The Honorable 12th District Judge, David Moorman presided over the prosecutorial misconduct case filed against SJC ADA Rob Freyer this morning.   Judge  Moorman was very clear that public trust in the judicial system IS of primary importance.  "We must maintain that trust and avoid any appearance of impropriety", Judge Moorman stated from the bench before ruling on three motions before the court.

    Judge Moorman denied the motion to dismiss the charges and he denied the motion for a change of venue put forth by defense attorney, Lana Shadwick.  

   Judge Moorman did grant the motion to recuse the SJC DA's office because of Freyer's misconduct and appoint a prosecutor Pro Tem.  The Judge went further and admonished the SJC DA to make sure that none of the questionable documents were given to the soon to be appointed prosecutor Pro Tem.  

    This case stems from the actions of Freyer ordering the defendants cell be searched and documents seized that ended up including attorney client privilege evidence.  

    During the last hearing, several questions were asked of the defendant, Kenneth Gibson, that he could not answer because the Nacadoches jail had refused to allow him to bring his legal papers to court.  "All they let me bring was my body", Gibson had stated under oath.

    The Sentinel put in a call to the Sheriff to ask if that was normal policy for his department.  We did not get an answer but were promised a call back by the Major.  We did not ever get that call back or an answer but did notice that when Gibson entered the courtroom for this morning's hearings, he was clutching a large expandable legal file of documents with his handwriting all on the outside of it.

Before all of that, The Honorable Travis Kitchens noticed ADA Freyer milling about the court room and said, "Mr. Freyer, you can have a seat".  Freyer did not aknowledge the comment but continued to mill about prompting a much sterner, "Mr. Freyer, SIT DOWN".  

   Sentinel readers will remember that in a recent murder case, two young hispanic males were manipulated into a confrontation by the woman they both had relations with and the old boyfriend allegedly killed the new boyfriend.  He (Escobar) turned himself in the next morning at the SJC Sheriff's office.  Someone set an unconstitutional one million dollar bond.  Several weeks in, when Escobar's attorney applied for a bond reduction, Judge Kitchens did lower the bond to keep it inline with the constitutional requirements that unreasonable bond not be used to punish a person by setting the bond amount beyond the means of the defendant.  Using unconstitutional bond amounts has been the corrupt practice of some in order to let the process be the punishment without due process.  Judge Kitchens has had to correct several unconstitutional bond amounts since being on the bench especially in Polk County where the practice was used often by FORMER DA Hon. 

     Only an idiot would lamblast a Judge who follows the constitution but we have idiots who do just that.  Some because they are from a bananna republic and don't know any better.  Others because they are corrupt and/or have their own political or financial agenda. 

     When the Constitution loving judge lowered Escobar's bond, a man that turned himself in, to 75 thousand dollars, the family of the victim protested on the courthouse steps with signs demanding no bond.  Not a problem and their right.  The problem arose when ADA Freyer took it upon himself to go out as a representative of the SJC DA's office as a featured speaker at the protest.  According to the Bloo Bonnet News,Freyer assured the crowd that he would make sure that they would get justice.  As he said those words, Freyer knew the crowds idea of justice was no bond for the accused.   

     Now when Memorial day was celebrated on the courthouse steps recently to honor the men and women who fought and died defending that Constitution, NO ONE from the DA's office bothered to walk downstairs and attend the somber event much less speak to the crowd.  When SJC recently celebrated Juneteenth for the 25th year in a row, also organized by our Veteran's Service Officer, no one from the DA's office bothered to walk downstairs for that constitutional honoring event either.  

    But let a crowd gather demanding unconstitutional actions from the court and Freyer fell all over himself to attend and even be the main event speaker at the protest.  Todd Dillon didn't stop him so as the elected DA, that buck stops with him.  I did warn DA Dillon that Freyer was a liability to him based on open records obtained and interviews with former co workers of Freyer's.  Excellent sources in Montgomery Co state Freyer was terminated for showing up drunk on a crime scene.  Freyer denies it when questioned but when I got his file from Harris Co., it turns out he did have a DWI as a young man.  Freyer failed to disclose that on any paperwork submitted to Montgomery Co or San Jacinto Co.  Nor did any background check take place according to those two files.

    I do have emails from the DA assuring The Sentinel that the bloo bonnet news did not get any inside information on the case from his office but it appears fairly obvious from her articles attempting to smear Judge Kitchens that she did.  In any event, regardless of the editor and lawman  joining up to lamblast Judge Kitchens for protectiong the constitutional rights of the accused  before, Judge Kitchens did it one more time by seeking a change of venue to protect the accused's constitutional rights to a fair trial.  In that decision, Judge Kitchen's cited Oliver Wendell Holmes' assurance that our 6th ammendment rights to a fair trial outweigh the 1st amendment rights of a free press because without a fair trial, our justice system has no foundation to stand on.   In that line of reasoning, The Honorable Judge Kitchens did seek a change of venue for the accused and entered this order against publicity to protect Escobar's constitutional rights to a fair trial.  He did indicate that Angelina County had agreed that they would be willing to take on the case.  According to the order against publicity restraining all the attorneys and court personnel from speaking to the press, it will follow the case wherever it ends up being transferred to.  

    In his closing remarks, Judge Kitchens commented that in his 50 years practicing law in many capacities including as a prosecutor, he had NEVER seen anything like this and never has seen the need for an order of this nature.  Judge Kitchens further assured the Prosecutors that he has submitted an ethics complaint to the State Bar of Texas.  

   During the Judge reading of the order, DA Dillon did get up and head to the side door of the courtroom.  When challenged by Judge Kitchens as to where he was going, Dillon replied, "I am removing myself".  "I have not dismissed you", Judge Kitchens stated firmly and instructed him to remain in the courtroom.  Dillon did comply and stood facing the judge for the duration.  His stoic composure respected the dignity and decorum of the court.  






5/14/2024 COLDSPRING 


Young Colby Winfrey died as the result of a wreck in the wet conditions yesterday.  Broken hearted friends of his and of the family have called with the sad news.  No other vehicles were involved.  

     A 2o16 graduate of COCISD, Colby is a  native son of SJC. His father, Scott Winfrey was tragically killed in a car wreck in 2o14.  




Rosevelt Joseph, veteran and TCOLE certified peace officer passed away today.  Joseph had worked for the COCISD police department as his last job before retiring some years ago.  

Mike Flynt mug shot

Associated Press and channel 13 prove how fake news interferes eith elections.  






A recent AP and Chronicle article relying on 'facts' from disgruntled former employees of the SJC Sheriff's dept and  a soundly defeated former political opponent of SJC Sheriff, Greg Capers reeks of political agenda and an A.P and Chronicle. reporter not doing their homework.

   The slighest bit of research would prove that Mike Flynt was a former opponent who was blown out of the political water in 2020 because of his multiple crimes and extreme moral terpitude.   Flynt attempted to explain away his extra marital transgressions to The Sentinel with, "So I f&^ked a whore down there. Who cares?"   Flynt found out that the informed voters of SJC care, that is who.  Flynt wanted to skip over the fact that when the city court system banned him from entering their facility in an attempt to stop his sexual harassment of a clerk that he banged his head on the locked glass door repeatedly until it was bleeding and left his blood smeared on the court room door.  Records also show that Flynt, as a law man, was building a false dossier on the husband of his targeted 'side piece' in order to put him in prison.  According to those same official records obtained by The Sentinel, Flynt threatened the female clerk with telling his wife that it was her, the clerk that infected him with an STD that he brought home so his wife could retaliate against the court clerk.  Be it noted here that Pct 1 Commissioner, Laddie McAnally is Flynt's neighbor and biggest supporter in SJC.   McAnally donated to The Sentinel twice in an attempt to get us to back Flynt.  

    Sentinel sources indicate that there is at least one very qualified candidate signing up to run against McAnally.

     Then comes Pct 3 commissioner, David Brandon named in the A.P. Article.  Brandon is solidly in the Sam Houston camp, another political opponent who, as of yet, does not have the integrity to publically admit that he is running for sheriff.   Houston has his own lead balloons politically speaking.

    Then there is the former employee, Voytko named as a source in the A.P. Article.  

   According to Sentinel sources, Flynt and Voytko are connected at the hip politically as in Voytko gets a job if Flynt wins.  

   We attempted to inverview Voytko shortly after he sent out an illegal picture of a suspect handcuffed on the side of the road.  A suspect that Voytko never arrested or charged but instead, released shortly after the picture was taken and forwarded toward The Sentinel.  It was a picture of Sam Houston's former Capt of the Pct 3 constables office in an attempt to smear Sam Houston in Flynt's favor.  To this day, no charges or arrest have been leveled against the victim of Voytko's political efforts.  Some are pushing for an investigation of Voytko's illegal actions that day.  

    The Good Lord and Sentinel readers know that Sam Houston is no hero of mine but the corrupt actions of Voytko prove he has no integrity or credibility.  That could be why Sheriff Capers cut him loose.  We are seeking those records.

   As far as why Flynt was cut loose, I have personal knowledge.  Flynt, when he was contemplating the first run for sheriff, contacted The Sentinel claiming to have proof of Sheriff Capers wrong doing and expected that I would run the story on his say so.   NOT.  When I challenged him for proof, he agreed to meet clandestinly and show me the documents.  We had a midnight meeting in Coldspring while he was on duty and in a SJC Sheriff's Dept patrol vehicle where Flynt did indeed show me some documents.  Flynt refused to let me have them until I told him I would not write a story without having the evidence in my files in case I was challenged on it by lawsuit or criminal charges.  Flynt relented and gave me the documents.

    Far from proving any misconduct on Sheriff Capers part, all they proved was that Flynt was playing games with dates of events and undermining the efforts of Sheriff Capers to protect the people of SJC.  Those documents further proved that Flynt was willing to expose the identity of a deep under cover operative and endanger the life of a fellow officer to promote his own personal political agenda.  Needless to say, The Sentinel did NOT expose the identity of the undercover officer and we took the proof documents to then DA and encouraged them to file criminal charges on Flynt.  Instead, they pusued the lame tampering charge against Flynt and lost, costing the county a settlement.  

   The silver lining in the 'settlement' was that the file on Flynt that had been witheld from The Sentinel based on it being "used to detect or prosecute' a crime was now available and subject to and obtained via a Sentinel open records request.  The rest is history how the information was used to inform the electorate in SJC and prevent Flynt from making any traction politically.   

    As for Montgomery City P.D. officer, Voytko, he is too wormy to call back an inquisitive reporter who wants to get to the truth.   Instead, as a disgruntled former employee, he offers statements that he cannot prove to help his buddy, Flynt.  Voytko failed to return my call because he knew he violated the law and MPD policy by taking and distributing that illegal photo.  

    One telling comment in the A.P. article quotes one of the disgruntled former employees saying, "I understand why people don't trust cops".    The truth of the matter is, Sheriff Capers fired both of the corrupt cops plus others over the years.  What A.P. needs to realize is that it is un researched BS articles like the one they published yesterday that prove why the public does NOT trust the main stream media.  Instead we do trust the cops we elect at the grass roots level and that if and when any violate that trust, we will give them the boot at the ballot box.  Ask Mike Flynt.  He got such a voter whupping, I bet he is still stinging.  This AP article is proof that Flynt is still a liar and that main stream media is still not trust worthy.

    As far as the uninformed comments on the horrible mass murder event in Trails End, A.P.  fails to note several facts.  Trails End is not a recorded and platted subdivision but preceeds those rules later adopted by SJC.  As an acreage tract, Trails End is not subject to the laws against discharging a fire arm on a small lot in a recorded and platted subdivision.    Aside from that, the calibre of candidate that would politicize that abject tragedy for a few votes speaks volumes about the person,

1/8/2024Mitchell is having a tough time but is hanging on.  He is a fighter.   

Family told to, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"   With little improvement.  One pastor who visits the hospitals often said, "He has one foot here and one foot in Glory",  


1/15/2024 CONROE I.C.U. 1:38 AM


Mitchell Mathews passed away this morning holding the hand of his beloved bride.  

The doctors brought him out from under sedation where he made it clear that he did NOT want to have the open heart surgery nor did he want artificial life support.  



SAN JACINTO CO. 1/4/2024


FIREMAN FACING OPEN HEART SURGERY is the latest asessment of his doctors.

He is in a danger zone facing such a serious operation.  The family is standing storng but still asks for prayer.


Volunteer fireman, Mitchell Mathews was lifeflighted to the hospital last night with symptoms of a stroke/heart attack that put him into the I.C.U. for treatment.  He is not only a volunteer fire fighter, he is a father a husband, a neighbor and friend to many.  Please lift him by name to the Throne Room.







Now that the arrests have been made, more info will be revealed that we were holding back such that there were two suspects from the get go of the investigation.  According to other sources, the son and the victim had been in a relationship for several years. 

   The murder was a particularly gruesome bludgeoning and evidence indicates the father tried to help the son cover up the crime, hence the tampering with evidence charges.  

      One post on social media reveals that a female friendof the victim has claimed to have 'found you'.  

   JP 2, Harris Blanchett was the JP that was called to the scene and ordered the autopsy.  




from the desk of; SHERIFF GREG CAPERS:


COLDSPRING 11/2/2022


A punk named PATRICK TORRES thought he was a tough guy in a local grocery store parking lot as he watched a little momma get out of her truck, put her baby and baby bag in a stroller and head to the front door of the grocery store.  As little momma  was about to enter the store, she turned and saw a 32 year old white/hispanic  male breaking into her truck in an attempt to steal it.  This young lady who is a local that is known for being gracious, friendly and beautiful that  has four beautiful kids went into momma bear mode and drew down on the suspect, thwarting his theft attempt.   Fortunatly for the punk, he did not press the issue and she held him the few minutes till  a bunch of SJC Deputies arrived and took him into custody.  At this point, the punk would be thief is a guest at Greg Capers' SJC Bed and Breakfast.  We have requested the mug shot and more particulars and will update the story when we get the info.   We won't use little momma's name or say where she drew her pistol from but suffice it to say she had it handy and KNOWS how to use it because she is not only beautiful and good momma, she loves to hunt.   


POINTBLANK  3/21/2019


    My own precious mother passed here with us in Pointblank.  A vivacious liver of life, "Ms. Elizabeth" as many called her, lived in Cleveland at the Azalia Terrace Apartments near the Senior Citizen Center for the last 5 years or so of her life.  How she loved the independence that afforded her and the community of friends she made.  This years flu turned into pneumonia and her frail body just couldn't keep up anymore. 

     The last few years, any trip we took her to the hospital or emergency room, I would always get that look over the glasses from the matriarch nurse with the accusing question, "She is still living alone????"  All I could say was, "Yes ma'am, but she isn't much on me or any of us kids telling her what she has to do."  This last time she finally said yes to coming home with me. 

     My family and I do thank the Azalia Terrace manager, Ms. Brenda and activities director, Ms. Maryanne for all their time, effort and care they and others extended to Ms. Elizabeth.  The EMS guys and gals from both Cleveland and San Jacinto County who responded in minutes anytime there was a need are high up on our thank you list too.  The team of people that operate and run the Cleveland Senior Citizens Center, the friends who drove her and invited her to church after she couldn't drive, Dr. Amy Lothian and all the Kelsey Seibold staff have our highest regard. 

     We want to thank the leadership and staff of Calvary Baptist Church in Cleveland for making their sanctuary available on such short notice.  A place that is local for most of her friends and a middle point for us four kids and our families.   

     Most of all, I want to thank the pastor that took the time and had the desire to witness to momma as well as be her pastor.  A True Evangelist, Bro Mike Minter will officiate the memorial service next Saturday listed above.   He is a man that reveals the beauty of the simplicity of The Gospel message so even the most 'intelligent' can understand it.  

    More than once in the last few years, mom has said, "Growing old isn't for sissies" but this photo below taken with friends in her community shows it can be fun.

CLEVELAND 7/5/2017


Under the tutelage of Vanessa Brashear, The Eastex Advocate continues to propagate misinformation as fact and then reduce proven facts to what they call ‘allegations’ depending on, it seems, which sounds best in their biased narrative.  A practice that has ensued for years now back from the days when Royce Wells was a commissioner in SJC, Brashear and her staff seem to have a penchant for taking anything their preferred elected officials state as fact and print them without bothering to check the easily provable (or disprovable) statements for truth.  From a front page story, above the fold, from years ago where The Advocate (my hometown paper) stated and printed that I was a convicted felon based solely on Royce Well’s say so to the most recent instance where cub reporter, Jacob McAdams writes that it is “alleged” that SJC Judge John Lovett was driving without insurance the day of his recent wreck, The Advocate staff should be dizzy from all the spin they engage in.  Even more compelling evidence of The Advocate staff’s bias is the news they choose to ignore despite proof positive laid in their proverbial lap.  DPS gave Lovett several days, out of respect for his position, to provide proof of insurance and when he couldn’t, issued him a ticket for driving with no insurance.  That is public record.  Let us shoot down a few more of The Advocate’s spin jobs.  Commissioner’s Court did not take Judge Lovett’s office space from him, they merely backed off Lovett’s illegal grab of space that was already designated as Probation office space and returned it to the probation department.  The Advocate totally ignores the FACT that Lovett took the space without permission and illegally misappropriated county funds with no permission to remodel the space as his own.  Those are the facts pertaining to that situation yet the Advocate continues to spin the narrative to let Lovett play ‘the victim’ when it is the tax payers whom Lovett victimized.  The “half the office” narrative is so blatantly false that it would take a blind fool to fall for it or a propagandist to promote that stupid narrative.  The fact of the matter is that Lovett had maintenance personnel remove boxes of probation files that were in a probation designated office space filed in chronological order and retrievable as needed to another location without permission of the probation department.  The amount of space that the commissioners returned to the probation dept would amount to possibly one fourth of the total square footage Lovett illegally confiscated which is more than twice the amount of space the former judges required with a heavier docket load.  Brashear is willing to continue the lie that Lovett, “gets complaints on Eastex Towing on almost a daily basis” despite the fact that proof Lovett lied was obtained through open records and published months ago.  Brashear ignores the fact of record that Lovett was ordered by the attorney general to produce those complaints and he has not been able to produce a single one.  The Advocate continues to ignore the FACT that Lovett had no jurisdiction in Shepherd city limits to call in those state agencies and that the city did not request him to butt in to their business and that the city has issued a written statement (also published) that they have never received the first complaint on that private business.  Brashear ignores the fact that both state agencies closed the investigation as having, “no merit” and that Lovett has stated and even written on the record since the investigations were closed that the Marrs’ were still, “under investigation”.   The narrative that Don Franks resigned because of the reclaimed office space issue is stale and tired and a damn lie.  Franks is employed as a porter at Anderson Ford.  Please, Vanessa, go interview him and find out why he left the Judge's office and then inform the readers.  Oh wait, that might not fit into your propaganda plans.  Brashear and her cub reporter have reduced The Advocate to being a partisan political rag much like the Dam Good Times who will print anything that promotes their agenda regardless of whether there is any basis in truth or not.  It is a sad day for the misinformed readers in their circulation area.

COLDSPRING 5/25/2017


Keith Black is in rare form these days with his Fb posts still revealing what is on his mind.  The attached screen snip is just a peek into Black's perverted thought process. 


COLDSPRING 3/20/2017


SJC PCT 1 Commissioner Laddie McAnally has nominated Hershel Lee of Coldspring for a position on the Emergency Services District board.  An avid outdoorsman and retired from a career steeped in emergency services experience, Mr. Lee has agreed to serve in the volunteer position replacing Mr. Herrod who served before him.  Mr. Lee's broad range of experience from law enforcement to emergency services will add a depth of expertise to our SJC ESD board and benefit all of the residents of SJC during this time of need.  Thank you for stepping up Mr. Lee.


TheCOLDSPRING 9/12/2015


A great lady has passed from among us.  Many of us wonder what God had in mind when taking a woman of such youthful exuberance home at only 44 years old but there is peace in knowing His ways and His thoughts are so far above ours.  In a sanctuary packed to the rafters and with standing room only outside the doors, our community gathered together yesterday to say so long for now to Jennifer ‘Jenny’ Vaughn.  A mother, a daughter, a sister and a wife, Jenny Vaughn impacted way more lives than those of her family.  Known for her servant’s heart and unshakable joy, she lived every day to the fullest.  Even a blind man could tell that she was one of the most beautiful and Grace Full creatures to ever call San Jacinto County home.  Walking in her unshakable faith, Jenny Vaughn stepped up boldly when God called her to stand on the truth and seek justice for our county and its people.  Even knowing that she would suffer great persecution and personal loss, Jenny Vaughn was resolute in her determination to do the right thing.  Despite all the hoopla, Jenny Vaughn was vindicated in her actions when the dust settled and all the evidence was finally in.  We the people loved her for having enough love left over in her heart to love our children too.  We admired her for being consistent in her walk.  We will cherish her memory for the examples she set she set for us.   We thank you Lord for sharing Jenny Vaughn with our community as long as You did.  In the midst of our loss, we cannot help but recognize that she did more in a short time than many will even reaching old age.   We agree together Father in beseeching you to keep a hedge of protection around her children as they come of age, in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.  There is no picture of Jenny with this story because from daughter to blushing bride and on to being a public servant, friend and companion, no single photo could ever capture what she is and was to all of us. 

UPDATE 4/9/2015


Wayne D. Haglund of Haglund Law Firm called The Sentinel Thursday in response to the recent open records request regarding billing.  He assured The Sentinel that his firm does not charge a retainer fee for any of the School Districts that he represents but bills on a per case basis.  On that premise, Mr. Haglund is sure the COCISD was billed for the case involving the prior, 'missing coach', open records request.  As a peer awarded, top notch lawyer who specializes in school law, Mr. Haglund expressed a great deal of the support for the open records laws in this state.  He went on to express that in the future, he would contact the requestor up front in the hopes of "short circuiting" the process required in this case.  In summation, he agreed with The Sentinel that a simple, "He is on a medical leave" would have been the correct response to The Sentinel's initial inquiry. 




The 'Haglund Law Firm, P.C.', Lufkin, Texas, purposely  led the COCISD on a wild goose chase pursing something other than the truth.  Information is being sought by Sentinel Alert to determine if the law firm billed the COCISD above and beyond regular retainer in this case.  Haglund's counsel to the CISD that information being sought thru open records could be withheld or should be withheld went against long standing case law and precedents set many times.  In the OAG opinion letter, the portion of the information that the OAG does permit the COCISD to with hold is information that was never requested in the first place, despite being represented to the OAG by Haglund Law Firm, PC that it was.  Once again, the precedent has been set in Texas that if you hold the public trust, you are accountable to the public, despite Halund's best effort to the contrary.

Life Flight lands
shoes mark location where body was
Ms. Winters Car
Judge Magee interviews EMS
two witnesses writing report

COLDSPRING 3/15/2015


Two young golfers, out for a quick 18 holes were in for quite a shock when they rounded the bend to come up and play thru the 9th hole.  It was then when they observed a woman ‘sleeping’ in a small grove of pines just off of the golf cart path.  “We just thought she was asleep or passed out because we could see her breathing and her leg moved” they told The Sentinel Alert after emergency responders had made the scene.  “When I walked up to check on her, I saw the wound and the gun” the witness stated, “and I knew then not to touch her so we backed up and called the law.”  In what was an apparent suicide attempt, 66 year old Linda Winters, a resident of the Cape Royale Harbor Row area lay face down in the grass with severe gunshot trauma to the right side of her head.  According to her employer, she had been despondent over several issues facing her and was even described by him as having been “depressed”.  The weapon, a 9mm semi auto pistol, “1911 style” was still in her hand per witness statements.  The two golfers who found her had heard a shot when they were on the prior hole approximately 10 minutes before finding her in the small grove of pine trees.  It was reported that the shot was heard by an employee in the pro shop of the golf course also.  Life Flight was called and arrived on the scene but the victim died as the EMS personnel ministered to her.  Judge Greg Magee was called to the scene and pronounced her dead about 6 PM.  She was first spotted by the golfers about 4 pm.  Her car was parked in the parking lot with the keys still in it.  No ruling has been made yet on cause of death.  More information will be added when a press release is issued.




COLDSPRING  SHARON'S CAFE has closed it's doors after providing 2o years of hometown, homefolks and homecookin for our community.  Known for more than just good food, Sharon's offered a relaxed atmosphere and excellent service.  If you were a regular, your drink of preference would be on the table by the time you made it to the table and you better get your salad quick because the vittles were on the way.  Thank you Ms. Sharon for your consistant quality, good nature, good food and a genuine appreciation of your customers.  You will be missed.

COLDSPRING 11/21/2014


No formal charges have been filed on Terry Holcomb for his disruption of the Commissioner's Court meeting.  Neither did Holcomb actualize the threats he made in his Raging Radio interview to act out of order again at the next meeting.  Although Holcomb spoke, he still failed to convince our elected representatives to adopt 'his' resolution.  


UPDATE 12/4/2014

According to asst District Attorney, the DA's office has NOT received any charges from the Sheriff's office on Holcomb's arrest and therefore is not taking any action at this time.


FINAL UPDATE 1/25/2015

The Conclusion of the Sentinel Alert investigation is that the incoming Sheriff had no part of the failure to charge as he was told not to bother because it would not be prosecuted.  Asst DA Boem's assertions that were the basis of the last update, did not pan out as rock solid and were an apparent attempt to throw the incoming sheriff under the bus.  In the effort of conclusion of this story, suffice it to say that my persistant questioning resutled in an admission from someone in the know, that the whole thing WAS an orchestrated political stunt, planned and executed to a Tee.  In the spirit of anonmymity for my sources, I will conclude the matter here unless any wish to dispute those findings.  Comments welcome. 



used for political comment and education THE NEW DEMONCRAT PLATFORM 

Publisher - Stephen C. Watson

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             Pointblank, Texas 77364

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