CHICAGO 3/5/2022
Deviant mayor, lori Lightfoot admits to the perversion that permeates the upper echelons of the Democrat party in the USA. From the Obama's to the ones supporting the eunuch stealing all the female swim awards, they are off their rockers.
Mr(s) Lightfoot admits her mental disorder in the zoom rant she made in an official meeting. The ARTICLE is linked to the headline.
The "Doctor of Common Sense" was censored and scilenced for pointing out the constroversy about which of the Obama's was bigger but one of their own isn't censored.
Censorship and silencing a free press is democrat no matter what label you proclaim you are Madam precinct chair. BLM is the manifestation of satan's admission he is all about stealing, killing and destroying and they do the handiwork of and bail out these these perverts. Knowing one of them is just a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the US is eye opening you would think.
Just like anyone else in thw world, we are wondering if we will be here for the November elections. If so, we have an opportunity to sweep this mess out the door. The USA is, as a nation, putting God in a position to either destroy us or apologize to sodom and gommorah. Voting IS Spiritual Warfare and yes it is that simple.
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has intentionally created racial strife and division in our nation that threatens the sanctity and security of the United States,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has emboldened the New Black Panther Party and refused to prosecute their blatant crimes,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has given aid, support, weapons, supplies, food and classified intelligence to our enemies,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has alienated our staunchest allies and declared our country to no longer be a Christian nation;
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has purged our military of the patriotic heroes and replaced them with puppets willing to fire on American citizens;
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has trampled on the Constitution, violated the laws of the land and stolen the rights of a free people,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has placed muslim jihadists at the highest levels of his administration and intends to bring 100,000 of his ISIS army into our nation in the guise of them being refugees,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has ceded US Soveregeity to the UN in the guise of policing our large metropolitan areas,
WHEREAS; Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has proclaimed patriots, Christians, veterans and our very founding principles to be enemies of this nation,
We The People, The Court of Public Opinion, hereby issue this Arrest Warrant for Barrack Hussein Obama, to be brought to justice for his crimes. This document authorizes any citizen and patriot to execute a citizen’s arrest and bring him to answer the charges.
General W.E. Public
Court of Public Opinion
The terrorism ties of the UN are proven in the linked article HERE and provide plenty of proof to convict Merrick Garland of treason then hang his ass in the town sqauare.
The UN is the most anti America and anti Israel organization on the face of the earth. Using our tax money to fund them is equal to using tax money to fly in terror cell groups and plant them around the country. How stupid are we?
No matter who throws that infamous gang sign.
Watch your steps Mr. Trump. You are treading ifluential ground.
ALL UN funding needs to stop until they cut the fist off of this gun barrel and proclaim that the new 'Snub Nose' 38 represents law and order support in a nation of laws. The Fist represents and always has and always will repreent Marxism. You know the signs of Marxism creeping in Mr. Trump. Wanting to license journalists, take the guns "then give them their day in court," imprisoning political rivals. Now embracing The Fist as your symbol Mr. Trump? Not the brightest bulb in the box apparently. Why not stand out and stand alone with the number one finger pointing to heaven? We understand it reflects all Glory and Honor to God, not self. The problem with the fist besides its Marxist roots is that all the fingers point back to self.
Forcing this change to the knotted gun sculpture is every bit as important to our nation as recognizing Jerusalem as the captial of Israel is to them.The God given right of Keeping and bearing arms is the core of and protects our existance. Instead, we have for years allowed the UN, on mostly our dime, snub their nose at us and oppose Israel like a trained political attack dog. That crap just wont stand any longer. What will it be? Will we snub their nose?
Instead of being the U.N., we can look at the modified statue as a snub nose .38 and AND call and use the building for U.N.C.L.E. or the United Network Command of Law and Enforcement. Make sure the world has probable cause protections.
'Do you also find it odd... that the body of Matthew Crooks had not only been released and cremated, but the coroner who's responsible for releasing the body had no knowledge of it?' he asked.