available to any who ask for verification.  One of The Sentinel questions was to state my source's claim that the weapon involved in the discharge on ISD grounds was from a dept issued Glock 40.  Dunaway immediatly refuted that with, an assertion that it was OPD policy to issue the Sig Sauer 320 to all the officers.  White's immediate response to Chief Dunaway was, "Isn't that a Glock on your hip?" . . . . .  Ahhh  ah ah, "I just shoot better with a Glock.", Dunaway claimed explaining away his own departure from his own department policy.  My immediate question was for documentation to show the dept issue to the young SRO involved in the discharge.  "I would have to dig through boxes and boxes to find that." was Dunaway's bush beating reply.  "How about the "Quals" Brandon asked using the abreviated lingo of law enforcement refering to gun range tests.  "The weapon would be listed on that", White added.  

    "Nobody has qualified since I have been chief" Dunaway stated matter of factly to shut down that inquiry.   Hopefully soneone will request the body cam of the interview and the qualification reports from the shooting range.  

    I say this because a few of the same ole boot licking mouthys from Polk Co are questioning the accuracy of my story like they did during the Linda Vincent embezzlement story.  They got really mouthy and insulting and then the federal hammer fell.

   I have way more confidence in my source than I do the integrity of yet another OPD police chief.   

    As for Sheriff Lyons, he has ignored my request for statement and another journalists calls and open records request for info on the recent jail call for "CPR" at the Polk County Jail.  "Our PIO is on vacation" is Sherry Sprayberry's contribution to the matter.  With the string of deaths that have already occurred, the recent arrests of vital witnesses and the fact that SJC inmates are being housed there currently, we have a right to know who the call was for, why and the results.  Was it an inmate?  A guard?  A deputy?  Byron Lyons thinks it is just OK to keep we the people in the dark.  He and Byron Dunaway seem to have graduated  'magnum cum lata' from the Trinity Co Sheriff's school of 'opaque 'transparency, no accountability' course of criminal conduct.. in denying open records.




The controversy has progressed to the point that the 'powers that be' can't use facts so they are slinging unfounded personal insults at Joshua Grant and any who voice support for his campaign.



What an interesting inquiry into who's who behind the recently filed lawsuit.   An  association with a prior non profit geared around welcoming refugees to Houston seems worthy of more study.  Allegations that busloads of "homeless" have been dropped off in Livingston  seem timely.  

   One thing The Sentinel has not found is any connection to the mayor candidate, Joshua Grant as some have put forth falsely.  Hmmm, wonder who might do that?  

    Also the complexity of the financial wizardry so this money falls off seems to point toward close easy access to the information.   This is going to be most interesting.

LIVINGSTON 9/22/2024


 Allegations of the city using electric, water, sewer and garbage service billing to withold monies from residents in the City of Livingston have resulted in a class action lawsuit.  Labled, CIV 240556, the lawsuit has been filed in the 258th District Court.  The Honorable 258th District Judge, Travis Kitchens has recused himself and The Honorable Judge John Delaney  Ret. from Brazos County 272nd District Court  has been appointed to hear the case.






COMPASSIONATE HEART OR CRIMINAL MIND?No way this mentality could creep into the Houston city council to prohibit feeding the homeless persons in down town Houston . . . . Or could it?




FLUSHING, TX 77777  9/2/2024


Based on various open records requested and received, it appears that excessive 'flushing' of the Onalaska Water Co "cobra" flushing valve just uphill from the mayor's pond has helped maintain his water level.  Not only do the numbers indicate much excess, several of the required forms indicate that they were "revised" on some past dates.  


LIVINGSTON 9/26/2023



Mrs Rosemary Covalt, armed with information from some 'DPS Sensitive' reports outlining an investigationby Ron Duff naming ADA Lee Hon in it helped force Sheriff Lyons to relinquish a woman's gun he had illegally held for over a year.  .  That report proves that under Hammack, the ADA Hon knew that guns stolen from evidence at the Polk Co. Sheriff's dept were being pawned then sold through a local pawn shop.  That report names Onalaska PD officer Tammy Heeth as owner of the pawn shop who was found to be holding several guns that were reported stolen and recovered or otherwise placed into or supposed to be placed into Polk Co. S.O.  evidence.  Nothing was done to a singleperson.

   According to a witness, Ms. Covalt let Sheriff Lyons know she was not going to see these trans gressions continue.  There was never an arrest, no charges and the S.O. did not even remove the punk that had choked the woman  down to the point of passing out from the scene.  They just "secured" the expensive 1911 style 45 and took it with them.  No warrant.  

    Advocate Covalt also knew the woman had a dozen recorded phone calls with the sheriff or staff regarding the gun.  When Sheriff Lyons denied remembering speaking with the woman, the ladies offered to replay the conversations for him then and there.  

   "He was huffing and puffing" one present said of the sheriff, "but he got the gun and returned it to her".  


6/19/2024 POLK COUNTY


The last of the faulty and retaliatory charges Former Polk Co DA Hon and his minions filed on Youtuber, "America First', aka Brandon White for his Constitutional Rights activism has been dismissed.   Hon pulled out all of the stops, even getting his horned honey to badmouth White repeatedly on social media while Hon had him jailed on false felony charges.  



An Attorney General ruling recently received regarding an open records request to Liv P.D. by Brandon White orders the P.D. to release all but the body cam video.  Whites failure to name exact date, time, place and who was in the video as an exception so the P.D. Does not have to release that.  

    The interesting part is, the reason the OAG open records division found in Brandon White's favor was that the P.D. failed to back up their claims of exception with any information, facts or evidence within the time limits prescribed by law.   

   According to the OAG, White can re request the body cam if he just names date, time, place and one of the subjects in the video.

    Ball is in P.D.'s court.  Let us see if the Livingston police will follow the law in this next phase of the process.  





Sources report that Lee Hon was in the courthouse as Brandon White's last case is on the docket.  Case was delayed till June.  After all the felony and now misdomeaner charges grind thru the system to the inevitable dismissal, Hon wanted one more sniff.  Sources in downtown stated they saw Hon walk past and speak to White as he was nearing the entrance to the building.  It appeared that Hon just wanted one more sniff of the power he had to try to destory peoples lives but realized it has 'wisped' away like a fart on the wind.

    Witnesses confirm he entered several different areas of the courthouse breathing in the air.  



5/7/2024 CORRIGAN


Corrigan has to take the prize as the most corrupt little city in East Ttexas.   A case coming to court this Friday will help illustrate that.  Or is it just ineptness?  When you arrest Phillip Turner of Turner Vs Driver and falsely accuse him of violating the law his landmark Supreme Court Case  VICTORY proved was unconstitutional,  you are not the brightest bulb in the box.  The federal lawsuitPhillip Turner filed against Corrigan was won.  

    This trespassing case is of interest to The Sentinel because in following the auditor movement, I was on the phone with the auditor who was arrested when he was arrested.   After trying to obtain public records from the Corrigan PD prior, Brandon White was given a verbal CTW that was later put in writing.  When he later brought his children to the city park, a different property entirely, the dumbasses arrested him there over a CTW at the P.D.   


    White was hammer dawging the corruption of DA Lee Hon and his minions before being arrested and jailed on bogus charges by illegal means that have since been dismissed.  Just this one final Lee Hon flatulence 'stinker' remains to be 'vented'.  White's charges were so blatantly false and retaliatory, Hon should have been arrested. 

1/17/2024 POLK COUNTY


The Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Polk County Republican Party have tendered their respective resignations.  A meeting will be held soon to appoint an interim Chairman with exact  location to be announced.  Below is the arratve of the announcement as received in The Sentinel office this morning.



Dear Precinct Chairs and Republican Party Officers,

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for the privilege of serving under the exceptional leadership of Polk County Republican Party Chairman, Fred Grube. Working alongside Chairman Grube has been an incredibly fulfilling experience, and I am proud to have been a part of the remarkable journey he has led.

Chairman Grube's dedication, strategic vision, and tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the success and growth of our party. Personally, I am immensely proud of the impactful job he has done in this role. His leadership style, commitment to our values, and ability to unite our community have left an indelible mark.

As Chairman Grube transitions to new endeavors, he will be greatly missed by myself and others who have had the privilege of working with him. I am confident that his legacy will continue to inspire us all.

Thank you, Chairman Grube, for your unwavering commitment to the ideals we hold dear.

In addition to expressing my gratitude for Chairman Fred Grube's outstanding leadership, I must inform you of an important development. Chairman Grube has tendered his resignation, necessitating an Emergency Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting.

The CEC meeting is scheduled for 6pm on Monday, January 29th. It is crucial that all members attend this meeting to formally accept Chairman Grube's resignation and appoint Paul Laverty as the interim County Chairman. Without a majority in attendance, our party cannot function effectively, and given the upcoming election, your participation is vital.

The location of the meeting will be announced at least a week in advance to ensure everyone has ample notice. Your commitment to attend this meeting is greatly appreciated, as it plays a pivotal role in maintaining the continuity and strength of our party.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Media Invited

Tim Martin
Republican Party Vice-Chairman



POLK CO S.O. 12/23/2023


Miss 'T' is a pseudonym for yet another mentally deficient person being mishandled by the Polk County Sheriff's Dept. under Byron Lyons leadership.  Sentinel readers will remember the tragic cases of Ms. Alice Shine and even Antwaun Bogany that both endedwith the death of a Polk Co.  inmate.  

     Miss 'T' was picked up and brought to the Polk Co jail because she was kneeling with a bible and "praying" in the middle of the freeway lane in traffic.  When She was brought to the jail, she was claiming to be God and took opportunity to attack PCSO deputies several times.  According to our source, Miss T would calm down and act 'normal' so the deputy would reduce restraints.    Then she would suddenly attack from behind and trying to strike them in the head.

    A deputy was dispatched to take Miss T up to Lufkin to the Burke Center according to the S.O. but found them to be 'closed' for the holidays.  Miss T was brought back to Polk Co SO and promptly released after only hours in custody.  

    "Can't you at least hold her until she detoxes?" a distraught mother pleaded for her near 30 year old child.  "If you bring her here, she will wreck my house", the mother explained.  

       We are seeking more information on this story but hope it is not another tragic ending.  Members of the family are not discounting such an extreme case of addiction stemming from much deeper issues..  They are afraid of harm to her or someone else if she is not restrained.




An entire wall full of artistic expression of appreciation of our Veterans was on full display recently.  This photo shows just one of the many art messages left by the kids for vets in our community.    The 8th grade BAND PERFORMANCE was a spectacular part of the youngster's appreciation show.



The story linked to this headline takes place up around the DFW area but the photo at left is to be believed, it shows Polk Co. is not immune.

The photo at left was part of the so called, 'collage' photo Bethany Evans keeps referring to that she has had in her posession.There is another portion of that 'collage' photo right off of the Lee Hon for Judge fb page that has not been debunked.  In fact, the name of the photographer is shown by water mark in this close up below.

Is this nazi photo legit?  Hard to say experts reveal.  "By the time it is compressed to fit fb parameters, you have already lost a lot of data."

  The Sentinel was able to determine the identity of the other men in the photo so we plan on asking them if the photo is real or AI'd?  I guess we could ask J Woods photography if her husband has a nazi T shirt like that.  Or his employer. 

   If the photo is altered? who has a motive to get me out on a limb with a fake photo that they can prove is altered right before election season?  Hmmmmm.  Who would love to discredit The Sentinel the most?



It is a crime for one or more persons acting under color of law to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive another person of any Right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242)


On May 10, 2023, multiple agencies, including the FBI, the Texas Rangers, PCSO, Livingston PD, and the Polk County District Attorney's office, were notified of a complaint of alleged criminal conduct. The complaint, supported by video evidence, was filed by Ms. Trimble and alleged violations of Constitutionally protected Rights by an officer and a sergeant from the Livingston Police Department. Local offices informed Ms. Trimble that the Texas Rangers would be responsible for investigating the allegations, and as she had already sent the complaint to a DPS email address, local offices would not take any immediate action. However, it is important to note that the Texas Rangers typically initiate an investigation upon receiving information from the DA's office or a law enforcement agency, which creates a potential delay in addressing the matter. Ms. Trimble received an email from Lt. Marty Drake of the Livingston PD, implying that they had no intention of conducting any investigation, whether criminal or administrative.


On October 24, 2023, Ms. Trimble submitted another criminal complaint, supported by audio, to the Livingston PD, this time concerning two detectives from the department who interrogated her at the Polk County jail on February 16, 2022. Again the allegations concern violations of Constitutionally protected Rights this time of an incarcerated individual. This situation raises concerns about the accountability of city or county employees when they are accused of breaking the law or violating their oaths and public trust. It is a reminder that justice should be pursued, irrespective of one's agreement with the actions of Ms. Trimble and her associates. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "Since when do you have to agree with people to defend them from injustice?" The Sentinel has obtained "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" that was decided in a case earlier this year revealing that even high-ranking officials within the Livingston Police Department are found to be in violation of both the U.S. and Texas Constitution based on the facts in the case.



411th District Court    10/2/2023


Mr. Bloodworth, out of Conroe Tx has put himself and his client in the position of facing the dreaded, "which is it Mr. Bloodworth?"and him  knowing already that neither answer is good.   Mr. Bloodworth is claiming on the record that the property is the husbands seperate property knowing the wife is in posession, has paid the notes  and used the proceeds of her seperate house sale to purchase,  remodel and fence the property.  If that is not enough Bloodworth, how about all the VA loan documents they did togetgher to purchase the place?

    The property is listed with a broker.  Apparently Judge Wells was doing  research regarding the status and location of the property by his "last time I looked" comments.  Or is it just because his dad lives a mile or so away as the crow flies?  

    The part that made me realize the  "dirtbag" discriptor used by some of Bloodworth's peers was accurate was when The Sentinel obtained a copy of a letter addressed directly to Mr. Bloodworth.  The letter was declining his demand that the  home security company give him access to all of the account including to the cameras in the home and locks on the doors.  Not only that, the dirtbag tried to do that knowing there was an exclusionary order in the case prohibiting that very access.

      The most recent hearings saw Judge Wells decline her any  spousal support and put payment of the entire housenote on their community property loan on her alone.  

   In addition to fighting and convincing Wells to deny admission of her medical records proving permanent strangulation injury by her husband, Attorney 'dirtbag' Bloodworth lied to the court alleging that  Ms. Struve  had criminal charges and investigation against her that were pending and convinced Wells that her soon to be ex needed a restraining order against her stripping her 2A rights.   Bloodworth knows better.  The Sentinel did interview DA Sittion and confirmed there is no investigation or charges against the wife that she is aware of.  

    The Sentinel has been following this case for some time and there is a distinct pattern of squelching Ms. Struve's evidence, improper action and improper inaction on the system's side.  From refusing to take evidence at the S.O. to refusing to allow it to be entered in court, it seems oppressive.  






POLK CO 9/1/2023


Recent records request have revealed that the Onalaska Police Department is now relying heavily on Facebook to solve petty theft and God knows what other crimes. In a recent post on Facebook the owner of "Small Town Glamor" asked for help identifying two people believed to have worked together to steal from the store on 07/10/2023.  In no time multiple people identified multiple other people as the perpetrators in the still shots from the security cameras. One of the people identified was Diane Wiggins. Based on this information gleaned from Facebook as well as an admittedly biased "picture picker" Chief Jessica Stanton swore in a complaint to the court alleging Mrs. Wiggins deprived "Small Town Glamour" of property at an estimated value of $67.45. This despite never interviewing the suspect, never conducting a face to face interview with any witnesses besides the shop keeper, zero evidence the woman in the security cameras stole anything, there being zero evidence anything was actually stolen, and the woman in the security camera looking nothing like Diane Wiggins. We wonder what real investigation work has been done in the case by OPD.

POLK CO 3/10/2023



Former DA Hon appeared in court this morning and was first up for his client and out the door.  Only moments later, the bogus charges he filed on Melanie for causing a 911 call to bemade were dismissed but hON missed seeing his old house of cards crumbling.  His skurrying from the courtroom when done prevented that.   Long time Sentinel readers will remember the day of Melanie's arrest.  The LPD correctly stated they had arrested Melanie for the call being made and in a seperate sentence stated they had confirmeed the identity of the caller.   What they left out with their artistic linguism was that Melanie did not make the call and they knew it.  

       Here is your come uppins Hon and those compliant with his methods.  The days of getting by with rtalitory charges are over.  


Multiple calls to The Sentinel regarding the story linked to this headline were met with, "Yes I know about the arrest but sheriff took care of business arresting one of his own."

Now if the theft had NOT been investigated or prosecuted, THAT would have made Sentinel headlines.   We have not been able to locate the booking info confirming she was booked in.  Ms. David was the records clerk who most often responded to open records requests.



A constitution lovin, rights protecting District Judge, The Honorable Travis Kitchens was ready to grant a motion to quash (portion of text below) the retalitory indictment FORMER DA. lee hon obtained thru an uninformed grand jury against Brandon White.  We recognize that grand jurors are not usually attorneys so most of the fault for denying the rights and violating the constitutional protections afforded the accused under the Constitution were done by none other than the corrupt FORMER DA, bill lee 'the kid' hon.

   A young but bright upcoming attorney, Seth Evans took the case as court appointed counsel and could see the obvious flaws in the indictment.

     Apparently the ADA appointed to prosecute the case originally could see the flaws too because when Judge Kitchens granted the motion to quash, she had a 'Motion to Dismiiss' prepared, handed it in and the Honorable Kitchens granted it also.

     In my 30 plus years of outing corruption in our criminal justice system, the most embarassing incident ever occurred in Polk County was the day that Lee Hon bragged about his grand jury handing down over 170 indictments in one day.  

    Life long Polk Co resident and business man, Tim Martin, did the math and wrote an excoriating article on facebook pointing out that hon averaged less than three minutes per indictment that day.  That leaves no choice but to call that grand jury a damn rubber stamp or a neutered bull calf with a ring in his nose.  The law reiquires that the charges be read on a case by case basis and that the grand jury deliberate each case.  No way that was done.  

   Right after Tim Martin wrote the piece on FB, Hon filed retalitory charges on him.  They didn't go anywhere because there was no truth to them.  

    Note to new Polk County Grand Jury.  Do your homework.



"Who needs slappin here"?

Mr(s) Goodwin, Your first history lesson is the etomology of the word Liberal.  Its original roots are grounded in LIBERTY as opposed to statism.  research a little.

   second lesson.  Unreasonable bond is unconstitutional.  Try reading it some times.  Facinating document.  

   Third lesson in recent history is that Practicing the Liberty stealing, unconstitutional and therefore, CORRUPT practice of using  high bonds to punish first offenders without due process will get your butt beat at the ballot box.  Any questions on that?  Just ask Lee Hon.

   Now on to the "provoke" comment.  It is true that Polk Co LEO of some sort or another have arrested or cited Brandon White several times now.  Each of those times was behind Mr. White exercising his constitutional rights.  Each of those times, his phone was kept as 'evidence' yet no search warrant for the contents yet.  If LEO can get a warrant, they can download the contents.

Once he saw the door on a cop carwas unlocked even though he could see weapons loose in there.  He  and went in to notify them the car was unlocked with weapons in reach.   He was arrested and is on bond for that.  Lee Hon changed the charges from burglary to interference and reset the case when it came to court.  Brandon let it out he had video proving he was innocent.  

     My understanding is that Brandon has video of another cop car at Angelina College parking lot since then  with an AR 15 and a 12 guage tactical shotgun laying in the seat of an unlocked unit while a LEO course was being taught.  I don't know if he let them know or not.  Should he?  

   You see Mr(s) Goodwin, Judge Kitchens hopefully averted Polk County being sued for unconstitutional bond violations.  Could you imagine the ramifications of some nut finding guns in a an unlocked cop car and using them to go in an kill a bunch of folks?   

    What is provoking the LEO's to arrest Mr. White?  Him excercising his constitutional rights or him exercising his constitutional rights even after they tell him he can't?    Either of those would warrant them a slap.  

    Now on to the anti American, liberty opposing cancel culture 'woke' republicans in name only boot lickers  like you.   You wouldn't know true conservatism if it kicked you in the butt.  


Steve Watson



After re reading the PC affidavit and my emails with Livingston PD, I can not say they attributed the actual call, physically making the 911 call to Melanie.  The PD is apparently willing to let my stumble along believing that they positively identified Melanie as the actual caller.  


UPDATE 2/16/2022


According to an official source, the source of the 911 call attributed to Melanie McCrory has been "positively identified" in response to a Sentinel question.   Livingston PD did make the probable cause affidavit available to me in a timely manner and even answered my direct question about the positive identity of the caller which is not required by law.  

TEXAS 2/11/2022


Recent arrest of Melani McCrory and Brandon White along with extremely high bond amounts have sent a shiver through the ranks of the Auditor Community in Texas.    Statements leading to the speculation that there are other warrants for other auditors that were at the scene can be heard on the video of the arrest encounter at Ms. McCrory's apartment.  

    Having interviewed several of the auditors on quite a few occassions, it is clear that the prospect of showing up in Polk Co to protest the arrests may be met with a warrant of your own has dampened the enthusiam of most. Several have commented on being placed on a 'Terrorist' watch list in the last week.  

    Accordingto the Probable Cause Affidavit obtained via open records, Ms. McCrory is charged with and accused of having made the 911 call that initiated the confrontation at her apartment.  All there that The Sentinel has interviewed  deny the accusation but I cant see the Livingston PD, after multiple interactions with them, claiming to have an audio file that they don't have.  Both Parish and Wright will tell you that we have sparked and disagreed but I have never caught the PD in a lie.  Mum to my questions yes, but a lie, no.  

    My long and involved study of the auditor movment as chronicled on my "Auditor Comments' page leads me to a conclusion.  Although there are true desires by many to stand on our constitutional rights by exercising them, the underlying theme of provoking an officer of the law to do something he can be sued for and collecting on said suit seems to be a constant motive.

   I remember early on when the auditor movement first came onto the scene, even some of my longest time readers commented that they were doing what I do.  "No", I said, "they look to provoke a cop into doing something they can sue for, I take complaints and look for specific evidence of wrong doing and publish that when I find it".  

    One of my most prominent expose' articles was outing the king of audit lawsuits, New Now Houston when he did a hit piece on our SJC community and sheriff's dept.  You might say that I took away his anonymity by discovering and then posting his true identity.  My constant counsel to those who want to be credible is to not hide behind anonymity.  That is why no matter how nasty the fake profiles get and the lies they spout run round the world in minutes, my credibility is maintained by the fact that you can pick up a phone, email or knock on my door and communicate with the real me.  

   When Lee Hon filed the false charges on me for exercising my free speech, I put out a call to arms to protect free speech and free press but who helped me?  Not my church, not a sole in the auditor community.  Just me and The Lord and a good lawyer and a few veterans behind me stood on the Truth and sought justice and prevailed. 

   Having had quite a few converstaions with Melanie McCrory and Brandon White over the last few months, both will assure you that my admonition is and has always been that all it takes is one lie and you are done.  The Sentinel was sought out by them which gave me opportunity to not only counsel them on journalististic ethics but to also warn them of the consequences of sparring with the most powerful people in the county.  "You better be right and be able to prove it".   


UPDATE 2/10/2022


John Well recommended 100 K bail, not set it yet,  ALSO They 

Big surprise, it was John Wells that set the unconstitutional excessive bail amount on Ms. Melanie.   Not only are the charges bogus, the bail is excessive and intended to prevent her from making bail.  Are you next?  This is just a taste of the tryanny Hon/Coleman have in store for Polk Co if either are elected.  For Wells to be foolish enough to join in means that he has been in their camp all along.   NONE Of the JP's  signed it and the one on duty this week had NO information about it.  That means they went to Wells first.   That eliminates him from being able to preside over the case because he took on the magistrate duties.  Not Smart John.  Now watch.  It has to go in Judge Kitchens court.  He will probably reduce bail to a reasonable amount and Hon will attack him for being soft on crime because he defends the constitution by abiding by it.  What a mess they stirred up now.



Brandon published story about Coleman failing to report campaign expenses and Brandon has the documents to prove Coleman's illegal act.  Now his girl is in jail and they are looking for him.  Imagine that.   

If there is a real journalist at the Enterprise, you have Colemans CFR documents in your email now so lets see if you write a story about Coleman's illegal campaign acts or if the lawsuit he has been holding over your head is going to silence you.  Let me make a prediction.  Not only will Emily Wooten not write a story about the CFR's PROVING he didn't list the ads he ran in her paper so she has proof coming and going.  I will go further and predict she covers this arrest story in a light favorable to the Coleman campaign.  Any takers?




100K bond set on arrest. 

According to a verbal relay, Ms McCrorys's bond has been set at 100k and she has not made bail.

WE don't seem to be able to get a single reply from a single official source.  


link in headline for youtube video

Some kind of conspiracy charges seem to be the impetus for the arrest of Melanie McCrory after a failed effort by Liv PD to force ID.  As a tenant in a government subsidized  apartment complex where several auditors from Texas gathered before staging an event to exercise their first and second amendment rights at the chili cookoff, Livingston PD came out and arrested the woman this morning on a charge of, "Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity" according to the Polk Co jailer who answered the phone . 

    Lt Drake is hiding behind his voice mail and won't give an answer.  The cops on the scene claimed they had a warrant for 'conspiracy' but did not present it up front before arresting Ms. Trimble.  

    There were a few men in attendance at the rally to exercise thier Constitutional rights and there is a claim that warrants exist for the men too but as it stands, only the girl has been arrested.   The auditor who refused to give ID since caarrying a side arm is not a crime in Texas, stood his ground and the PD left.  Then they come back after the men are gone and arrest the girl.  And they wonder why there is a disconnect.  Is it illegal to gather together and exercise constitutional rights of free speech, free press and to keep and bear arms?  Only in Polk County.  With one of the auditors obviously opposed to Hon/Coleman and vocally so, this has all of the earmarks of yet another retalitory charge.

   A lot of this story may pivot on whether or not the apartment complex is federally owned or private owned and just accepting federal housing subsidy.  Stay tuned as this story develops.  

LIVINGSTON 5/21/2022


Mehgan Leigh was the subject of a detention, handcuffing and being placed in the back of a Livingston PD Patrol car yesterday and then, within minutes, uncuffed and released.  LPD officer Chris Simmons effected the arrest  in front of her children at her home in Livingston public housing complex.

    Megan Leigh, Sentinel readers will remember was the woman who claimed credit for the 911 call that led to the arrest of constitutional activists, Brandon White and Melanie McCrory a few months ago.  Based on less than complete information released by the LPD, people still believe that Melanie McCrory is the one who made the call when she did not.  She was just arrested and put on 100K unconstitutional bond for causing the 911 call that  she  did not make.

    Now it appears that the Agency that has been less than transparent about the entire incident are leaning on Ms. Leigh for some reason.  

   It seems that if there was probable cause to effect the arrest, there was cause to take her to jail.  If there was not probable cause to take her to jail, there was not probable cause to arrest Ms. Leigh.

   The Sentinel has reached out to LPD for a comment about the actions of Simmons.




Phillip Driver of the land mark case, "Turner Vs Driver" is featured in the video below.  WE wrote about the incident some time back and how ignorant Corrigan PD was acting in their blatant disregard for citizen rights under the tryant, William Lee Hon as soon to be former DA of Polk Co.  These officers, just as Hon's 'golden boy' Christopher Limadid,  violate the law with impunity because they know Hon will shield them from any scrutiny or legal action.

     Philip Driver was the wrong man to corner up.  He bites back.  Corrigan's chief, 'plump  boy' Gilbert has stained the reputation of law and order in Polk County by being a flat out dumbass with full cover from Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon.  Below the video is the original story I wrote when the incident took place.  

CORRIGAN 8/18/2021


A half a dozen committted Constitutional rights activists apparently sent fear through Corrigan PD's chief of police as they marched toward the Police Dept with cameras at the ready today.  As chronicled in The Sentinel, his dept has already stepped in it by making multiple arrests of these activists just for daring to film on or cross over city property despite precedent setting law upholding the legality of the activists' actions.

    I say 'committed' activists because one has been arrested and had to post bond three times in Corrigan on charges that will never stand up in court.  

    According to several on the scene today, the group was spotted by one patrol officer who was preparing to leave in his cruiser that then pulled over and made a phone call.  When the group of patriots got to the door of the PD, it was locked.  One claimsthey have video shot through the glass of Chief Gibson scrambling away to hide from the group.  This is during business hours but the door was locked.

     The group then began walking toward city hall, according to my source and they found that door was locked too.  One citizen in the City Hall parking lot was interviewed who was simply there to pay his water bill and didn't understand why the door was locked during business hours.

       Corrigan PD Chief delighted in refusing my open records request in the past and threatening to call the Rangers on me back when Hon's bogus and retalitory charges were still hanging over my head.   He was a smart mouth punk then and now he needs to come out of the closet. Go figure

     What these activists have proven is that even the bullies who have badges are really scared little boys inside.  These little 'b' bullies are just a punk with a gun and a badge and don't know how to act when someone with no power, no money, no clout and especially, NO FEAR OF THEM, dares to stand up to their tyranny and rebuke it with the truth.  Chief Gibson proved today that he will hide in the closet.  How embarassing for the good honest cops that way outnumber thePUNKS like Gibson.  As the corrupt da's like to say when they get to court and can't make their case, "in the interest of justice", Chief Gibson, it is WAY PAST TIME for you to step down too.


It took me awhile to wake up to your biased agenda, but I'm all woke now. I think you may believe you are doing good, but you really should be careful of vetting your sources and do better research; maybe also work on becoming less bitter, it comes out in your writing. It is my opinion that your blog borders on pure slander at times. I do not support your approach to journalism, but this is all just my opinion.



Steve Watson


There are two things that you are right about. You are 'woke' (thanks for admitting it) and I am biased. I will remain biased against corrupt public servants till the day I die. My agenda is to be useful in removing the corrupt who hold the public trust as long as I have breath. My best effort in that goal is to help send the most informed voters possible to the polls. You accuse me of slander. Here is the websters definition: : "to make a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone." I will make you the same offer that I have made Hon, Wallace, Lima, Lou Rogers, Royce Wells, etc etc the list is long. "Prove one malicious lie I ever published and I will shut down The Sentinel myself. You attacked my credibility recently in text messages between us. I challenged you then to prove just one lie on my part. Your reply was to the effect of, "I don't have the desire or the time". That is the difference in me and you. When I call you a liar, I have already published the proof. You chided me for calling Hon a liar. Hon is a liar. I have proven it over and over. I can again. Hon witholds exculpatory evidence. I have proven it and can again. There is one fact that you may not be aware of. My church, recognizing my willingness to stand up for the oppresssed has recognized the calling on my life. If you don't recognize it, research discernment. It is a facinating biblical topic. You accuse me of bitterness. Quite the opposite. I pray for Hon and have been for years. The quickest way to defeat an enemy is for them to get saved. The last DA that filed bogus criminal charges on me was also the subject of my prayers. He got saved and worships in my church now. I forgave him BEFORE he got saved for telling everyone in our community that it was me that planted all the child porn on the former judge's computers. EVERY corrupt one that I have challenged and called down for their crimes has falsely accused me of being a convicted child molestor. That last DA was no different. The next won't be ether. I am 65 now and have been doing this for 30 plus years. Granted I can get a little snarky (it is a gift) snarky means sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner. Guilty. You are not the first to call me a liar or accuse me of lying and i doubt you will be the last. Nor are you the first or last that failed to prove it when challenged. The good news is that my lab reports came back on all three polyps being benign. Corona didn't kill me and I got that bad tooth pulled. I feel good.  People who know the caliber of people that I confront warn me all the time to watch my back.  I tell them, God has my back. I am going to press forward like He told me to do. Good day young lady. Steve


Even when Hon brings in a visiting judge to get what he wants, Truth and Justice prevails.  The visiting judge upheld the order and Hon was slam dunked again.  Read more below.


12/2/2021  258th District Court Polk Co


After a long drawn out episode that exposed Li Hon's corruption to the world, Hon was forced to back off of the case of Aurther Dirden, a young black male,  when it came to light (thank you L.U.L.A.C. and N.A.A.C.P. Representatives) That the corrupt DA Hon and his side kick Coleman were REFUSING to recognize that the man had paid his debt, was through with his sentence, had passed all of his polygraph exams and that the courts had released him.  Hon/Coleman kept a bogus 'warrant' hanging over his head with threat to arrest him if he dared to show his face in Hon's office to address the illegal acts  that Hon/Coleman were engaging in. Dirden, who maintians to this day that he was not guilty and was railroaded by Hon/Coleman, with help of the minority reps and The Sentinel putting light on the scandalous actions of Hon, was finally able to get the matter resolved.  

 HON/COLEMAN  filed bogus 'probation violation' charges and even stooped to sending the former Polk Co. Texas Ranger Clendenon  by to do Probation 'compliance checks' on a man who was through with probation.

    Sentinel readers will remember it as the case that even Wayne Dolcifino started looking into and then dropped like a hot potato when he was scared off by Hon.  Dolcifino kept the money but did not do the job.  A move that cost him way more in credibility than the money was worth.

   We picked the story up and followed it through writing about Hon/Coleman being forced to come clean on their illegal (can we say abuse of official capacity) antics, drop the illegal bogus warrant and finally sign off on the man's paperwork.  


FAST FORWARD to this year.  Hon/Coleman are up to their dishonest and corrupt racist practices again.  Nothing new there except this time, it is a young Hispanic male.

    All the readers will remember the Binion case that Hon/Coleman tried to make political hay out of against The Honorable Travis Kitchens, 258th District Judge with some months ago.  In their constant action of lying, Hon accused a man HE KNEW he planned to run against this election of giving Binion, accused of a sex crime against a willing female that was just beyond the 3 year age difference  commonly known as "Romeo and Juliet" law.  Hon offered the defendant a plea deal that included some additional jail time and a deferred adjudication probation  which young Binion agreed to.  District Judge, Travis Kitchens accepted the terms of the plea deal EXACTLY AS HON OFFERED IT  and signed the order as prepared by Hon's office.  

     Hon/Coleman and the Propaganda Press (willie bootlicker   openshaw) ran with the lie that with a story that falsely accused Hon's future political opponent of going easy on "sex offenders". 


    That one blew up on Hon/Coleman when The Sentinel published the response of Binion's Counselor about the plea process pointing out that the first thing Hon did was waive a jury trial PROVING that he and Coleman were lying again.  Hon is still stuck in the old days of controlling the press and timing stories so political opponents can't respond.  Those days are over dumbass.

    Even the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals called Hon/Coleman a dumbass not long after Crystalball openshaw put out the bogus story because Hon appealed the "sentence" his own office offered the young man as a 'defective sentence'.  The appeals court reply was, and I am paraphrasing here, "You are a dumbass because a deferred adjudication is not a sentence, it is a postponed judgement.  Failure to meet the terms will result in a finding of guilt and then a sentence but as for the present, a deferred adjudication is not a sentence, it is a "deferred adjudication".  

     Hon may wish folks didn't know he made such a bush league mistake but he did.  It is almost as big a  mistake as constantly coampaigning on being "tough" on sex offenders until The Sentinel proved with public record documents that Hon's own mother was and had been living with and was common law married to a registered sex offender.  That pissed hon off so bad that he and coleman lied to the Rangers claiming that the clerk and another female had "secreted out sensitive documents".  When I proved to the Rangers that the document I did publish was a public record I paid a dollar for, the Rangers dropped the case like a hot potato.  Neither they nor their 'public integrity unit' investigated or prosecuted Hon for lying.   We all know that multiple felony  case fizzled away  simply because Hon/Coleman are liars from the pit of hell.

   Fast Forward to today.  Not satisfied with the failed political hay effort and not satisfied with the no nonsense reply of the a5th Cirsuit COA, Hon is determined to put this young Hispanic male in prison.  Why?   If they had been a little bit closer in age, there would not have even been a case.  Public records prove that the accuser dropped out and refused to take part in the prosecution as even a witness but Hon was able to get Binion to plea with his offer of time served plus additional jail time and a deferred adjudication.    It is a deal Binion could only be granted with a guilty plea.  Talk about bait and switch BS, Hon "the con" strikes again.

   Now Hon/Coleman, are pressing for the third time to undo the plea deal they offered Binion to start with.  If I know Hon/Coleman/crystal/openshaw, there will be another lying story on that propaganda rag accusing The Honorable Travis Kitchens of some made up wrong since it is coming down to the wire soon where Hon has to come out of the closet about his intent to run against Kitchens in the upcoming primary.  .  

    I have news for you Hon da Con.  STRIKE THREE YOU ARE OUT!!!





AUSTIN 11/17/2021


According to Kim Vickers office in Austin, Christopher Lima's certification as a peace officer in the State of Texas is on hold until the criminal case against him is complete.  According to Sentinel sources, Lima is scheduled for an arraignment hearing December 16th.  Considering the low ball charges they put on this drug dealing cop, one step reduction in the level of the charge would mean Lima can keep his TCOLE certification.  A deferred adjudication would have the same effect.  

    Many concerned citizens are watching the case carefully and most are expecting his crimes to be swept under the rug, 'one more time Cincinatti, one more time".

ONALASKA 10/30/2021


Brandon White was arrested right at dinner time by a Polk Co deputy and an Onalaska PD officer for back up.  They claimed to have a warrant according to White for the allegation of him 'interferring' .  

    brandon speculates that it is for a police stop he filmed of Corrigan PD officer, Albert Richards who ordered Brandon to move 1000 feet down the road.  Brandon refused what he considered to be an unlawful order stating the courts had ruled on that.  "I don't care what the court says" was the officer's reply in the video White suspects must be the impetus for the most recent arrest.

   The initial Sentinel story was in error stating Richards was involved in the arrest.  It was a late night call by a family member and limited information because White was in jail.  We have since confirmed that it was a Polk Co. Deputy who had an Onalaska PD officer there as back up.  

    Already targeted for arrest on several occassions by Corrigan PD, the only charge against Brandon that has made it to court was DISMISSED.  Now Li Hon has several charges to hang over Brandon White in his effort to squash the Constitutional activists efforts in Polk County and a free press.  

   A pattern of waiting for months to arrest  people in the Auditor movement for allegations of 'criminal' activity seems to be taking hold.  In multiple cases of record now, the auditor shoots the video of their interaction with the officer, publish it and are not arrested at the time but only after weeks or even months have passed, the auditor is arrested.  

   Several members of the auditor community ponied up the bail money so that Brandon White was free d on bond the same night that he was arrested.

    It should be no surprise to Polk Countians that the DA cannot stand a free presswhen Coleman penned that article praising a toungue in cheek ammendment put forward by a legislator stating journalists needed to be licensed by the state.  Either Coleman is a loyal communist or   he thinks the readers were idiots because the ammendment was put forward to illustrate the absolute absurdity of 'licensing' our constitutional rights.

    Li Hon's record of retaliatory arrests aimed at silencing critics remains unblemished and unsuccessful in court.   


highlights and arrow added for emphasis
LIVINGSTON 3/14/2021
Mr. Watson, why are there deaths, injuries, alleged beatings and again mistreatment of mentally  impaired prisoners being held in custody at our jails in Polk County , Texas.?
Remember our county jail has a long history of failing state standards and deaths of inmates in custody.
We had an elderly women who was found dead in her cell last year who was also suffering from mental issues.
Mrs. Barbara Hill and I met with Assistant Chief Byron Lyons in 2019 and discussed policy  and procedures in training of law enforcement employees when it came to inmates who were mentally impaired.  Assistant Chief Lyons never called us back after he promised us to do so.
Why are citizens being killed, beaten and mistreated, where are the Rangers? Where is the FBI who have officially  been informed about this abuse of power.?
Where is our DA William Hon, where is he? We sent him a certified letter in February, 2021 and Hon has failed to respond? We are asking Hon to explain and to intervene  to  protect the public.
We also sent Livingston City Attorney and our County Commissioners and they all have fail to respond to our request for a meeting.
As citizens who vote why are they not being transparent about the incompetence of our law enforcement employees in Polk County.?
They all have a responsibility to protect and serve our community as our elected officials.
I am disappointed and concern about our public safety.
Rosemary Covalt

LIVINGSTON 12/15/2018


From Enterprise Article;

"Based on the content of that conversation and possibly others, Lima came to suspect that Hock may have been alerting Steve Watson — a San Jacinto County resident who operates a website at — to sensitive information.

"Coleman referred to instances where Watson was provided with information that led to derogatory posts about the district attorney’s office on his website."

NUMBER ONE - I have the highest regard for the office of District Attorney.  It is the most powerful office in the county and is called to the highest duty among us, TO SEEK THE TRUTH.  Not get convictions, not put people in prison but to SEEK THE TRUTH ONLY. 

The Sentinel has never had the first complaint about any of the other ADA's and has NOT derided the OFFICE of District Attorney, just TWO, count them TWO of the individual men who occupy positions in the office whom have committed multiple criminal acts.  ie; DA William Lee Hon and ADA Tommy Coleman. 

NUMBER TWO - "Was provided with. . . . "  BS.  I am and have been a Public Records Hound, Watchdawg, PITBULL for years.  Much to your chagrin, even your most powerful position and willingness to oppose the release of public information has not prevailed against my efforts.   Any information that I have obtained from the Polk County Clerk and the Polk Co District Clerk has been obtained via a legally filed open records request.   That includes the recently requested and obtained mail in ballot list for the last primary that shows who all voted by mail in ballot.  My efforts were to investigate allegations about the Escapee's influence (no wrong doing found) but on that list, I saw where someone had requested Rita Hon's mail in ballot on January 1st of 2018 but instead of mailing it to the address on her records, the ballot was requested to be mailed to William Lee Hon's mailing address.  This intrigued me because it was three weeks BEFORE Rita Hon was removed from her home and put into an assisted living facility.  That record shows that Rita Hon's ballot was mailed to Lee Hon's address and returned signed February 9th.   The irony is I would not have recognized the number if it werent for the criminal charges filed on me about it but I found that interesting in light of the fact that all her other legal mail was going to her then residence address.  I am talking about banking, tax, appraisal notices etc so I open records requested a copy of the ballot request letter and a copy of just the signature on the Ballot.  My thinking was that I would compare those signatures to the marriage certificate that we know Rita Hon signed infront of the County Clerk deputy the day she and her husband filed it.  Here was the answer I received;

on the door of Hon's 'Hole in the wall'

POLK COUNTY 12/5/2020

"THEir POWER IS IN IGNORING US" - rosemary covalt(ski) 

The demonstration of that effort is so blatant in DA Hon's office that if something is not done about him, it screams, "we (polk co.) like wallowing with him".  When the front office staff has to refuse to simply accept a document and sign the time and date it was received in fear of being fired for the 'offense', we are being ignored.

    When the DA can tamper with and falsify dates on time sensitive legal documents then put forth those altered documents as evidence in a legal battle, and use the USPS to do it, CRIME is being ignored.

    Hon is doing all of this to avoid giving me the unaltered payroll documents he admits he has.  $41.20 worth of documents to be exact according to his date altered, payment required letter.  

LIVINGSTON 11/16/2020


The smaller of the two requests just for the un altered originals of the documents that were "revised" according to the email at left in the amount of $41.20 has been paid by certified mail and usps money order.  

LIVINGSTON 11/10/2020


Polk Co DA, Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon has answered two simple and direct OR requests with big bills for archive retrieval for recent payroll records.  Two donors have stepped up to pay the bill today for those open records even though my request was for "opportunity to review" only in the first request.  The second request to Hon was for specific copies of only the orignal documents the county stated they could not provide because they just had "revised copies" of them .  Hon's bill for those specific unrevised records was for over 40 dollars.  My conclusion, based on past experience with the most opaque DA's office I have ever attempted to extract public documents from is that Hon has either revised a lot of payroll payment requests or has something to hide.  

    Based on our protracted battle The Sentinel won at the Attorney General's office over the 400 page Polk County S.O. complaint file on Hon's former investigator, Christopher Lima, The Sentinel will pay the excess charge and be sold a bunch of blank documents that Hon redacts legally available information from to cover his irresponsible lack of action.   That whole scenario plainly illustrates the long standing Sentinel definition of corruption as, 'filing false charges and/or not filing legitimate charges for political purpose."  There is always graft and financial corruption to ferret out but using the criminal justice system for political purpose makes you a scum bag low life criminal and I don't care who you are or who you think you are.     

LIVINGSTON 10/22/2020


Polk County Judge released the open records requested including the email above between HR and Lee Hon.    Along with the records received showing that employees rec'd 'ADM Pay' during the emergency closure was an explanation that HR did not have the original submission paperwork and could only provide the 'revised' copies.   Tomorrow will be the tenth business day since The Sentinel requested an opportunity to review the documents on Lee Hon's end of the transaction.  Let us see if he will provide the original submission paperwork.

LIVINGSTON 10/18/2020


Details remain sketchy and a total lack of transparency has hindered The Sentinel investigation into allegations that DA Lee Hon submitted payroll requests for his entire staff for overtime pay during the hurricane when there was no overtime worked.  According to Sentinel sources, the request was turned down but County Judge Sydney Murphy has refused to return a call to The Sentinel and her staff have avoided answering the questions that would lead to an answer and obtaining proof documents.

   We did submit formal open records requests to both the DA and the county judge but have not received a reply yet.  


According to the accused, the former court reporter, Bonnie L. Rodriguez has been located  by his private investigator and attempts t0 depose her are underway.  


A person with knowledge of the alleged fraudulent transcript manipulations outlined in the story below has stepped forward to make their information available to the accused and his investigators.  This potential witness is claiming to have relevant information yet to the knowledge of The Sentinel, no formal investigation has been undertaken.   Oh, that is right.  Only the DA can initiate an investigation.  


A court transcript that still has not been certified by the court reporter is being swept under the rug by the powers that be in Polk County.  More than one witness in the courtroom during the trial testimony state that when the accuser, under oath and cross examination answered yes when asked if she was "making it up as she went along" but that portion of the transcript was changed to a no answer.  These are allegations along with others but there are several undisputed facts.  The accused has passed 20 polygraphs.  The accused is directly related to both black men that died in the Polk Co Jail.  Lee Hon went out of his way to keep the accused on probation beyond the end of the court ordered period along with the probation dept attmepting to violate and revoke his probation with false allegations.  

POLK CO 9/25/2020


     Allegations of criminal conduct by Polk County CDA Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon just won't subside in the face of 20 passed polygraphs by the accused, documented irregularities and the sworn statement of several eyewitnesses to the event.  Incidents related to this story that Wayne Dolcefino looked into and then backed out of 'post haste' late last year paint a picture of corruption so deep that it will shake the foundations of the Polk County criminal justice system to the core if they are proven true.   The best efforts of several reporters (including Dolcefino) and now a private investigator to locate a vital witness to the alleged criminal acts by Hon prove that she is no where to be found.   

       Neighbors allege that she and her mother packed hurridely and went into hiding months ago.   We are hoping that the neighbors are right and it is "witness protection" as opposed to "witness prevention" that have secreted her away.  

Bob Willis and Bill Lee the kid

LIVINGSTON 1/22/2020


Incumbant Pct 1 Polk Co Commissioner, Bob Willis  was  involved in the corrupt practice of operating a private business along with his secretary and foreman right out of his county office.   A corrupt and blatant private business operation that was overlooked by the corrupt DA, Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon.   Willis failed to return The Sentinel phone call when we inquired about the operation of 'WillGo' realestate business out of the precinct office but promply moved it when we began to look into it.  Documents in the Polk Co Deed Records prove it existed and was a lively enterprise.   There is a pattern of the corrupt officials in Polk Co refusing to return Sentinel phone calls.  Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon has never accepted nor returned a Sentinel phone call.  The girl answering said Hon was in but then comes back with "he stepped out of the office". 


Willis' crew was also seen transporting people to the polls in a limo when Lee Hon was running last time. 


POLK COUNTY 6/25/2020


Ms Reddell, I read your recent article titled “Battle Lines Drawn over Prosecutor Misconduct” with much interest after it was forwarded to me by several.  I applaud your willingness to take on the powers that be.  Your recent accurate article never the less left you vulnerable to attacks as evidenced by Bill Lee ‘the kid’ Hon’s best efforts.  We will address those shortly.

I do appreciate your work and look forward to years of your best efforts.  You kind of remind me of Martha Charrey in your feisty ways but Ms. Charrey remains one of my most admired journalists in my life.  Her integrity is of the highest caliber.  She NEVER backed up as long as you had the proof for her. 

The balancing act you guys have accomplished for so many years in our communities of employing people, paying salaries, and keeping your advertisers happy so that you can operate and bring the news to the community shows good management and business acumen.  A headache that I don’t envy and do not have in the operation of The Sentinel Alert-Town Crier which is, as you reference it, a, ‘popular blog’. 

The apparent rivalry between you and an online Polk County ‘news source’, that the ADA Coleman waded into does involve advertising money.  Neither publication can escape that reality.  I can and do.  Now the situation has snared ole brer rabbit Hon too, we will find out he took a swing at the ‘Tar Baby’ he can’t pull back now that Hon put it in print. 

Mr. Hon, you are full of lies.  The truth is not The Truth unless it is the Whole Truth and NOTHING but the Truth.  Let’s examine your recent missive. 

HONS Article with Sentinel Highlights


This is in response to a Polk County Enterprise “news analysis” written by Polk County Enterprise Editor Valerie Reddell and published in today’s (June 18, 2020) edition of the paper regarding a member of my staff, (You wish it was about someone else.  The Article is about the criminal act of withholding exculpatory evidence in the Polk Co prosecutors office.  That be you.) Polk County Assistant Criminal District Attorney Tommy Coleman. In a front page article headlined “Battle lines drawn over prosecutor’s conduct. (SEE, even the headline says what the article is about and it isn’t Coleman) Part of an ongoing series about the need for criminal justice reform,” Ms. Reddell professes to “revisit one of the worst episodes of wrongful conviction in the history of Texas jurisprudence” (No she doesn’t ‘profess’ to, Ms. Redell DOES revisit one of the worst known cases of prosecutor misconduct) and “examines” how “one of the prosecutors in the case made a soft landing in the Polk County Criminal District Attorney’s Office.” Ms. Reddell then briefly recounts portions of the history of the Michael Morton wrongful conviction from Williamson County and alleges (Ahh . . . no allegation there.  Read it again. She plainly points that truth out) that “Tommy Lamar Coleman” assisted in the “prosecution of Michael Morton during his tenure at the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office.” (Just to bust your bubble Hon, because I do so enjoy it, fighting the release of a falsely convicted man by CONTINUING to withhold exculpatory evidence qualifies as “assisted in the prosecution of”.)  Ms. Reddell’s article is misleading and her timing suspect. It leaves out details regarding Mr. Coleman that I feel are essential to allow a reader to make their own objective conclusions regarding the inferences Ms. Reddell seeks to raise. In fact, it is not apparent what, if any, contemporary relevance the article has.  (LOL HOW STUPED DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE ARE??? I have personally produced and published evidence of your office withholding exculpatory evidence and filing false criminal charges.  I have more evidence too as soon as we get to court.  Evidence of Felony level criminal conduct on your and Tommy Coleman’s part. You are corrupt and a criminal right now and that qualifies as ‘contemporary relevance’!)

First, and most importantly, the article fails to note that the Williamson County prosecution of Michael Morton occurred in 1987 under the administration of then District Attorney Ken Anderson. (and that corrupt prosecution continued for 30 years INCLUDING the time Mr. Coleman worked there and took part in the efforts.)   Mr. Coleman was not even licensed to practice law until 2002 and not employed by the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office until 2006. While it is true that some of Morton’s efforts to overturn his sentence were pending during Mr. Coleman’s association with Williamson County (then under the administration of a new district attorney) I am unaware (I believe this.  You have a way of being ‘unaware’ of crimes committed right under your nose or even forgetting them if the right connection or campaign donation is made.  It shows incompetence on your part because a simple google search of the guy is all it would have taken before you hired him to know he was a criminal) of any involvement Mr. Coleman had in those legal proceedings. Further, I am unaware of any allegation of professional misconduct that was ever lodged against Mr. Coleman with the State Bar of Texas from his association with the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office or otherwise. The State Bar of Texas website page for Mr. Coleman does not reflect any disciplinary history.

Mr. Coleman’s professional resume is exceptional. Prior to becoming an Assistant District Attorney for Williamson County, he served as a non-commissioned officer in the United States Army for six years where he received numerous professional commendations and an honorable discharge. He served as an Assistant General Counsel for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, an Assistant County Auditor for Williamson County and an Assistant County Attorney for Williamson County. He worked in private practice in Austin for approximately two years.

Immediately after leaving the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Coleman was hired as Staff Counsel for the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct—the entity that investigates judges for allegations of ethical and professional misconduct. Presumably, that agency charged with the enforcement of ethical rules for judges’ properly vetted Mr. Coleman for any history of professional misconduct.  (They didn’t google him either then) It was in January of 2013, after I filed an allegation of judicial misconduct against former 258th District Judge Elizabeth Coker over a courtroom texting incident that occurred during a criminal trial, that I first met Mr. Coleman. He was one of several attorneys with the Judicial Conduct Commission who were assigned to work on the Coker investigation which ultimately lead to her resignation from the bench. (I don’t see you filing complaints on John Wells who conspired via text message with YOU to cook up criminal charges on his political rival.   Shall I publish that proof again?  What gives?)  I recall speaking to him approximately four or five times during the course of that investigation.  (That is enough calls to make a plan.) It is perhaps noteworthy that Mr. Coleman was no longer with the commission at the conclusion of its investigation of Ms. Coker in October of 2013. Rather, in August of 2013 he left for a position with the Republican Party of the State of Texas to serve as In House Counsel and Director of Minority Outreach.  (oh how nice when a plan comes together.  Let us get him in as party chair here with the escapee votes and I will be a shoe in forever as long as I want to be DA or  JUDGE!!  Now that I got the much loved Coker family candidate out of the way.  Hmmmmmm)

Contrary to Ms. Reddell’s assertion, it was not a “short time later” following Mr. Coleman’s departure from the Judicial Conduct Commission that he became employed by this office. Nor was his employment here a “soft landing”—whatever that term means. (you are brighter than that and so are we)  Between August of 2013 and January of 2015, I had essentially no contact with Mr. Coleman other than being aware that he had taken a position with the Texas Republican Party. In January of 2015, Mr. Coleman learned of a vacancy in this office for an Assistant District Attorney and applied for that position. Based upon his extensive professional experience (experience withholding exculpatory evidence) in both government and private practice, I felt that he was more than qualified for the position and he was hired. (This is when The Sentinel first made you and any who read aware of Coleman’s background and criminal acts.  You ignored my warning that his tenure would cloud every case he touched in Polk Co. and the speculation by me that you hired him BECAUSE of his expertise in withholding evidence.  Speculation that has proven true.)  During his tenure in Polk County, Mr. Coleman has prosecuted both felony and misdemeanor cases, served as a county government liaison to our county commissioner’s court, served as the primary office counsel on matters pertaining to open records (The state open records laws he and YOU , violate with impunity in order to protect yourselves and the guilty you are associated with.) and open government and most recently been classified as a “special projects” prosecutor with the objective of focusing on public integrity crimes.  (That is a joke) He is actively involved in our community and has volunteered to serve as Chairman of the local board of directors for Habitat for Humanity.  (That is distressing because as the money man for the Republican Club, he has ignored repeated attempts to obtain financial records thru open records that would show where the money went.  Why?) Most importantly, during his tenure with this office I was approached by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Texas regarding the possibility of Mr. Coleman becoming appointed to serve as a Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA) for the U.S. Justice Department. I readily agreed that this appointment would be beneficial to this office and the people of Polk County, as well as for Mr. Coleman. Since his appointment (That both you and Babin endorsed when you ignore probable cause and Babin proposes legislation that just does away with probable cause) as a SAUSA, Mr. Coleman has proven to be a very effective liaison between this office and the United States Attorney’s Office on criminal cases with a potential federal nexus.  (They better watch out for him withholding exculpatory evidence unless that is the skill they are after.  He still does it on the state level we both know.) would note that prior to his appointment, Mr. Coleman underwent an extensive FBI background investigation (is that supposed to impress us?  They can’t even catch YOU committing crimes when the evidence is tied with a ribbon and delivered to their office.) in order to receive this federal position and appropriate security clearances associated therewith.

It is no secret (and was no secret to me at the time of his hiring) that Mr. Coleman is a conservative Republican. (To be a ‘conservative’ requires MORAL conservatism.  No lying, cheating, stealing and bearing false witness.) Since moving to Polk County in 2015, he has been actively involved in Republican Party politics. (That is true but damn, he still won’t produce the Republican “club” financial records.  Why?) As an African-American conservative, (Is he from Africa for real?  All this time I thought he was whole American with no hyphen.  To me, serving in the armed forces grants you the right to be called an American with no hypen.) I have regrettably seen him criticized from both the left and the right. (corruption is not a partisan pursuit.  There are honest citizens in all the political parties that see thru the bs) That is frankly, sad.  (it is sad that even mind controlled democrats can see his corruption plainly)  In late 2015 he came to me and told me that he had been solicited by several local supporters to run for the position of County Republican Chairman. He had the right to do so and in the 2016 Republican primary he received almost 47% of the votes having lived here for only a year. (There goes that escapee’s influence you and Willis wield in Polk Co.  Thank God I took the time to vet the man and warn the electorate of his crimes just barely a couple of weeks before that election and informed voters turned down his offer.  If he won’t come clean on the Club finances, what a nightmare it would be with party funds.) He has served as president of the local county Republican club (yeah we covered that) and has not been hesitant to speak out publicly and privately, as a conservative, on matters of public concern.  (does his now infamous, “It is all fun and games until someone gets indicted” meme on facebook count as speaking out on matters of public concern?)

On Sunday, June 7th of this year, Mr. Coleman, on his own personal time and own social media sites spoke out very publicly in support of the First Amendment “free speech” rights of a local online news publisher who had generated some controversy regarding recent local political protests. (you mean offended the entirety of the civil minded community who were offended by the blatant racism openshaw published?  Coleman’s effort to defend openshaw’s racist rant only proves how deeply Coleman is owned by you Hon.)  The following Monday, June 8th, I received a phone call at my office from Polk County Enterprise Editor Valerie Reddell complaining of Mr. Coleman’s comments and interpreting them as a slight against her newspaper. (It is a pattern in your office Hon to try to silence ANY source of news that is detrimental to your tyrannical efforts.  As a government official, Coleman’s effort is a violation of her free speech)  Ms. Reddell stated to me that it was no secret that she did not care for her online media competitor. I explained to Ms. Reddell that Mr. Coleman’s comments were his own, made on his own personal time (But Schelena Hock’s private comments are public record you two faced dumbass?) and that he had the legal right to make them. (But Schelena Hock doesn’t?  Pulling ads is free speech.  It is ONLY when government suppresses free speech, like you do, that it is a crime.)  Nevertheless, she insisted that he was “one of my employees,” that she would be “speaking to her attorneys” and that she would “see me in court.”

It should be noted that at present, my office is comprised of six assistant prosecuting attorneys. All of them are attorneys licensed to practice law in the State of Texas and in good standing with the State Bar of Texas.  (So far so good.  You and Coleman are the only two The Sentinel has ever had a complaint on.) They went to law school. They studied constitutional law and are quite familiar with their rights including their freedom to speak out on matters of public interest.   (Is it only the ‘bloggers’ that publish evidence of your and your ADA Coleman’s crimes that can’t speak freely mr. district attorney?  I can prove you and Coleman think so AGAIN when we get to court.  Ms Redell’s “see you in court” may be real or just a knee jerk threat but my ‘see you in court’ is an assurance, Lord willing I live long enough they way you drag this crap out.) 

Although it was never my conscious objective, the Polk County District Attorney’s Office is one of the most diverse prosecutors’ offices in all of Texas. Actually, I am somewhat proud (Pride goeth before the fall) of that. Of my six assistant prosecutors, four are ethnic minorities, three are African-American, and four are female. (Seems out of proportion compared to the community of Polk County) They represent a diversity of perspectives and political views that I think are extremely important in the administration of justice and the important decisions they make. We have robust discussions and occasional debates within our own office. I certainly expect them to have their own opinions and to feel comfortable expressing them. (But not Schelena Hock) In fact, I want them to in these difficult political times. I legally cannot, and will not, attempt to suppress their views as long as they are made within the parameters of the law and rules of ethics for prosecutors.  (if only you had the same standard for your and your ADA Coleman’s actions.)


POLK CO 5/15/2020


THREE Minutes is how long it takes the Polk County Grand Jury to indict or no bill each case that comes before it these days according to the Polk County District Attorney, Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon.   The FB exchange depicted in the screen snips below tell the story.

      Rushing to judgement is an old story in Texas.  Sentinel Readers may remember when we did the math on how long it took a McClendon County Grand Jury for each of the "Waco, Twin Peaks" biker indictments in May of 2015.  It figured out to a comparatively long 4 minutes each for those 125 or so grand jury actions.  We all know the outcome for that fiasco.  Virtually all of the cases were dismissed.  Lives were not only lost that day by an overstep of State Power, lives were ruined, homes lost, jobs lost, marriages ruined and vehicles flat out stolen by 'the system' with no probable cause.

   Then there was the infamous 'gambling raid' right here in our own SJC.  The district judge, a former Lee Hon ADA that had been recently elected signed 165 arrest warrants without the first probable cause affidavit.   She learned her lesson when The Sentinel filed an Ethics Commission complaint and she was given a 'Private Reprimand'.  She became a much better judge but her early actions reeked of the Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon training she got as his ADA that it is ok to short cut the process so you can rack up big numbers.  Once again, the SJC DA ended up dismissing the vast majority of those cases for a lack of evidence to right the wrongs perpetrated against people by the hasty magistrate actions.

    Hon is a slow learner.  We did an article a couple of years ago showing Hon's number of convictions vs dismissals over a four year period and it proved he has the highest number of dismissals for 'no evidence' of any District Attorney in this part of Texas. 

    There is a saying that DA's use about being able to get a ham sandwich indicted.  According to sources, former DA Joe Martin used that exact phrase when speaking to a friend about his getting the indictments against The Sentinel.  The saying needs to be modified in the light of Hon's braggart misstep.  He should say, "I can get a ham sandwich indicted faster than you can boil an egg".    Don't you grand jury members realize that when Hon brags on how quick you indict he is calling you a dumb ass?  When he makes the ham sandwich comment, he is saying you are corrupt?  Do those of you who commented on what a good job Hon did here really believe quick with no examination of facts is Criminal Justice?  Criminal INJUSTICE is more like it. 

     President Trump is battling the same nonsense in Washington D.C. of a corrupt criminal justice system that takes life altering actions against people WITH NO EVIDENCE.  Hon and his co harts in the corruption here could be the 'Mini Me' for the Swamp Monsters our President has had to deal with.  They love filing false charges, making arrests more for publicity than justice then produce no evidence when the chips are down and the case is examined in the light.  DC is suffering from the same desperate measures the corrupt engage in to hold on to power that we have going on here in lil ole Polk County Tx.  Shame on those who think a man's life is only worth three minutes of your time.


POLK COUTY 5/9/2020


A local Legget man has contacted The Sentinel again after a couple of years with more threats to sue me if I EVER mention his name on my website.  His name is Michael Benson.  Below are just a couple of the more than a hundred ranting emails Benson has flooded my inbox with since 2016 when he began his tirade.  I am going to create a page for him on my Polk County page and add a little along as I have a chance to show the people of Polk County how his mind works.  Benson was the first person who made allegations against our local LEO's that I felt compelled to warn our local lawmen about my opinion that he is a danger to them. 



From    : Steve Watson[ ]
Sent    : 4/3/2017 8:20:22 PM
To      :
Cc      :
Subject : RE: Re:  Your Latest
I reread all your first messages including the forwarded email that you
started with and don't find what you claim to have written.  You seem to
have a basic misunderstanding of what a journalist does.  You seem to not
realize that it is what I said I would and would not do that matters.
1) When someone makes accusations against a public
servant, I check them out.
2) No one tells me what I can and cannot write.  If
you had made a donation, you would have found that it wouldn't change a thing.
I write the story where I find it.  You know from our meeting I don't
beat around the bush.
My few but direct questions forced to the surface the fact out of your own
mouth that no LEO has stopped or harassed you during the interim.  Compare
that fact with the first allegation laden email you wrote me first.  As a
journalist, I will correct any error that you can prove.  Your narcistic
notion that the story is about you shows that you haven't read it carefully.
The story is about the fake news propaganda sites that incite cop hatred.
If anything, you are an anonymous victim of the mind poisoning that garbage
One more reminder here and I have to move on today.  As far as 'your
business' goes, you laid it in my lap with an unsolicited email.  I spent a
lot of time reading a lot of documents to find a typo error is the only
"crime" you can prove.  Your attacks against my character are unfounded and
you know there was no discussion of you outlining my story NOR a donation
consideration.  Most of the big ticket journalists just throw your stuff
away and never even contact you back.  You claimed to have evidence on Hon
and Coleman and then prove they did their job.  I am out of pocket 20 bucks
for gas that day because I was interested.  Still am to the points I raised
that you choose to ignore.  The very clinical definition of 'insanity' is to
repeat the same action expecting a different result.
Are you trying to establish your insanity plea before you act out?
That is the way I read your stuff.  One of my boys wants to be a cop.  I
love that kid.  What if he just got a gun and badge and your neighbor called
the law because your big dog was out?  I would dread my boy coming to
knock on your door in uniform no matter how righteous his intent.  It would
be one thing if I was a newbie yoube tubie dude but I have been ferreting
out corruption for over 30 years, before internet.  I know the percentage of
corrupt cops over all is low, especially among the state troopers.  Polk
County has issues but it is at the top leadership, not the rank and file.  I
am attaching a story I am working on that I hope to publish soon.  Waiting
on one more judicial action so we can document it.  We have the evidence
to back it up so that is why I can write it.  It is all local kinship
politics.  Go tell someone else they don't want to address the corruption in Polk County.
Steve Watson
------- Original Message -------
From    : Steve Watson[]
Sent    : 4/4/2017 7:56:58 AM
To      :
Cc      :
Subject : RE: Re: Your Latest
You had your day in court.  You failed to prove your
case.  You will not get any journalist to take your story as it stands.  You
can make all the allegations you want but unless you can prove them,
it is for naught.  You have a hear say case and want to convict in the press
with no firm evidence.  All you do by spouting provable lies in your email to
me is to cement my determination NOT to believe the other things you say
that cannot be proven.  As far as your attacks against me go, one more and I
am going to add you to my 'Customer Testimonial' pages with your name on it.
No threat, just information.  Over the years that I have been
publishing, I have been called a lot of names by folks with something to hide.  Your
claims are going up against the facts people know that I do not even
offer ads for sale on my site.  I have published for three years with
negligible help.  We know you think you are smarter than everyone else from your
claim that you were the, "smartest motherfu$^*er" on the base when you were
allegedly being recruited by the military.  My IQ is 165 measured several
times.  That and 50 cents gets me a cup of coffee but it is a real number.
On a personal note, if you want forgiveness, you must
forgive.  If you were wronged, take the high road and move on.  The money
isn't going to break you.  Pursue those things that bring you joy and
contentment, not those that keep you in turmoil.  Oh and if that was a veiled
threat to sue me when you spoke of donating to a lawyer, contact Sissy Prigmore
in Coldspring.  She might give you a bulk rate discount on suing me.
Steve Watson <>
Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 9:02 AM
Blah, Blah, Blah, 165 huh mine is 168. I'm not going
to get into a pissing contest with you. Go bum for
donations elsewhere. Now that I have replaced my car
and put brand new wheels on it, my budget for hiring
a lawyer has increased some. Instead of doing this
cheaply I will now get an attorney and pursue
this matter through court. There are many laws that
were broken. You can tell your mutual friend for all
I care. This has been going on around here for too
long. If they are sweating it now, that's just the
first part. An attorney will be taking up this matter
soon. I have just not decided on which one yet. You
are nothing
but a flip flopping, mealy mouthed, wishy washy fool
as you want to put a stop to injustice by Tommy
Coleman yet at the same time you condone his actions.
Go ahead print what you want. As the old political
saying goes, even bad publicity is better than no
publicity. Go grub for your donations you fool. The
"Fake News" I look at on the web is all of these fake
documents like the Constitution and the many laws
that pertain to my business. Do you think they are
fake too. They have deprived me of my life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness all three. With cover ups
and lies to try and cover for their incompetence. Go
ahead print what you want and that the constitution
is fake news. Good luck with that one. I have no
reason to communicate with you anymore over this, go
grub for donations elsewhere. My money will go to an
attorney like it should have in the first place. 


LIVINGSTON 8/19/2019


Special Prosecutor, Willam Lee Hon was appointed to prosecute a Liberty County Commissioner after he was indicted on crimes.  The conviction Hon obtained was overturned at the appeals court level for Hon's unethical practice.  The Court stated:


 “We conclude the evidence in this case was legally sufficient to support the jury’s finding that McCarty knowingly or intentionally misused government personnel and property under the statute,” the opinion read. “We further determine the indictment was sufficient to put McCarty on notice and allow him adequately to prepare a defense. Nevertheless, the trial court erred by failing to submit accomplice-witness instructions for Bolt and Murphy, and we conclude this resulted in harm ‘calculated to injure the rights of the defendant.’”


The Chronicle story goes on to explain that the witnesses Hon brought against McCarty were in a position to have been prosecuted themselves but Hon failed to inform the jury of that fact.   The court stated that Hon "calculated to injure the rights of the defendant".  If I had to sum up all the compliants on Bill Lee 'the kid' Hon from all sectors over the years, in one expression, the court said it best.  So now we know without doubt that The State of Texas is FULLY aware of Hon's lack of integrity and still does nothing about his crimes. 



 LIVINGSTON 8/6/2019


The ongoing saga of the multiple Polk County Jail deaths took an interesting twist Wednesday, Aug 8 when the proposed resolution was rejected by  Judge Kaycee Jones and reset for a later hearing.  OAG representaive Cloudt had made the verbal offer to the family a month or so ago of 15 days in jail, losing his jailer license for life and no gun permit for 5 years as punishment for the jailer witholding medical care causeing the death of Antoine Bogany. 

     After much pressure by The L.U.L.A.C. representaive, Rosemary Covalt,  who was appointed as an advocate for the victim, The State of Texas finally produced the video evidence long requested by the family to view.   Several things came to light from the video.

      Antoine Bogany died in agony left to wallow on the floor in his death throes.  EMS personel on hand AND the majority of the jailers there wanted to get him to the hospital.  The person tasked with making the decision had NO MEDICAL TRAINING.  It was orders from the top that kept the jailer from incurring a hosptial bill without getting specific permission from the chief deputy, Byron Lyons to transport the inmate to the ER.  Byron Lyons was NOT available to his own staff because not only was Lyons phone number not readily available, when they did finally get it and call, Lyons was NOT available but only the opportunity to leave a voice mail.   

     The Sentinel investigation into this and other jail deaths shows a direct link to the administration of the jail being at fault yet only the low man on the totem pole is called to task for the incident.  Judge Jones called the evidence file submitted to her recently for perusal before making her decision as lacking.  

       The most recent Polk Co Jail death of an elderly white woman who was also denied medical care seemed to be a Deja Vu as Judge Jones interviewed a current Polk County jail inmate about her situation.  Also an elderly female incarcerated for stealing dog food, she answered Judge Jones' inquirey as to her medical conditions with, "Yes ma'am I have heart problems, high blood pressure and I am diabetic."    Judge Jones asked, "Have you received any medical attention from the jail?"  "No ma'am, they haven't given me anything".  "Do you have concerns about your medical condition?" Judge Jones asked as a follow up.  "Yes ma'am I do" was the inmate's response.  

      As the last video arraignment before the Bogany case came before her bench, Judge Jones and the rest of us couldn't help but notice that Polk Co DA, William Hon sauntered into the court room as an observer to be there during the hearing about the Bogany death.  Instead of taking his rightful place before her bench, Hon had hired a tall and imposing black woman attorney to fade the heat that needs to be laid at Hon's feet for this death.  Lee Hon, Kenneth Hammack and Byron Lyons are all willing to shirk their responsibility for the actions and lack of action that led to Bogany's death and let the jailer, who was only following orders, bear the brunt of the punishment for the negligent death.  Not well done Mr. Hon.  You prove once again that you have no integrity, no morals and absolutely no conscience when it comes to your wrong doing.  

     For some of the folks who seem bent on making this a racial issue, let me point out that the jailer being blamed was white but the administrator who was unavailable to his staff was black, the advocate is hispanic and the only reporters writing about the incident are white.  It is NOT about race but about incompetence and injustice that cannot be tolerated. 


Pct 1 Comm Bob Willis



An anonymous letter received at The Sentinel offices February 8th of last year, nearly three months after we broke the Linda Vincent embezzelment story w/o names, also made some serious allegations against incumbant Pct 1 Polk County Commissioner, Bob Willis.  EVERY claim the letter made that was subjected to Sentinel Scruity (Truth Demands Scrutiny) proved to be true.  The letter was the impetus for the story regarding William Lee Hon doing an illegal eviction and his mother's marital/living status that landed me in Hon 'hot' water for publishing some addresses to prove the allegations. 

    The letter made some disturbing allegations against Commissioner Bob Willis, his foreman, Kenneth Hambrick and his secretary, Brenda Gokey Hambrick also.  To protect our source of this hand written letter, I have transcribed a portion of the letter to publish here today instead of screen snipping the original.  The original is and has been in the hands of the DOJ and my attorney. 

    "Mr. Sentinel,

     I have sent information to the Texas Rangers and the Attorney Generals Office but they have never done anything.  The Attorney generals office protects our District attorney and his buddies.  I’m trying you now.

Hon has known about Mrs. Vincent for a long time just like he knew about XXXXXXXXX, but he didn’t do anything and won’t until he can make himself look good.  Meanwhile his friends Mr. Willis and Mr. Hammack (sic: Hambrick) and Mrs. Brenda Gokey Hammack (sic: Hambrick) use county equipment on private stuff.  They run their business out of his office."


The letter goes on to touch on several topics but ends with this paragraph.


Mr. Hon and Mr. Willis are trying to get Mr. Fogleman elected so don't be surprised if they accuse her (ie: Judge Sydney Murphey) of things.  They do not like her because they can't control her.


Good Luck


Any Polk Countian who keeps up with politics knows that the anonymous writer nailed it in that last paragraph.  Fortunately, the Polk County voters saw through this ploy and told Fogleman, "No Thanks".   With the primary season just ahead for the next round of elections in Polk County, we feel that despite the litigation pending against my first ammendment rights, it is imperative that we continue with the long standing purpose of The Sentinel of sending the most informed voters possible to the polls.  

    WilGo (Willis Gokey) real estate business did operate out of Bob Willis' precinct office for quite some time.  They did so openly to the point that customers and clients often went there to conduct private business.  This story is not about the business enterprise and I will dispense with publishing all the proof documents UNLESS Willis or either Hambrick refutes the claim or dinigrates The Sentinel reputation.  

     What this story is about is how does a sitting commissioner and his secretary get by with blatantly violating the law right under the nose of the County Prosecutor?  Let me answer that question in pictures.   


To answer the question, yes The Sentinel has obtained William Lee Hon's campaign finance reports for the 2014 election via an open records request and built a spread sheet so we might pluck a few plums from that 38 pages of reports. 

     To Commissioner Bob Willis;  It is my sincere hope and desire for the good of the people of Polk County that some good men will step up to run against you.  The Sentinel never endorses candidates and we won't endorse any who choose to run against you but you have my word that I have every intention of getting in the trenches with you and your corrupt operation if you run again.   The voters will be fully informed.  It is that simple. 

According to the full time caretaker, life partner and business helper that was caring for and the constant companion of Rita Hon in January, Rita Hon DID NOT request that mail in ballot.  Even though the Polk County Clerk refused my open records request, we can glean from the email that the signature on the ballot request letter matched the signature on the ballot 'carrier envelope'.  Forgive me if I am suspicious because even if you are DA, it is ILLEGAL to cast a ballot for another person.  I did accept the Clerk's position as legal and accurate and have not persued that matter any further.  Maybe someone with the power to look at those records should re examine all the signatures.


So you see Tommy Coleman, your statement of fact that 'Watson WAS provided with . . .' is just another damn lie.  You could have said, "We suspect that Watson was . . ." but you state as fact something you cannot and will not be able to prove.  On the other hand, I am going to prove that you and your boss have violated the law, my rights and every shred of decency we expect from our prosecutors.  I am going to prove that you guys withheld exculpatory evidence from the grand jury to obtain several indictments. That is not a threat.  It is not retaliation.  It is just a plain simple FACT of the matter.  I, for one am sick of you, Hon and Lima dinigrating the good name and reputation of the clerks in Polk County just to fit your thwarted corrupt political agenda. 

UPDATE 5/23/2019


Right on que, Polk County S O detective calls The Sentinel yesterday 'investigating' an harrassment complaint filed by Chris Lima.   Although the clandestine effort coincided with my most recent story after several months of no stories about Lima, the harrasment complaint is allegedly based on the last email I sent Lima May 6, 2019.  Just the last email in a long string of correspondence that Chris Lima initiated way back in January of 2018, Lima is desperate to silence The Sentinel at all cost, even emulating the 'false charge' antics of the corrupt DA.  This is about the same caliber of Hon's 'Stalking' charge under the scorned lover law for me attending a public meeting.   At left is a screen snip of my email acct inbox documenting the extent and the history of Lima's communications with me.  I am also publishing a snippet of a couple of the emails in that string.  We will see how this 'investigation' unfolds before we decide whether or not to publish the email the complaint is based on. 

UPDATE 5/22/2019


According to reliable and well connected sources in Polk County, Christopher Lima is a little upset about this article being published.  He has already made calls around to see if he can get the criminal justice system to slap me around a little on his behalf according to a reliable source.  A source that has never given me one lead that didn't pan out 100 percent.  That fact only serves to illustrate the point that Lima can dish it out but he can't take it.  As the smallest kid in my school growing up, I can tell you that is typical behavior for a bully.  Bullys, no matter how big they are physically or legally, are really just scared little boys inside.  I have proven that fact over and over and will prove it again.   Lima has a penchant for lamblasting folks on social media and then crying like a baby when The Sentinel dishes it right back to him.  Am I supposed to be afraid of a Corrigan cop?  The Sentinel has taken on several Attorney Generals, DPS, Texas Rangers, District Judges, Sheriffs, Probation dept, Constables and four, count them FOUR corrupt DA's in our time.  You think I lose any sleep over your huffing and puffing Chris?  

CORRIGAN 5/21/2019


In a moment of professed spiritual clarity, Corrigan Detective, Chris Lima lashed out at others with dinigrating comments, labels and assumptions again with no evidence.  Imagine my suprise when I began reading and immediatly wondered why a public figure who holds the public trust would repeat the same action that has cost him so much credibility and respect as all of these outlandish and unsubstantiated ranting attacks have done before?  Why would a man who proclaims a new found relationship with God and family open his trap and insert his clod hopping foot?  Then I read that anyone who would dare to wonder why he would post this is, in his view, a hypocrite.  That started the ball rolling with me looking for the confirmation that for me to wonder why would make me a hypocrite in the Scriptures.   

    Here is a man who has been under scrutiny (Truth demands scrutiny) for his actions in the past.  As a commissioned peace officer, an employed detective in Corrigan and, if you believe him, inline to become the Chief soon, Lima IS fair game for taking a closer look at. 

   Sentinel readers will remember the ordeal we went through in obtaining over 400 pages of his personel file to prove the allegations made against him.  You also know that DA Hon witheld information that we have a right to and all I can say is Chris thinks he is immune from scrutiny now.  Wrong.  

     Tell us Chris, would a hypocrite be a man who puts on a badge and gun everyday to, "protect and serve" at the same time he is abusing his wife and kids?  Is it just politics that THREE, Count them THREE different women in your present and past have sought protective orders against you?

    The public record proves you are abusive.  The failure of the Polk Co prosecutor, Polk co S.O.  and family law judge to deal with your illegal and abusive antics with any corrective or theraputic measure is one thing but HIDING your crimes by redacting the evidence documents only has the effect of emboldening you in your crimes.   But there are some they cant block.  Like the letter from the OAG to Hon telling him he can keep the name of the child and the complainant private in the CPS case lodged against you by the school proves it happened.  Hon redacted the entire document instead of just the names but the OAG letters proves the case exists.  Here are a few snippets that we obtained that prove you are an abusive and violent man with a small minded mentality or someone close to you is lying.

These are fairly tame relatively speaking and I will forgo publishing the narratives about you terrorizing your wife and kids in this request for a third protective order against you.  Nor am I going to publish the cause number or county.  The Sentinel has done all we can do to warn the powers that be about the danger you pose to this community and the fact that your criminal acts are covered up by Lee Hon's illegal protective effort.   We have sounded the alarm.  I will sleep easy tonight.

LIVINGSTON 1/25/2019


After extensive research into the Criminal Justice system in Polk County, the sentiment expressed this morning by former Secret Service agent, Dan Bongino on the early morning news about the Meuller Witch hunt that I quoted above seems to apply to the facts of public record in Polk County.  With a list of over 600 cases "dismissed" in the last 4 years AFTER arrest, bond and hiring an attorney, more than one victim of false charges interviewed by The Sentinel has the same story.  "I did a year in jail and they never had any evidence".  In many cases, the victim lost their job and all that was given as a reason for the dismissal is a box checked that says, "in the interest of justice"



Despite numerous requests by the grieving mother, no DNA profile will be provided.  With today's technology, forensic experts can literally paint a picture of someone from their DNA but all this mother knows is that the DNA under Carl Will's nails was female.  Was it a black woman?  Was it a white woman?  Was it the woman's DNA that picked him up that evening or someone else?  Blue, green, hazel or brown eyes?  Any freckles?  After 7 plus years, there is no excuse for not seeking the public's help in identifying Carl's killer.  Not even a State Representative can manage to push this stalling tactic of witholding all the evidence off of high center.  There is no legitimate excuse for that.

UPDATE 11/12/2018


As revealed in a prior news story done by KTRE Channel 9 linked below, it took three years, according to Liberty County Sheriff Dept personnel, for the DPS lab to return the DNA test results for tissue found under Carl Will's fingernails.  At this point, the only information investigators will release is that it is female DNA.  Keep in mind, a woman picked him up who the family claims was named Megan Martin and that the food he ate just prior to her arrival was still in his gut undigested according to the autopsy report.  That seems to prove that he was killed within hours of leaving his mom's home.  Family members claim that Megan told their family she was related to a high ranking official.  LEO's deny that being the case and every investigative reporter we have spoken with says they know for a fact that she was NOT related to that official.  We do know that the girl's social media accts were scrubbed from the internet and the mom cannot get any information about the woman from investigators.  When the mother leaned on a high ranking state official to look into the matter, he returned to her with one simple comment.  "The Rangers claim she (Megan Martin) was never a suspect". 


LIVINGSTON 10/6/2018


September 1, 2018 rolled around without much fanfare.  It seems that to most in Polk County that it was just another day and unremarkable but to one mother from there, this day like every day, was filled with anguish, torment, emptiness, memories and a whole lot of unanswered questions. 

Rhonda Wills, who has since moved to Lufkin, is the mother of the young man, Carl Terrell Wills, that was gunned down and his body dumped and found under a bridge by a gator pond in rural Liberty County.   Carl was shot in the back and in the right side of his head and most agree that it was a Polk County Crime that was spilled over into Liberty County.  In that regard, this crime is similar to another unsolved murder of another Livingston youth named Natasha Atchley that is 25 years old and unsolved.

At 22, he was a young man and young father who had his whole life ahead of him.  Carl was handsome, popular and a prominent athlete in Livingston High School that graduated in 2008.  He had no problem attracting women and at the time of his death was dating a white girl much to the dismay of her family according to Carl’s friends and family.  Carl was not only handsome, he was fairly light skinned.  The initial police report on the finding of his body listed the victim as an Hispanic (H/M) Male. 

The Advocate editor, Vanesa Brashier did a story after a year and then again near the five year anniversary of Carl’s death.  KTRE channel 9 did a story on the three year mark and brought out the point that the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department investigator was still waiting on DNA test results from the DPS lab after three years.  Other than the mother, the victim and investigators, neither of those news outlets went so far as to name names and ask the difficult questions.  That opportunity, it appears, has fallen to The Sentinel. 

   The mother’s questions are normal.  Who killed my baby?  Why did they kill him?  How come there has not been an arrest?  What has the law found out?  Why did the woman that picked him up that day disappear?  Whose daughter is she really? 

   There are a few facts that remain undisputable.  Carl had been incarcerated in the Polk Co jail for nearly the whole month of August for unpaid traffic tickets and was released just days before his death.  Carl was dating a white woman named Megan Martin at the time of his death and she picked him up around 7 pm in the evening that fateful day.  Carl had eaten a bowl of Ramen noodles just prior to leaving on the date with Megan Martin.  She had picked him up several times in the past and was a bit older than Carl and had a child.  All of Megan Martin’s social media accounts were scrubbed from the internet when the family started looking for answers and she dropped out of sight.  Carl did not call his momma that Wednesday night Megan picked him up nor all day Thursday or even Thursday night.  It was Friday about 4 pm when the law made the dreaded knock on Rhonda Wills’ door with a most unenviable task to perform. 

   The autopsy report shows that the Ramen Noodles were still in Carl’s stomach, mostly undigested.  Other indicators prove that Carl had been dead for a while when his body was found.  Carl lived in Polk County but his body was found on Plantation Ranch road in Liberty County just south of Rye.  Other than the Chain O Lakes campground, there is not a lot of development in the area.  He was left under a bridge.  The man that found him was employed at the same place Carl Worked. 

   In the heartbreaking and tear wrenching process of interviewing this mother of a slain child, there were several red flags that jumped out to The Sentinel.  Some of them Rhonda had questioned but the others never caused her any pause.  Yes she wondered why one of the most up and coming black LEO’s in Polk County and a local school mate and friend of Rhonda’s that stepped forward offering to help with the investigation was shunned and told that his help was not needed.  Considering the mistrust many in the black community have for law enforcement, it would seem that a black cop with a good reputation in Polk County who was raised there and had the trust of that community would have been a welcomed asset on the investigation team.       We have more red flag questions to ask.

WASHINGTON D.C. 5/1/2019


"We have to quit using our criminal justice system as a political weapon"




UPDATE 2/23/2019


The Jefferson County Medical Examiner has issued the preliminary autopsy report on the shooter in the recent Delaney murders in Blanchard, Texas.  The report is quite limited and does NOT give any final findings.   "It takes awhile to get the toxicology reports back", was one reason offered.  The final report may take as long as 60 to 90 days to complete.

UPDATE 2/20/2018


In a typical for him regiment, the person who murdered the Delaneys of Blanchard/Patton Village pulled an all nighter just prior to committing the horendous crime in the peaceful stillness of the Blanchard predawn, February 11, 2019.  Several sources have reported that he had been at a bar he frequented in East Montgomery County until midnight the night before but none have reported that he arrived at The Hanger Poker House in Humble at one am and stayed playing poker until three am when he left according to an eye witness.  

    Polk County has not released any further information.  The Sentinel will request the autopsy and ballistic report on the murderer only.  His name is at the bottom in the original story if it matters to you but we will not publish it again. 

UPDATE 2/18/2019


Sentinel sources (unofficial) state that each of the family members was killed with a center mass body shot but the killer died by a head wound that appears to have been self inflicted.  There has been no official confirmation and the possibility Mr. Delaney killed him is still present.  As of yesterday, the killer's body has not been claimed.  According to sources, it is predicted that his autopsy will show drugs in his system.

UPDATE 1/14/2019


Ashley's mother, who is the lone survivor was the elder Delaney's daughter in law.    According to Sentinel sources, the elder Delaney had gone to Patton Village and brought their daughter in law, granddaughter and great grand daughter to their home in Blanchard from Patton Village because of on going conflict there.

UPDATE 1/12/2019 8:30 pm


Neither have offered any insight into what they consider to be inaccurate.  Channel 2 did a story on the family roots in Patton Village and Splendora this evening, just like we reported. 

    We were the first to release the shooter's name.  We had all the names but held the rest back until they were published elsewhere.  My heart goes out to the Delaney family and even the shooter's family but my effort was to dispell rumors and get some accurate information out there.  Polk County SO is holding back on calling the suicide aspect until the autopsy reports are done but state plainly that they are not looking for any other suspect. 

     It is possible that the Elder Delaney killed the shooter.   One person refuting The Sentinel account is making that claim.  If I were in Mr. Delaney's shoes, I would have wanted to get that shot off but my source is sure that he shot himself.  The main rumors that were out there we wanted to dispell were that the shooter was still at large and a danger to the community and that it was drug related.  Ashley and her baby were beautiful and much loved by many including people that I love more than my next breath.    If we offended any friends or family of the victims with our reporting, it was not our intent.

UPDATE 2/12/2019


The elder Delaneys were from Patton Village area where they were much loved by the community for their generous heart and supportive efforts there.   The elder Delaney's moved to Blanchard and built their house there.  The grandparents had a large part of raising Ashley.

  Ashley had been married before but after splitting up, had married Randy Horn several years ago.  The baby was 15 months old.  Ashley and the baby had retreated to the grandparents home after some issues with Randy surfaced.  On the 26th of January, Ashley and the baby missed a Splendora birthday party they had promised to attend with no explanation.   According to the surviving woman, Randy showed up at Delaney Ranch and was met at the door and instructed to leave by the grandmother at which point he began shooting the family members. 

BLANCHARD 2/11/2019


    Randy J. Horn is suspected of having murdered his wife, Ashley Delaney Horn, her grandparents and even their one year old daughter at a grizzly scene in Blanchard, Texas today.    Cryptic FB posts on Randy Horn's page from earlier alluded to mistrust.

    One female was found hiding in a bedroom/closet who has given a statement.  The female survivor is the mother of Ashley.  LEO's are clamping down on information.  Sentinel sources say that presumed jealousy over an ex husband was a contributing factor.  


LIVINGSTON 2/28/2019


    Pretrial hearing is scheduled for May 23rd and a tentative trial date in August.  After me being sworn in, Counsel for The Sentinel made the judge aware of the issues that would be raised at the next hearing.

    The graphic at left was posted on ADA Tommy Coleman's fb page on the day and nearly down to the minute that The Texas Rangers left my home/office after exercising a search warrant and seizing some computer equipment and one public document.  Several people in the Polk County community sent me the graphic presuming it was directed toward me and referenced my recent arrest on several indictments. 

      If so Mr. Coleman, you are right in one respect.  I do enjoy politics and it is like a chess game at times, poker, even a ball game at other times but always involves seeking the tactical advantage. You are right that your choice to turn it criminal and seek indictments on me changed that perspective to a life and death matter for me.  62 years old plus 70 years in prison . . . . . we can do the math there.  



LIVINGSTON 2/21/2019


The above copy is one of two large campaign donations, totalling 1600 dollars, that were made by a man whom had two 2009 felony charges wiped off of his record.  A close relative of this Donor (same last name) who has NOT made any campaign contributions to Lee Hon was charged with the same level of felony theft charge but did a year in State Jail.  This Donor was charged with the same level of felony theft as his relative plus a seperate felony charge of misapplication of trust funds but the trust fund charge was outright dismissed.  The felony theft charge was placed on a deferred adjudication probation with no jail time and no conviction when complete.   We found no less than three FB pages on this donor from 2014 to date.  One of the common denominators from all three of his FB pages is the listing of William Lee Hon as a friend.  We have redacted the mans identity because the story is not about him.

LIVINGSTON 1:44 PM 2/15/2019


Hearing scheduled for 1 pm had not started when judge called lawyers into his chambers.

1:55 pm. Lawyers back in courtroom.  Packing up.  Hearing is over.  No reset at this point.

     Judging from the expression on Ms. Hock's attny's face and Lee Hon's face as they exited chambers, The Sentinel is speculating that The Honorable Richard Countiss chewed on that Hon/Coleman butt about what a stupid effort they had undertaken and told them they were going to look like fools if they pushed this any further.  

     Judge Countiss is a no nonsense by the book jurist who has no patience for BS.  It is that simple.  He made that very plain when he filled the unexpired term of SJC DA Bill Burnett when he passed away. 



The case against Onalaska resident, Linda Vincent has come full circle with the recent court decision to give her a ten year deferred adjucication probation with a 145K restitution payment included according to reliable sources.  The probation offer has been under consideration for quite a while according to the same sources.  There will be a more in depth article coming out in the Polk County Enterprise more than likely.  Sentinel readers will remember that the case started with a Sentinel investigation begun in November of 2017 that was ignored for months until we proved it was being ignored, not for lack of evidence but for lack of the DA starting the investigation inspite of the evidence provided. 

After we shamed the Polk County DA for his lack of action on this case, Hon was finally recused and the no nonsense Liberty County prosecutor's office took over.   State records prove that Liberty County not only has a much lower percapita indictment rate than Polk County, they also have one of the lowest dismissal rates in East Texas.   The two factors should prove to any reasonable person that not only does Hon sling out false charges for political purpose and "process punishment", Polk County having the highest dismissal rate in East Texas backs up the same conclusion.  Charges filed with no evidence.

ONALASKA 1/14/2019


Corrigan Detective, Christopher Lima makes another carefully worded statement on social media to add to the list of public comments that have plagued his reputation to date.  Although The Sentinel has pursued a dogged battle with the Polk Co DA's office to obtain over 400 pages of Polk County S.O. files specifically related to the myriad of complaints filed against Christopher Lima in the last ten years just with that agency, we cannot point to a single arrest.  We can point to plenty of instances where you or I would have been arrested if we had committed the offenses Lima pleads 'no contest' to, one thing the 400 page file DOES prove is that Lima's criminal acts have been overlooked and hidden from the public.  We are in the process of building a spread sheet on the 400 page file so that we can speak with total accuracy about the incidents related in those reports.  


On October 20th, the Polk County Clerk, Ms. Schelana Hock attended a private get together on her private time on private property with a group of people that had a common desire.  They all want to improve the quality of life in Polk County and used this event to share ideas and interact with each other.  The highly attended event had absolutely nothing to do with her duties as a Public Official.  She was there, like every other person, simply as a concerned citizen.

    Some of the exact details are not perfectly clear to me and definitely, some of this wording will be a best guess but based on reading the recent ‘Polk*County Enterprise’ article titled, ‘DA sues county clerk over cell phone records’ and speaking with several folks who are fortunate enough to be able to count Ms. Schelana Hock as a friend, this reporter has pieced together a chain of events that did occur. 

    For a little of the back story, suffice it to say that both Chris Lima and Ms. Hock worked in the Polk County courthouse when Lima was an investigator for Lee Hon.  They apparently interacted enough that they had some way of communicating privately via cell phone and/or social media.  It has been relayed to me that after Lima made the childish self-aggrandizing PUBLIC post about the ‘losers’ and ‘has beens’ that attended the event on social media, Ms. Hock sent him a communication wanting to know why he was calling her (since she did attend the event) such derogatory names.  Apparently, Lima crawfished and was saying he didn’t mean her but just other people that were there and even forwarded her a copy of the Public Post he had made that he later locked and made private.

    Based on private emails that Lima sent to me offering to rat on several LEO’s in Polk County and knowing that in those emails, Lima ranted about Tim Martin, who was a big part of organizing the event, I have no problem believing the allegations that Lima named Martin and several others as the ones he was referencing instead of Ms. Schelana Hock.  How these events unfolded is not as important as the irrefutable fact that Lima made a public post as a private citizen on his private social media about a private event on private property that had absolutely NOTHING to do with Polk County Government business.  The Sentinel published Lima’s post and we do again here for reference:

    The person who forwarded that graphic to me has assured me that they don’t care if I publish their name because they have had enough of the corruption.  This person also told me that they had put in a call to Ms. Hock to tell her the same thing.  Instead of divulging a private conversation with her friend even under intense pressure and threats, Ms. Hock stood up to the tyrants.  The only comment my source made as to their source was that ‘someone’ had snagged it before Lima took it down. 

     What strikes me as odd is that Lima is in possession of the private conversation between himself and Ms. Hock but thinks he and Hon have a right to the PRIVATE conversation between Ms. Hock and a trusted friend or two.  Granted, me posting Lima’s comment gave the Sentinel readers some insight into what makes Lima tick but him not liking the exposure does not negate Ms. Hock and her friend’s right to privacy.  Anyone who thinks different is promoting the globalist police state agenda.  It is that simple.

    Having never met Ms. Hock, all this reporter can speak to is what I have observed and what the public records prove.   We have all seen Ms. Hock drug through the mud by a prosecutor who was and is willing to make false accusations against her, even to the Texas Rangers.  A prosecutor who accused her of violating her public trust when the facts prove it is him violating his.  She stood her ground (the truth) and prevailed against that onslaught.

    Now we see her being harassed and an attempt to intimidate her by a law man who represents a danger to her.  A lawman who has had two prior restraining orders issued against him to protect two different women that he was harassing in the past.  A lawman whose Polk Co S.O. file The Sentinel open record requested months ago pertaining just to the complaints and charges made by employers and the public against him for the last ten years is a file that contains over 400 pages.  A lawman whose records show he was involved in a drunken physical altercation with a woman before.  A lawman who is quick to pick on defenseless women.

    As if that weren’t enough, there is the prosecutor who has confused his constitutional duty with his personal political agenda and sued one of the very public servants that he is constitutionally bound to defend in favor of a corrupt lawman that is his friend.  A prosecutor who already spread lies and false accusations about Ms. Hock and filed a false report to the Rangers.  A prosecutor who has fought me for months to hide the 400 plus page file that will allow The Sentinel to FINALLY fully inform the voters of Polk County about one that walks among them with a badge and a gun.

In light of all this, there are three things that I would like to say to Ms. Schelana Hock.

FIRST;  It is always the darkest just before the dawn.

SECOND; This is my favorite passage of Scripture for times like these:

2 Cor 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

THIRD;   YOU, young lady, Are my Hero!

   You are my hero because of your steadfast refusal to crumble under the corrupt onslaught that has been perpetrated against you by several who are known for their retaliatory and vindictive acts.  A resolve that speaks volumes about your love for your friends, your character, your integrity and their lack.  You are my hero because of your steadfast devotion to the commitment of friendship that puts principal above politics, love above comfort and shines out of the darkness that is trying to quench your light.  You are my hero because your SERVANT’S HEART is the very lifeblood and sustainer of the public trust that Polk County has given you but most of all, you are my hero because it is obvious that The Truth abides in you. 

     You are my hero Ms. Hock and I just want to make sure that your friends in Polk County realize that they need to TREASURE a friend like you.  I want the voters to realize they need to TREASURE a servant like you but most of all, I want you to know that even over here in my little Pointblank corner of the world, your light shines brightly. 

With the absolute greatest admiration and respect,


Steve Watson – Publisher Sentinel Alert

LIVINGSTON 12/15/2018


or: Business as usual at Polk County DA's office

An indepth and well written article on the front page of todays, "POLK *COUNTY ENTERPRISE" exposes the corrupt actions of the Polk County DA, Bill Lee 'The Kid" Hon and his cohart, Tom 'Pickett' Coleman.  In a situation very similar to the original false accusations claiming that the Polk County Clerk 'leaked' documents to me, Lima, Hon and Coleman have teamed up to drag this clerk thru the mud one more time with more false accusations of giving me 'sensitive' information.  Hon should have already gone to jail for giving a false report to the Texas Rangers the first time around.  Now they are going for round two with the same method of operation.

     I have already written several stories about that first round that prove the document I published was neither sensitive nor secret but rather a public record in the public realm that any person (including me) can walk in, pay a dollar, get a copy of and leave.  The document was so public that it is not even subject to the open records act becasue it is on CONSTANT DISPLAY in the Clerks records. 

    Now on round two of Hon, Coleman, Lima's attempt to intimidate and retaliate, they are using the same corrupt methods.  The fb post I published was posted on FB.  Lima took it down quickly but some people snagged it.   One of my readers sent it to me two days later.  This reader is a private citizen and does not serve in any public capacity.  The person has witnessed the DA's retalitory efforts first hand for years and, like many, has had enough of the criminal acts he committs.   I got the text, Monday, Oct 22 at 12:44 pm.  

   I have stated before and will state again, Polk County Clerk, Shelena Hock has NEVER called me or texted me by cell phone or messagaed me on FB.  Shelena Hock DID NOT send me the graphic.  The only communication I have had with her office is when I call with a question or via email when they respond to an open records request.  Polk Co. Clerk, Schelena Hock, nor any of her clerks have EVER initiated any communication with me but only responded to my inquiries as required by public record laws.  It is in those dealings with her office that I have come to understand why her and her family have a great reputation in the Polk County community.   

LIVINGSTON 12/13/2018


The Polk County Justice Center Building that contains the courtrooms, District Judge’s offices, both clerk’s offices and the district attorney’s office was the scene of a recent violation of the civil rights of an East Texas civil rights activist whose channel is known as ‘Concerned Citizen Where Is The Constitution’.  After receiving reports that the Polk County Sheriff deputies who were working security at the Justice Center were illegally excluding cameras from the premises, the wheels were set in motion to gather proof positive that this most basic and simple right of the citizens of Polk County was being routinely violated by the on duty officers that were screening everyone who entered. 

     The Concerned Citizen, Clint, approached the check point with his video camera openly in his possession and attempted to enter.  Just as had been reported, Sgt Cabiness immediately confronted this citizen with his illegal demands to take the camera out of the building as proven in this video shot by the very camera Cabiness was objecting to.  I’ll not narrate the entire exchange but suffice it to say Sgt Cabiness illustrated his ignorance of the law or willingness to violate a citizen’s rights with impunity and blame it on the judge. The Concerned Citizen simply asked to see the judge’s order Cabiness claimed to base his illegal actions on which provoked Cabiness to the point that he pushed the citizen to remove him from the building. 

    Instead of a flashy confrontation, Concerned Citizen took his unanswered questions to County Judge, Sydney Murphy and Chief Deputy, Byron Lyons.   Judge Murphy immediately recognized the error being perpetrated against the Citizens and took action.  By state law, the sheriff is responsible for the security of the courthouse but  you cannot violate the law and citizen’s rights in order to fulfill that duty.  “If they aren’t going to allow my camera in the building”, Concerned Citizen argued against the policy, “They need to have every single person bring their cell phones up front right now and turn them in”.   Filming in the actual courtrooms is not allowed unless the judge ok's it but the public areas of the building are and long have been, legal to film in as a public space. 

   Concerned Citizen made a follow up visit to the Polk County Justice Center recently and encountered zero resistance to his camera entering the building and taking the tour.  One more time, Judge Murphy stepped up and did the right thing with full transparency.  

LIVINGSTON 12/15/2015


Shortly after the article below was penned and publsihed, and three months after my original request for documents was submitted to Polk County S. O., ADA Tommy Coleman wrote a letter dated November 30 to inform me that the records were going to cost 137 dollars and that I had ten business days from the date of the letter to reply in writing of my intentions to pay for the records and pick them up.  This is where the nefariousness begins.

   Despite my plain instructions to notify me via my email address when the records were ready, Coleman decides to send the ten day notice letter via snail mail certified.  The letter was dated the 30th which was a Friday.  The letter was Post marked December 3 which was the next Monday.  The USPS took until the 6th to make the first attempt to deliver and leave me a notice.  In a sly move, Coleman had also forwarded me an open records answer on another request WITHOUT it being certified that was delivered the same day.  My presumption was that the certified mail was going to be for a copy of the same letter as has happened before.

   History has proven that if you miss a certified mailing in Pointblank, it can take a couple of days for the letter to settle in Onalaska USPS or the Pointblank USPS in order for you to find it.  I finally got my hands on the letter December 13th, the 10th business day from the date of the letter.  With no time for mailing in a written reply as demanded, I got the USPS money order in the full amount, wrote out a dated letter saying I did intend to pay the full amount and get my records and headed to the Polk County DA's office.  This is where the corrupt leadership of DA Bill Lee "The Kid" Hon comes into play.  I presented my letter to the clerk at the window and asked for a dated and signed received copy of the letter back and offered the USPS money order in the full amount. 

   The clerk refused to give me a copy of the letter or take my payment.  She called out another assistant in the office who also refused to give me a dated and signed received copy of my letter and also refused to accept my payment.  "I need proof that I deleivered this letter because today is the tenth day", was my reply.  "I don't want any part of this", the assistant stated and refused to sign a copy of the letter as received or accept my payment in full.  Coleman was out of the office and, she said, was the only one that could accept the letter or payment.

   Frustrated at the blatant violation of their public duty, ethical requirements of the office and decency and courtesy to the general public, I left the office, sat down by the clerks end of the second floor and called on good counsel for advice.  About this time, I see Bill Lee 'The Kid" Hon hit the top of the stairs and head to his office after taking a double take at me.

   My friend advised that I meet with him so we could look over all the documents involved.  During that meeting, he saw the fax number on Hon's letter head and advised, "Go to the Post net business office and fax the letter in so you get a sent receipt".  That is what I did. 

   Now what to do about getting the payment accepted.  What do you do when the enemy has you flanked and you can't press forward?  Why not call in the Marines?  The next morning, a USMC Retired veteran entered the DA's office and informed the clerk that he needed to make a payment.  He was not questioned and the payment was accepted cheerily.  It was only after that he handed them the USPS money order for payment in full that he stated, "I am making this payment for Steve Watson". 

    This is just another example of Lee Hon's corruption and the contaminating effect it has on his staff.   The two employee's refusal to accept my payment or aknowledge the receipt of the letter is either based on personal corruption or fear of reprisal from the boss.  Neither is good for Polk County.  The way the lady raised her hands up as surrendering when she said, "I don't want any part of this" makes me think it is fear of reprisal from the boss that animated her antics.


The OAG letter to DA Lee Hon and CC to me shows that the basic information requested by a Sentinel Alert open records request is to be released.   That OAG letter to Hon was dated November 9th.  Here it is the 28th and no records yet.   In all fairness, it was Tommy Coleman, the professional witholder of evidence employed by Polk County, who signed the request for opinion and I presume is in charge of withholding the records on behalf of the people of Polk County.

UPDATE 8/22/2018


After a lengthy verbal battle ensued on Lima's fb page late into the night in which Lima professed that "that blog in San Jacinto County" was just a puppet for the Polk County G.O.P. Public Information officer and that said P.I.O. fed news about anyone that crossed him to The Sentinel, evidence came to light that Lima had 'ratted' on his fellow L.E.O.'s in Polk County via emails sent to The Sentinel last January.  The evidence was in the form of a series of emails Lima initiated with The Sentinel at that time offering us 'evidence' on high ranking public officials in Polk Co, in particular a former boss of his.  When The Sentinel got wind of the fb rant, we attempted to view it for ourself and found we were blocked from his fb page.  A group of Polk County readers did provide the transcript, confront and challenge The Sentinel to address Lima's claims that The Sentinel had a puppet master.  We responded by releasing the emails that prove Lima is lying.  His email, despite his claims and the false accusations against the men we released the emails to, WAS NOT HACKED.  The emails are original and still intact in The Sentinel Alert email account.  We are considering publishing them here in the interest of full disclosure.

ONALASKA 8/21/2018


Three counts on a disorderly conduct charge leveled against Christopher Lima were reduced to a charge of Public Intoxication which, according to Lima, he pled "no contest' to.  Lima had initially demanded a jury trial and in communication with The Sentinel, claimed he had all the evidence he needed to prove he was not guilty of the charges.  Lima was once employed by the Onalaska PD Dept but is now a detective with the Corrigan PD.

LIVINGSTON 7/13/2018


   Abuse of Official Capacity and Falsifying an Incident Report are the only way to accurately describe the events that unfolded the evening of January 23, 2018 against Anthony Barunek, commonlaw husband of Rita Hon, DA Hon's mother.

    Not only did Hon and the S.O. conspire together to illegally evict a man from his own home, the reporting officer (an officer The Sentinel warned the readers about last year) conspired to make false entries on his incident report in order to cover up the criminal conspiracy that unfolded that evening.   The green ticket in the redacted photo below was the Criminal Trespass Warning (ctw) issued to Bartunek that evening just hours after Bartunek claims Hon called ordering him to "get out of town by dark".  At this point, Bartunek had been living with Rita Hon for 5 years at the Mills Street address and the Mills street address was on all of Bartunek's official papers, (DL, CAD, SO Registry) and Dunaway accurately reflected that fact when he wrote the ticket.  Dunaway used Bartunek's DL address to issue the ticket.  It was only later when Dunaway was filing the official incident report that he either decided or was instructed to put the Ollie Loop address down for Anthony Bartunek.  I mean, it looks bad when you criminally trespass a man from his own home OF RECORD without any legal grounds to stand on. 

      When The Sentinel requested these records that Coleman fought the release of so vigorously, we did specifically request any Power of Attorney on file with the S.O. to base their actions on.  In that request, we specifically waived any request for personal financial info or personal identifiers but just wanted to see that there was a POA on file and see if Lee Hon even had the power to initiate a legal eviction process.  There was no document delivered.  There is no such document on file in the County Clerks office as of March of this year.   The summation is this.  Hon and the Sheriff evicted a man from his own home on the say so of a man that did NOT own the property and who offered no proof of any right to even do a legal eviction, much less this illegal, abusive and oppressive act.   Rita Hon, the owner of record, AND her family promised her husband that he could live in the house the rest of his days according to Bartunek's interview with The Sentinel.




POINTBLANK 7/11/2018


A mostly un responsive effort including 14 blank pages with only a page number out of the 5o documents contained in the envelope arrived at The Sentinel office but it still provided enough evidence to prove 'Abuse of Official Capacity' against William Lee Hon. 



    A simple request to see the minutes and agendas was interpreted by the City Attorney for actual copies resulting in the big bogus three day bill presented by City Attorney, Tatum.  Since we have clarified for the City Attorney that the original request was for copies but ended when they sent, "no documents responsive to your request" answers.  My followup request was to "see" all the agendas and minutes.  I am not asking for copies of all that but just want to examine them for myself.  I felt it a necessary step when the same attorney mis interpreted my initial request for the agenda's and minutes containing payment to the PD items where Ms. Gibson was "PRESENT" to vote.  The City Attorney interpreted that simple and plain request into wanting minutes Mrs. Gibson actually voted "FOR" payment. 

      Then there was the delay of City Attorney being out of office for an extended period.  Now a request to simply "see" the documents morphed into a big big bill claiming the secretary needs three days just to pull the agendas and minutes of those meetings and make copies that I never asked for.  My last clarification, nearly two weeks old now, has been met with silence by the Corrigan City Attorney.

      Why?  It is truely my hope to view the minutes and report that all is well in the City of Corrigan business practices.

7/ /2018


     Three Hundred and Eighty dollars is how much the Corrigan City Attorney, Luan Tatum, estimated it would cost to lay the city council agendas from during the Gibson's reign as mayor and police chief on the table for me to inspect.  Tatum alleges that it will take three full days of effort to get those most basic documents out of the file drawers.  Tatum's first response to my inquiry for copies was, "there are no responsive documents".   That response was to my original request for complaints on a  Corrigan PD officer and then my later request for the agenda minutes where Ms Gibson voted to pay the PD.   Mr./Ms. Tatum seemed confused by the phrase, 'payment to the PD' as they asked for two clarifications and sent me a big bill requiring half down before they would even start. 


LIVINGSTON 6/17/2018


  Statistical data derived from The State of Texas Office of Court Administration website at first glance indicates that The Polk County District Attorney is extra ‘tough on crime’.  Research via open records led to documents proving a total of 616 felony cases were dismissed by Polk County DA's office since January of 2015 through January of 2018.  That initially seemed like an excessive amount but when you compare that with the total of cases filed for the same three year time period numbering 3035, you come up with an average of about 20 percent of the Polk County felony cases ending in dismissal. 

      If we compare Walker County cases to the Polk County numbers, we find 408 felony cases dismissed out of 1716 felony cases filed in Walker County for an average of just over 23 percent of their felony cases being dismissed.  The Sentinel has never had the first complaint on the Walker County DA’s office or Sheriff Department so we tend to view them as a relative ‘bench mark’ for what is normal or an average for an ethical operation in East Texas.

     A quick look as San Jacinto County shows 312 dismissed out of a total of 1163 filed for  27 percent dismissed.  In all fairness to DA Robert Trapp and his office, the number is higher than the the three year period prior to all the gambling raid arrests.

     Montgomery County had 3997 dismissals of felony cases out of 17,231 filed for an average of 23 percent.  

     Liberty County showed that out of 3075 felony cases filed, only 358 were dismissed for an average of just over 10 percent.  Liberty County population is 1.6 times the population of Polk County yet Polk County files just as many felony cases.

     Angelina County had 353 dismissed out of 3088 cases for 11.4 percent dismissed.  Once again, 1.6 times as high a population count as Polk County but very near the same number of felony’s prosecuted with a noticeably lower dismissal rate.

     Trinity County had the lowest percentage of dismissals of all.  16 dismissed out of 170 felony cases filed for just under ten percent dismissed.

     None of those number really jump out at you other than the lower than average percent of dismissals in Liberty, Angelina and Trinity Counties.

     Now let’s add in one other factor.  Population numbers so we can talk per capita.

Walker County’s population is 72 thousand.  2.3 percent of the population was charged with a felony crime in the three year period.  That is 2.3 people per 100 of population.  Add in the fact that Walker County has 1.5 times the population of Polk County but only half the felonies filed on its citizens.

    In San Jacinto County, population 28K, 4.1 percent of the population was charged with a felony crime in the same time period but once again, that includes all the gambling raid arrests.

     In Montgomery County, population 510K, 3.0 percent of the population was charged with a felony crime.  That amounts to 3 people out of every 100 being charged with a felony

     In Liberty County, population 83K, 3.7 percent of the population was charged with a felony.

    In Trinity County, population 14.5K, only 1.1 percent of the population was charged with a felony.

    In Angelina County, population 88K, 3.5 percent of the population was prosecuted for a felony.

    In Polk County, population 49K, a Whopping 6.2 percent of the population has been charged with a felony during the same three year period.  That figure means that on a per capita basis, in Polk County you are over five times more likely to be charged with a felony than you are in Trinity County, nearly three times more likely than in Walker County and nearly twice as likely to be charged with a felony in Polk County than you are in any other county around in East Texas.  That means that 6.2 people out of every hundred count of population in Polk County gets charged with a felony.  There must be a reason for Polk County exceeding all their neighbors in felony prosecutions.   Three possible reasons for the abnormal statistics have been proffered by Sentinel United Alliance members for consideration;

  1. DA is tougher on crime than any of the surrounding District Attorneys
  2. Considerably more criminals live in Polk County
  3. Felony charges are misused and abused in Polk County

Political ads by William Lee Hon have claimed that he is “Tough on Crime”. 

The higher ratio of criminals just doesn’t seem plausible.

Are allegations of 'abuse of official capacity' based in fact? 

Further investigation seems to be warranted.



     Texas Senator Robert Nichols, District 3 and Joshua Siegal, the  Senator Ted Cruz campaign representative, met with a room full of concerned Polk County Republicans to discuss the state of affairs in Polk County and east Texas Monday night at La Casita in Livingston.  Republican Party Chairman, Fred Grube and quite a few card carrying Polk County republicans were present and took advantage of the opportunity to get some answers.

     It was easy for Nichols and Siegal to talk about things state and nation wide but Commissioner Tommy Overstreet stood up for Polk county and brought the conversation back to what matters here locally.   After the two speakers both agreed that it was “rural Texas votes” keeping them in office, Overstreet spoke up wanting to know why then was all the Federal money going to the I 35 Corridor instead of any of that money making its way into Polk County for the I 69 Corridor. 

     411th District Judge Kaycee Jones and 258th District Judge elect, Travis Kitchens were in attendance and were involved in earnest conversation long after the dinner was over and some of the crowd left.  It was a great opportunity for an exchange of ideas, observations and information.  “The intersection of Business 59 and 190 is a prime example of where we are missing the boat”, Commissioner Oversteet lamented in one conversation.  “You can’t turn left without blocking through traffic because you are having to wait” 

    Mr. Wayne Woods spoke up for our nation’s Flag and The Cross of Christ in one of those after the meeting visits.   His opening prayer made it plain that is the Conservative ground he is standing on.  Another person noted that it takes more than a republican label to make an elected official a conservative.  “It is more about the decisions they make and actions they take than any label”, he said. 

     As the upcoming General Election begins approaching ever closer, there was a common thread and mutual agreement that there was plenty of work to be done and that standing on our conservative values was the way to move the Republican Party forward in Polk County and East Texas.

Mayor Gibson - Chief Gibson

CORRIGAN 5/14/2018


  In an abrupt about face, legal counsel for the City of Corrigan gave a civil and polite reply to both of The Sentinel open records requests today claiming, "no documents responsive to your request".  Chief Gibson's rude and smart aleck attitude seems to have dissapaited once The Sentinel started looking into the mayor's voting record. 

     Corrigan city attorney claims there is not a single complaint that has ever been filed against Chris Lima.  Said attorney also claims that the mayor/council woman never voted to pay money to the PD. 

CORRIGAN 5/12/2018


  The best effort of The Sentinel to get some quick and accurate answers regarding the allegations of an out of control officer from Corrigan have been thwarted by the City's obstinate refusal to provide public record documents.  A phone call to chief Darrell Gibson revealed quickly that he had a hostile attitude toward The Sentinel for daring to ask questions.  Recognizing the dead end there with the chiefs smart aleck answer, "Just call the Texas Rangers" followed by an abrupt hangup, caused us to revamp our strategy and request the documents directly from the mayor via email to her official email address obtained from her clerk on May 22, 2018 at 1:25 pm. 

    The mayor is the official and legal custodian of all of the City's public record documents no matter what department they are from.  We resigned ourself to have to wait the ten days for the answers our Sentinel readers were requesting.  After 15 days had elapsed with no reply, we called and politely inquired of the mayor's secretary as to where our records were.  She had no answer but asked me to resubmit the request directly to her email which I did with the understanding that the first email was legal and binding and that their ten days were up and that we expected an answer post haste but would give them a few days in response to her courtesy to The Sentinel. 

     Then enters the chief again with an email t0day claiming he referred me to the Angelina County DA, Joe Martin in a prior phone call.  That is a lie.  He further instructed me today to contact Joe Martin if I wanted any answers.  When I reminded the chief that my request was duly submitted and binding by law and that the buck stops with the mayor, he instructed me in writing to contact Angelina County DA, Joe Martin.  Neither the mayor or the chief have stated that they forwarded my open records request to DA Martin, only that I needed to contact him for answers. 

      It doesn't work like that.  As I informed the chief, if they decide to forward the request to the DA in the next county over, that is their business.  My obligation under law is done.  Now my options to deal with the illegal antics of the mayor and the chief via the OAG are on the table.  In doing our research, we noticed both the mayor and the chief have the same last name and a Sentinel sleuth found fb posts that prove the two are married.  How cozy. 

       Now I automatically wonder if the mayor, or as council woman, ever voted for you a pay raise.  Hmmmm.   Chief, if you want to make a federal case out of me simply requesting any documents pertaining to complaints filed against a Corrigan officer during the time he has been in your employ, we can go there.  You push on me, I push back.  It is that simple.  Our readers have legitimate concerns based on documents and more recent actions but are afraid to go through the normal channels in Polk County just because of the behavior of a public servant who is supposed to uphold the law, not violate it with impunity.  

    Let Madam mayor know that she can expect an open records request on her desk in the morning for all those council minutes.  Once again, not a threat, just my word.   You have accused me of threatening you.  Your equating Sentinel Scrutiny to a written accusation that I am threatening you speaks volumes about your and the mayor's lack of transparency.  The only thing we at The Sentinel 'threaten' is continued corruption.


Steve Watson


LIVINGSTON 6/28/2018


   The culmination of a long term Sentinel Investigation that involved several in the Onalaska community was that Linda Vincent, wife of Polk County Commissioner Ronnie Vincent was arrested on two felony counts of 'Theft of Service".  She made bond in short order.  Details are limited at this point but we will seek more information and share it with The Sentinel readers as the case progresses.    A standard step one was recusal of the local DA's office.   As revealed in the analytical DA stats in the 'tough on crime' article, Liberty County's DA's office is much more thorough in assessing evidence and less inclined to persue baseless charges or seek a dismissal than the Polk County office.    

used for political comment and education THE NEW DEMONCRAT PLATFORM 

Publisher - Stephen C. Watson

Office - 50 W Oak Tree Drive

             Pointblank, Texas 77364

             936 730 5717

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